4.6 Champions

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I catch up with Draco in the common room, studying. I plops down next to him on the black leather couches.

"Charms? Already?" I laugh a bit and he looks up at me.

"Well, not all of us can have the spell books memorized before coming to school and do wordless charms." He sasses back.

"Fine...fine." I roll my eyes. "Do you need help with anything?" I ask him.

"Um...Densaugeo?" He asks me.

"Well personally, I don't want you to make my teeth grow, so try to hit that first year over there." I tell him and point to the kid.

"Wow, you're becoming more like us?" Draco raises his eyebrow.

"Oh come on, we got hazed." I argue. "Wave the wand for me." I change the subject. He waves it slightly incorrectly. "There's your problem." I chuckle and he looks annoyed. "You need to be a little softer at first, and then an aggressive flick at the end." I coach him. He tries it again. "Perfect!" I smile and he casts the spell on the first year and his teeth begin to grow. We laugh with joy.

"You're a great teacher." Draco chuckles and faces me.

"Why thank you." I stand and fake curtesy. "Come on, we best be getting to dinner." I smile and he stands annoyed. His hair flops over, and I notice his hair is slightly longer than last year. He's also wearing nicer clothes, instead of robes, it's a black, dressier attire. "When did you change all these things?" I ask him.

"Over holiday, surprised you noticed now." He laughs. "Seeing as your so...perceptive." He mocks.

"Hey now your just being mean." I playfully hit his shoulder. "And I'd consider myself more astute than perceptive." I say as we walk towards dinner.

"Of course you would." Draco laughs a bit as we continue into the Great Hall. We make our way and sit down next to each other at the Slytherin table.

"Sit down please." Dumbledore rushes everyone coming in late behind us. "And now the moment
you've all been waiting for, the champions
selection!" He announces as we begin to eat out scrumptious dinner, but we all stop to hear the champions. Dumbledore approaches the blue flame of the goblet and it glows red. A name comes out on parchment. Everyone looks on anxiously. "The Durmstrang champion is ... Viktor Krum!" The Durmstrang crowd cheer. Viktor walks up and stares at Hermione. Another name comes out. "The champion from Beauxbatons...Fleur Delacour!" He shouts. The Beauxbatons girls cheer as Fleur walks up. Another name comes out. "The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory!" He finishes and I cheer very loudly for Cedric. Hogwarts pupils cheer as Cedric takes the stage. "Excellent! we now have our three champions! But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the tri-wizard cup!"

Dumbledore finishes as everyone stares in awe. People cheer, but the goblet glows red once more and another name flies out. Dumbledore takes it and reads... "Harry Potter. Harry Potter?" He mumbles.
"Harry Potter!" He then screams. I gasp and turn to see Harry stunned. "Go on Harry. Harry for goodness sake." Hermione stands Harry up. Harry slowly walks up. Dumbledore gives him the paper. Voices in the crowd shout out but Dumbledore quickly silences them. The crowd is perplexed, with many shouting how Harry was a cheat and not old enough. Dumbledore turns around to escort the champions out when another name flies out of the goblet. Professor Snape grabs this one, his eyes widen then he passes it to Dumbledore. Snape then turns to stare directly at me. "Y/n Opes!" He shouts and I stand uneasily. Draco questions me and I give him a shrug. Hermione and Ron also look confused on what is happening. I walk forward and try to remain calm, seeing as Harry made a fool of himself.

I stand in between Cedric and Harry. The hall quiere down one more as Cedric leans down and whispers to me.

"How'd you do it?" He asks, more confused than accusingly.

"I didn't." I whisper back and he leans away, even more puzzled than before. I turn to look at Harry.

"Y/n I swear I didn't-" He begins.

"Me neither." I respond and we both seem a bit nervous. Dumbledore takes us all away from the crowd and into a smaller, private room. We are in a room with the other champions.

"Harry, Y/n, Did you put your name in the
goblet of fire?" Dumbledore asks calmly.

"No sir." We respond.

"Did you ask one of the older students to do it for you?" He asks us.

"No sir." We respond again.

"You're absolutely sure?" He asks again.

"Yes sir." We respond.

"Well of course they are lying." Madam Maxine accuses.

"The hell they are. The goblet of fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object, only an exceptionally powerful conjurer could have hoodwinked it. Magic way beyond the talents of a fourth year." Mad-Eye helps us.

"Maybe regular fourth years, but she is different!" Igor points to me. "And You seem to have given this a fair bit of thought Mad-Eye." Igor growls.

"It was once my job to think as dark wizards do Karkaroff perhaps you remember?" Mad-Eye fires back. They begin to argue at a volume I can't hear.

"They are not even 17!" Krum mumbles. All the adults seem to agree with this statement and look at Harry and I with disdain.

"Perhaps you are just upset that Ms. Opes will surely best your contenders." Snape insinuates, causing me to smile a bit.

"That doesn't help Severus. Leave this to you Barty." Dumbledore takes control of the situation.

"The rules are absolute, the goblet of fire constitutes a binding magical contract. Mr. Potter and Ms. Opes have no choice, they are, as of tonight...tri-wizards champions." Barry Crouch Sr. explains to us as I full with nervousness. All of the adults file out besides Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and Moody. Harry begins to exit but I grab his hand and pull him back.

"Harry. You and I didn't do this, yet it happened." I tell him and he looks slightly confused.

"Professors." I announce and they turn to me. "If I may, despite most people's beliefs besides your own, Harry and I didn't not enter our name in the goblet. However, this move is disturbing to me." I begin and they listen carefully. "The dark mark a few weeks ago." I barely make out. "Now Harry and I are entered into a dangerous tournament. Professor Dumbledore, you must sense that this could be a trap." I plead with him and Harry gives my hand a squeeze.

"Good speech." He whispers and I blush a bit.

"I agree Ms. Opes, however there is no way you can get out of this. I suggest that you and Potter remain close allies during this time, the tournament will try to pin you against each other." He advises us. Harry and I nod and leave. As we walk down the hallway we finally remember we are holding hands, and let go. We are silent but my thoughts are buzzing. Harry and I would never turn against each other, we are always together, right?

"Well, good luck with the Slytherins." Harry wishes to me as he drops me off near my dorm.

"Thanks, I don't think they will be harsh on me. Good luck with Gryffindor, and Ron." I tell him and he looks confused.

"Ron?" He asks me.

"Well maybe Ron gets a bit jealous that you're Harry Potter, the best of the best all the time." I laugh at him and he just stares at me.

"All I heard was you think I'm the best." He jokes back. Man for once Harry is not unbearably awkward. I accept his flirtatious attempt.

"Goodnight Harry." I smile and then turn away, walking to my own dorm.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now