4.10 The First Task

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"Professor Snape?" I call walking into his office. I walk around looking at the potions brewing. "Profess-"

"Hello Ms...Opes." He responds. He walks and sits down at his desk.

"I was, I was wondering if I could have your help, on advise for the task?" I ask him and suddenly Professor Dumbledore walks out with Professor McGonagall. It seems as though they all had a meeting before, no Moody though.

"Ahh yes of course Y/n," Dumbledore begins. "How can I help you?" He asks me.

"Oh, well, sir, I thought it was illegal for a judge to help the contestants." I reply and McGonagall swiftly leaves the room. Snape stands.

"I presume...if no one knows, given these...special...circumstances?" Snape replies and this gives me hope. He approves. Dumbledore paces around Snape's study with the potions brewing behind him.

"Any particular questions you have?" Dumbledore asks me.

"Well, dragons, how can I defeat one. The other students know all of the spells..." I begin to explain.

"A good question indeed," Dumbledore begins, "you know many spells, don't you?" He asks back.

"Well yes, I've learned all of the fourth year ones, wordless." I explain to him. "I just didn't think spells could help on a dragon? Well, I understand most would be using the transfiguration, but that has never worked perfectly for me. I'm not in the league of transforming a rock into a cat or something, like they are. Do you know what Harry's doing?" I spit out at him all at once.

"Yes, the other students will most likely transfigure an object. Harry however, I'm not sure. Your magic, although not proven yet, has been said to penetrate dragon skin." Dumbledore says causing my mouth to drop. How come all of this information about my magic is kept from me until it is 'convenient' for me to know. Each year it gets worse.

"What else are you not telling me?!" I shout and then even Snape looks concerned. "I mean, I should just go out there and test this theory?!" I whisper.

"Yes...it is the right choice. Use your words, no one needs to know of your magic." Snape replies causing my head to turn on a dime.

"Severus is right, Y/n." Dumbledore confirms.

There are tents set up for the champions along the Quidditch Pitch, I pace back in forth inside. All of the champions are off on their own, being pretty silent. I look out of the tent; the crowds are cheering, people are taking bets. I'm trying to remain calm, in my own world, but the nerves are getting to me. I'm about to go out there and fight a dragon?! With only my wand and my supposed powers to help me. All of a sudden I hear a noise. I walk towards the edge of the tent to get closer. 'Psst' I hear someone say. I look down the tent and see Harry is doing the same thing.

"Y/n is that you?" I hear a voice call, it's Draco's voice.

"Yes." I whisper back. Suddenly the curtains are pulled and Draco comes in, hugging me. I quickly return to hug just to hear a snap of a camera. We both look to see Rita Skeeter remove the camera from her face.

"Young love! Ohh how.. stirring. If everything
goes unfortunately today you might make
the front page." Rita tells us, Draco and me, Harry and Hermione. Hermione and Harry? When did that-I mean did that happen?

"It's dragons. Are they insane?" Draco whispers into my ear as a side comment.

"I honestly am not surprised." I sigh back and we laugh. Hermione runs over to me and hugs me too.

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends." Viktor tells her and she gets annoyed.

"No matter. We've got what we wanted." Rita sasses. Rita leaves and Dumbledore enters.

"Good day champions. Gather round please. Now you've waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived. The moment only five of you can fully appreciate." Dumbledore begins his speech.
The champions gather around him in a circle. "What are you doing here Miss Granger? Mr. Malfoy?" He pauses confused.

"Oh um.. Sorry I'll just go." Hermione awkwardly says.

"Good luck." Draco nods to me as he heads out.

"Barty. The bag." Dumbledore beckons. Barty walks forward.

"Champions, in a circle around me. Miss Delacour over here, Mr Krum, and Opes, Potter over here. Right. Miss Delacour, if you will..." He looks to Fleur, telling her to put her hand in the bag. Barty holds up a bag. Fleur takes out a little green dragon.
"The welsh green. Mr Krum..." Barry continues. Viktor takes another out "The chinese fireball. Oooooh."  Cedric picks.  "The swedish short-snout." Then I pick. A small silver dragon lands in my hand, snarling. "A nasty one, the Ukranian Ironbelly. Which leaves..."

"The horntail..." Harry mutters.

"What's that boy?" Barty asks

"Nothing." Harry replies,  putting his hand in the bag and pulls out the dragon.

"The hungarian horntail. These represent very real dragons, each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple, collect the
egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?" Barty explains as we all gulp. Get the egg. Get out. I repeat in my head.

"Very well. Good luck champions. Mr Diggory the sound of the cannon..." Dumbledore states, the cannon fires immediately.

"Good luck Cedric." I say to him and he smiles back. When he turns to walk out, his face transforms into the fear of the unknown. Cedric quickly wins and the champions move down the line.

"You ready Harry?" I ask him.

"No, you?" He replies.

"Definitely not." I sigh. We aren't talking about our game plans because one could 'steal' our ideas. We stare at the ground in silence. "So you and Hermione?" I ask him. His face turns red.

"Oh, no, Hermione just got scared, that's all." Harry explains weakly. "Draco?" He asks back. That's the first time he's said Draco, ever. I sigh even louder than before, I don't know how to respond.

"Uh maybe." Is all I can get out and Harry looks down.

"Next champion up is Y/n Opes." Dumbledore's voice booms through the speakers.

"Good luck Y/n." Harry gets up before I leave.

"You too Harry, see you on the other side." I smile and walk out to face my dragon.

When I exit the tent, the terrain is rocky. I look around to see people cheering, rooting for me? My eyes land on Draco as he claps and yells for me. I then find Hermione and Ron. Ron looks upset, but Hermione gives me an encouraging clap and I can tell she's rooting for me. I then see the golden egg, unprotected. This is weird. I slowly make my way to the egg, trying to find the dragon. All of a sudden, the dragon pops out of nowhere and blasts fire at me. I quickly jump and get safe behind a rock. My breathing quickens as I try to think of a spell. I quickly dash out and shoot a spell at the dragon, nothing happens. My mind begins to panic. What if they were wrong, what if no spell works, I'm screwed. I run around the arena again, making my way closer to the egg as the dragon chases.

Time. It's all about the fastest time. My mind rushes back and forth. Would stupefy work? Would reducto work? Would my patronus protect me? Then my brain settles on something simple. I walk out from behind the rock and look at the dragon. It positions itself to burn me to a crisp. I point my wand, and with all my strength yell "PETRIFICUS TOTALUS" My spell shoots towards the dragon as I run to the egg. I turn after I hear many gasps from the crowd. The dragon is not moving, my spell worked!! I run and grab the egg, then I start shouting happily.

"Well she's done it, the fastest time yet goes to Y/n Opes!" Dumbledore shouts and the crowd erupts with applause. I am quickly hurried away into another tent, this time I'm alone. A holding tent after the task. I sit down and control my breathing. My focus shifts from myself to someone else.

"Harry, please stay safe." I mutter aloud as I close my eyes, waiting for him to finish the task.

~chapter out in honor of @pixierosepetal3 birthday!!~

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