2.5 First Match

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It was now or never. The first Quidditch match of the year. I put on my uniform and robe and stood next to Draco as Flint gave us a speech.

"Okay, we need to take down Gryffindor anyway we can. We cannot let Wood and Potter take the win." He begins and we all nod. "These," He references the brooms. "will help us out but the job is still on us. Everyone get ready. Let's go." We pile out of the locker room and head out to the pitch. I don't even pay attention to Hooch, as I am too busy looking around at the stands. It's amazing being down here. I look to Draco as everyone mounts their brooms. A whistle blows and we get started. I fly into the air as the balls are released. Flint, the other chaser, and I quickly get the quaffle, throwing it around and quickly putting it through a hoop. After a lot of back and forth I look to the stands and see my father and Lucius, I wave to them and they wave back. I fly down and steal the quaffle by knocking into Angelina. I narrowly avoid a bludger Fred, and stick my tongue out at him in playful competition. We zoom around as I fake a shot, passing it to Flint as he throws it and we score. I score a few more shots and I see Hermione and even Ron give me a thumbs up. I see Draco and Harry shouting at each other and decide to ignore it. Slytherin is up 60-0. Maybe if we have time for 100 more points.

I look over and see a bludger start to go rogue, moving without being hit. I get confused but turn back to the game. I look down and see Harry get hit in the arm by the blunger, I stop in midair, watching him. Draco and Harry are flying side by side, fighting for the snitch until Draco's broom hits something and he hits slams ground. Then Harry catches the snitch but is hit off his broom. His arm is clearly broken as he rolls across the ground. Although I'm sad we lost, I immediately fly down to Harry and Draco. The bludger is still going after Harry until Hermione shouts

"Finite incantatem!" The ball explodes as we run next to Harry. Draco slowly gets up and tries to usher me over to the Slytherins. I sadly follow him over to Flint.

"We did good, especially you Y/n. The chasers did their job and Draco if you can't catch the snitch, get out, learn to catch it, or stall." He screams and storms off. Instead of following everyone to the locker room, I run back to Harry. His arm is flopping like jello.

"No bones!" I hear Harry shout as Hermione, Ron, and I follow him to the hospital wing. I see Draco on a bed as well.

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy, stop making such a fuss, you can go." He gets up, snarls at Harry and leaves. "Out of my way. Out of my way! Should've been brought straight to me. I can mend bones in a heartbeat- but growing them back..." She rambles.

"You will be able to, won't you?" Hermione asks.

"Oh, I'll be able to, certainly. But it'll be painful. You're in for a rough night, Potter. Regrowing bones is a nasty business." We all look repulsed as Harry drinks Skele-Grow.

"Ugh!" Harry looks like he could puke.

"Well, what do you expect? Pumpkin juice?" She jokes. "You three need to leave, this won't be fun to watch." She tells us and ushers us out.

"Good job today Harry!" I yell as we exit.

"Great job Y/n!" Hermione shouts.

"Yeah, you're actually good." Ron says looking down.

"Are you surprised Ronald?" I jokingly ask him.

-Later that night-

"Good job today Y/n." Draco tells me as we do our homework.

"Thanks, you too!" I cheer.

"I wish my dad thought so." He sulks.

"Draco I'm sure he does." It gets quiet as his goons finally show up. They really can never leave him alone for more than a few minutes. Draco's relaxed posture immediately corrects itself.

"Potter cheated today, he hit my broom to make me flip off." He says to Crabbe and Goyle as I roll my eyes.

"You're right Malfoy, you're way better than him." They both nod. "You did well today Y/n." Crabbe adds and I roll my eyes again.

"Thanks. Draco do you still need help with the Transfiguration homework?" I ask him.

"Yeah, actually. Can you help me with Reparifarge?" He asks.

"Of course." I say as he calls his Eagle owl.

"Vera Verto." He says as the owl turns into a silver goblet. "You show me first." He states. I almost just tap the owl, but I remember that I can't show off my magic to people, only the trio, Dumbledore, and my parents know.

"Reparifarge." I tap the goblet and it turns back into his owl. "If you can't get it, I bet it is just concentration. Really focus on the owl." I tell him turning the owl back into a goblet.

"Woah you made it a goblet without speaking!" He shouts as Crabbe and Goyle turn around.

"Uhh no I didn't." I immediately say. "You must have not heard me. Try it again Draco." I beg and he finally manages to turn his owl back to normal. He smiles at me, but it quickly fades when he remembers his friends are there. "Well, since I helped you, you have to help me with astronomy. I'm awful at that subject. I can't remember where the stars are." I say as he pulls out our homework.

"I'll help you." Crabbe starts as Pansy walks in the room.

"Oh um-" I begin.

"I'll do it Crabbe." Draco shoves him and sits next to me, trying to help me. Pansy moves the two boys off the couch and sits next to Draco. She starts to pet his hair which is genuinely freaking me out.

"So this star is...well me. Draco. It's shaped kind of like a dragon or a snake-" He points to one on a map.

"Ha so that's why you're named Draco?" I ask him.

"Well yes, the tradition of star/greek names runs in my family." He goes off on a tangent explaining so many family members and I honestly got a bit bored of his boasting.

"I'm supposed to be learning remember." I roll my eyes.

"Oh yes, well-" He almost gets back on track but Pansy interrupts.

"Draco stop with the homework let's all relax." She pleads.

"Yeah bookworms let's just hang out like normal 13 year olds." Crabbe and Goyle ask.

"I'm sorry but I really do need to finish my schoolwork." I try to leave.

"No you don't you and Granger are tied for first in the year, you know everything." Pansy says. It's sad that she considers us friends, I just try to be nice. "Oh I get it, we aren't a part of your 'Golden Quartet' with the precious Gryffindors." She mocks as Draco pipes in.

"Honestly Y/n, what do you see in those misfits." He jokes as everyone laughs. I roll my eyes, stand up immediately and excuse myself to go shower. I make my way to the bathrooms and hop in the shower. I start to wash my hair when I hear that voice again.

"Kill. Kill... Time to kill!" It shouts as I put my hands over my ears and start screaming. I stay in the shower, letting the water run until I feel safe to get out. Everyone in my room is asleep so I quickly jump into bed, knowing I need to talk to Harry tomorrow.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now