1.7 Flying Lessons

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~Y/n POV~

The next morning during breakfast, everyones owls began to bring them letters. Draco and mine's eagle owls land at the same time bringing us treats. I trade him a Carmel Cobweb for one of his Chocolate Wands. This has sort of become a tradition of ours to trade the gifts our parents bring us. Our eagle owls sit next to each other, messing around while I make my way over to the Gryffindor table.

"Caramel Cobwebs anyone?" I ask the lot.

"No thanks." Says Hermione while Ron gleefully takes a handful.

"Hey,  Y/n, why do you trade candy with Malfoy?" Harry says, voice full of disdain.

"Oh, you notice that? Well our parents send us candy and we always trade up. Sometimes I think Aunt Cissy and Mom plan it out." I casually add while eating a cobweb.

"Aunt Cissy? Who's that?" Ron asks with his mouth full.

"Oh it's Draco's mom. That is what Mel, my sister, has been calling her in all the letters. My mother is best friends with Draco's mom." I reply. Harry opens his mouth to respond but stops as something is dropped in front of Neville.

"My Gran got me a remembrall. She knows I forget things a lot. It turns red when you forget something." The smoke in the ball turns red and Neville's face flushes. Draco walks over and grabs it from Neville's hands and Ron and Harry immediately stand up. McGonagall walks over.

"What's going on?" She asks sternly.

"Malfoy's got my Remembrall professor." Draco scowls and puts it down.

"Just looking." He states and walks away. Crabbe and Goyle following him. I stand up and grab my books.

"I'll see you guys at flying lessons." I say as I catch up with Draco.

"Draco you could be a bit nicer." I say to him.

"Come on Opes, their your friends, not mine." Crabbe and Goyle laugh behind him.

"You can still be nice." I plead. We walk out and spend the day in the common room.

"Come on Draco we need to finish this homework." I say to him.

"We can't both be the smartest in Slytherin and procrastinate." I laugh back. "We have to impress our families too." We quickly finish our work.

"You're so good at potions. Even might be better than me. No wonder we are Snape's favorites." He jokes.

"You must forget that my mother is the best potioneer in the world. Maybe it's half talent, and half of me being surrounded by her work all the time. Come on, we have flying lessons soon. Although I doubt we need it." We head off to the lessons and get there a bit early. The Gryffindors arrive right on time. We all stand next to a broom.

"Raise your hand over the broom." Madam Hooch says. "And say up!"

"Up!" We all chant. The broom quickly comes up to my hand, I look around. Harry and Draco were the only people who got theirs up.

"Now when I say start, kick off the ground hard and hover a few feet above the air." She says. Before anyone can do anything, Neville flies into the air.

"Woahhh" He says as Madam Hooch is screaming at him to get down. Neville slid down the back of the broom and fell. A loud crack errupts.

"A broken wrist." Hooch says. "Come on now, up you get. Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say 'Quidditch'." She walks Neville inside and Draco begins to speak.

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