1.6 Potions

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~Y/n POV~

The next day I get up, change into my Slytherin robes, and head off to class. I carry around my books for the day and head off to McGonagall's classroom. I lost the other first years on my way there. Peeves the poltergeist distracted me with "Ickle first years such fun!" And trying to cause shenanigans. I make it into the classroom with time to spare. There is a cat on the front desk, maybe McGonagall's an animagus. I see an open seat next to Hermione and I sit down.

"Hi Hermione!" I say, setting my books down.

"Hi Y/n! I'm so glad you're in this class. Let's see what other ones we have together." We compare schedules and find out we have potions, flying, charms, and transfiguration together. Class should be starting soon so everyone quiets down. Suddenly Ron and Harry run inside, late.

"Whew! We made it, could you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late on the first day!" Ron says. Then the cat transforms into her. Everyone is amazed.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron yells.

"Well, thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter or yourself into a pocket watch? That way, one of you might be on time."

"We got lost." Harry sulks.

"Then you need a map, but you won't need one to find your seat." They walk over and sit by us.

"Nice going boys." I laugh.

"Easy for you to say snake." Ron replies. I do a double take at the boy. "I'm just joking Y/n." He smiles back.

"Transfiguration is the most complex, dangerous, and valuable skill you will learn at Hogwarts. Do it right and you can save your life. Do it wrong, and you might end up with a toad's head and a monkey tail." We begin to learn as the time passes, reading our text books, taking weird notes. We then tried to turn a match into a pin. By the end of class only Hermione and I managed to do so. McGonagall showed off our pins to the class and smiled at us. We then had charms with Professor Flitwick, he had to stand on books to teach us. As the week went on I went from class to class, trying to learn as much as possible. Friday came, I was sitting in the Great Hall, eating with Draco, not really talking when I say Harry and Ron come in.

"I'll be back later guys." I say, standing up and heading over to the Gryffindor table.

"Hey boys." I smile towards them.

"Hey Y/n." They sadden.

"What's wrong?" I ask them.

"We have double potions with Snape and the Slytherins."

"Well that just means more time with me!" I say, sitting next to Hermione.

"It's not you." Ron states. "It's Snape, the head of Slytherin House, apparently he favors them. We will see if it's true."

"Well I like Snape, he seems pretty nice, and he used to be friends with my father." I say proudly.

"That's because you're a Slytherin." Harry replies. Suddenly owls come through the windows, dropping our mail off in front of us. I got a letter from my parents and opened it up.

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