5.01 The Order of the Phoenix

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"I'm telling you Sirius, we can stay at my house, use that as the headquarters. It's well protected, no one can get inside. You'd have space to relax, acres of yard to run around in." I beg him for the fifth time this summer.

"As much as I'd love that, Y/n, Dumbledore insists the headquarters be here." He puts his hands on my shoulders and pulls me in for a hug. "Once you learn how to apparate, you can go there whenever."

"Okay." I sigh. "I just want you to be happy." I look up at Sirius.

"I have you and Harry as godchildren, I couldn't be happier." He smiles at me. I weakly smile back.

This summer has been wonderful with Sirius. We spend most days playing games, teaching me spells, and letting me practice my wandless magic on him. Avoy, my house elf, visits often, bringing me things from home. Harry has sent me many letters, along with Ron and Hermione. Sadly, Harry's are the ones I can't respond to, but I want to the most. The Order has been interesting. We have meetings at Grimuald place every week. I see Professor Lupin and Professor Snape, which is nice. I have also met many people including Kingsley, Tonks, Charlie Weasley, and more. I've learned loads about myself, Voldemort, and Harry. They don't let me into all meetings though, they'll send me out when the time comes for them to discus certain things.

Apparently I can apparate wherever I want, including Hogwarts. I haven't learned how to do that yet, and they won't allow me too until my 6th year. I wish they'd let me, it would be something to take my attention away from my worsening situation. My parent's death and sisters departure doesn't make me cry immediately anymore, but that doesn't mean the hole in my heart has filled. Sirius tries as best as he can, and Remus visits often to help us all grieve. Draco and I haven't spoken at all, I guess it's for the better, I'm not really sure. I can't handle the thought of him because it leads to the thought of his father. The summer drags on until the Weasley's and Hermione show up.

"Sirius, please let me write to Harry. I won't expose anything." I beg as he takes away my letter. He reads it softly to himself.

"Fine." He hands it back to me. "This is your one and only letter, so make it worth it."

"Thank you." I huff and continue writing. Once I've finished telling Harry how dull my summer has been, lying, I ask how his has been. I respond to some of the things he's mentioned in his many letters. I proofread it once more before I give it to Sirius.

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry I haven't been writing back, it's not that I don't want to...I'm just busy. Seems like the Dursley's is awful as always and I am truly sorry for that. I hope the rest of your holiday has been a bit better. On another note, no, things have not been better for me. I miss my parents dearly. I've been lucky to stay with Sirius, and we really hoped you could be with us. I wish I could say more, but I have to go. Goodbye Harry. I miss you, way more than you miss me. See you soon.


I hand the note to Sirius and let him read it. He chuckles a bit to himself.

"What? Can I not send it?" I sass.

"No, no, you may." He laughs. "Avoy!" He calls and my former house elf appears in front of us. "Please put Harry Potter's address on a letter, put this note inside and give it to her owl Fassy." Sirius says.

"Yes, Mr. Black." Avoy bows and goes to do it.

"I like him much better than Kreacher." Sirius mutters to me.

"That's because my parents treated him well." I chuckle as we enter a silence.

"Seriously Sirius—" I get interrupted

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