5.05 Dumbridge

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"Padfoot. Are you barking mad? You'll blow the entire operation." Mad-Eye harshly whispers as the dog follows us into Kings Cross. Sirius continues to trot along happily next to the large clan we have.

"Padfoot, come." I say. Padfoot comes over panting. I gently pet his fur as my suitcases follow behind me.

Suddenly, Padfoot jogs into an empty waiting room, and turns back into Sirius. Harry and I quickly follow into the room as well.

"Sirius, what are you doing here? If somebody sees you..." Harry asks.

"I had to see you off, didn't I? What's life without a little risk?" Sirius winks at us.

"Maybe a little better when people think you're a wanted mass murderer!" I scold him.

"I don't wanna see you get chucked back in Azkaban." Harry agrees with me.

"Don't worry about me." Sirius pats both of our shoulders. He takes Harry slightly away from me, and takes out something. It looks like a photo. "Anyway, I wanted you to have this. Original Order of the Phoenix. Marlene McKinnon. She was killed two weeks after this was taken. Voldemort wiped out her entire family. Frank and Alice Longbottom. Neville's parents. They suffered a fate worse than death, you ask me. It's been 14 years. And still a day doesn't go by I don't miss your dad." Sirius points to the members. "Your parents were there too, Y/n."

"Do you really think there's going to be a war, Sirius?" Harry asks him.

"It feels like it did before. You keep the picture. Anyway, I suppose you're the young ones now." Sirius sighs.

"We aren't any less ready than you are." I tell him.

"My brave goddaughter." Sirius begins to walk over to me. "How I admire you."

"I admire you." I look up at him. Sirius pulls me into a hug.

"Don't you dare think I'd let you leave without a gift." Sirius releases the hug and points at me. Harry gives us some space.

"I'm not expecting anything Sirius." I tell him.

"Here, take this." He gives me a handheld mirror.

"What, am I not pretty enough?" I joke.

"Of course you are my dear. This is a two way mirror.
I've got the other one of the pair. If you need to speak to me just say my name into it; I'll be able to talk in yours. Canis and I used to use it to communicate between common rooms." Sirius explains to me.

I take the mirror in my hand, and bring it close to my chest. "Thank you." I tell him. He knows it's not just about the gift, but about the fact that my father once owned this item. "I really do appreciate it, Sirius." I say as we walk back to Harry.

"I will miss you both, very dearly." Sirius hugs us.

"Don't worry, holiday is coming soon enough." I reply, squeezing a little tighter.

Harry and I release Sirius and walk out of the station. We see Mad-Eye looking disdainfully at Padfoot.

"You best be going." Remus walks over and hugs me.

"Thank you, Moony." I say to him. "For being there for Padfoot and me this summer. We couldn't have made it without you..." I say and he chuckles.

"Good thing I have you two and Harry to support me." He smiles back.

"I'm serious Remus. I couldn't have made it through that night without you." I tell him, recalling the night my parents died.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now