5.06 Blaise to the Rescue

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Harry and I leave the rest of the group and start walking towards the dungeons.

"So..." He starts, and doesn't finish.

"So..." I copy him. Things have been loads better, but still a bit awkward, clearly. "This Umbridge woman, if she was at your hearing, and against you...seems like we have a tough year ahead of us."

"Yeah. I can't imagine what we are going to learn in DADA. Probably nothing actually." He jokes, causing me to laugh.

"Well, if nothing, at least we will learn how to completely disdain someone." I chuckle.

"I think I've got that down already." Harry's eyes shift, and I see them settle on platinum blonde hair far ahead of us. Harry turns back to me and notices my smile is gone. "Sorry N/n."

(Honestly can't remember if they have a N/n for her so we are going with they do)

"It's alright. I'll have to learn how to deal, I always do." I sigh.

"You shouldn't have to." Harry replies rather quickly.

"You shouldn't either." I stop and turn to him.

"It's our burden to carry. We can't help it." Harry faces me.

"Well, we shouldn't worry. We can't change the past, and we can't prevent the future from passing. We have no idea what is to come." I put my hand on his shoulder. We both pause for a second at this action. I quickly remove my hand. "Sorry." I look away.

"Don't be." Harry surprisingly says. Neither of us speak for about a minute, and we begin walking until Harry starts laughing.

"What?" I inquire.

"Nothing." He stifles another laugh.

"What?" I ask to no avail. "Harry James Potter tell me what's so funny?"

"It's just—" he laughs, "we are out here fighting for our lives. Voldemort is back and wanting something from us both. Yet we are stuck in school...school!" He laughs.

"You're right, that is funny." I grin. "I have to add though, that I am definitely more concerned about the OWLS than Voldemort."

"Me too." Harry smiles.

"I'm sure we both just offended him so much." We start laughing. "But this isn't a funny thing." I try to add.

"It's plain ridiculous." Harry weakly chuckles.

"Well, at least that's one way for us to cope." I sigh.

We've finally made our way to the end, my common room door.

"Well, this is it." I shrug.

"I suppose it is. Goodnight, Y/n." Harry nods.

"Goodnight, Harry." I smile back. "Thank you."

"Always." And with that, he leaves.

I turn around, giving him a reluctant wave goodbye. He strolls away, making his way back to his own dormitory.

I walk into the common room to see a whole lot of people stare at me. Everyone grows quiet. I try to walk quickly to my bed to go to sleep. As I'm almost to the stairs, someone grabs my arm. I yank my head around only to be met with the cool grey eyes I once called home.

"Draco." I softly say.

"Y/n..." He flashes me a weak smile, quickly replaced by a somber look, "I'm sorry." His hand drags itself down my arm to my hand. My mouth goes agape when he uses his other hand to cup mine. "I'm sorry for everything, I truly am." He gulps. My eyes gaze back and forth at his. I have no words. I don't know what I feel. It's Draco, my first boyfriend. When I look at him, like this, my whole heart wants to forgive him.

"Draco..." is all my mouth can say. I'm speechless, frozen in fear. Afraid that I could forgive him. Afraid that I will forgive him. Forgive him for doing nothing but be related to his father.

Blaise appears to be coming towards us. We can both see him in our peripheral vision. Draco's somber look suddenly transforms into his usual scowl.

Then, in moments like this, I have a second to think. My head talks to me, and I know I can't forgive Draco. Because the longer I see him with that signature face, the more I see his father.

His father. The murderer. The undoing of my parents.

"Please." He whispers before Blaise shows up. "Just talk to me. One conversation." He pleads.

"Draco, I've got to get to bed." I slip my hand out of his. I give him one final glance before my attention is pulled away by Blaise.

"Care to have me escort you?" Blaise asks me.

"Yes please." I let out as he grabs my suitcases.

Once we make it up to the bedroom, Blaise rushes all the other girls out and sets my luggage on my bed.

"Thank you." I whisper, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Of course." He responds, sitting next to me. "My friend, my dear friend," He begins, "I will try to be here for you as best that I can. I can't imagine what you're going through. I don't need to hear about it unless you want to talk. Draco lost you, the slytherins lost you, but me? I can't lose you." Blaise tells me.

A subtle tear roll down my cheek, "Of course Blaise. Thank you for still being here."

"Now, I am not going to force my opinion on you...but Draco is hurt. It came out of nowhere. I'm sure you're hurting too, for a multitude of reasons; but at the end of the day, he's not a bad person."

"It's complicated. I can't—we can't." I turn away, more solemn sadness becomes me. "I can't think about any of that right now."

"Well, I don't want you to feel like you're alone in all of this. So whenever you're ready, or if you never are, I'll be here." Blaise pats my knee, then gets up and walks out. I hear his footsteps go down all the stairs. He is met by all the women and Draco.

"What's going on up there, Blaise?" Nicole Taishe's, another fifth year, voice chimes.

"Nothing that you're implying, Taishe." Blaise argues back.

"Oh come on, I heard you talk about her all summer. Do you forget that our parents forced us to court?"

"Of course not." Blaise's voice remains calm but i can hear a grit in his voice.

"I'm sorry? Discussing my girl, Blaise?" Draco's voice interjects.

"Sod off Malfoy, she's just a friend." I can practically see the eye roll from Blaise's tone.

"Better be." Draco grits.

"I guess we will have to wait and see..." Taishe giggles.

I can begin to hear the girls come to their dormitories. I quickly throw my suitcases on the floor, turn off my lights, and pretend to sleep.

Between Umbridge, Harry, Voldemort, and the slytherins, this will be an interesting year.

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