3.1 Growing Up

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Once again the summer in America was exactly what I needed. My magic has gotten better, I've learned more spells and have made most OWL level potions. I'm hoping next year will be a breeze. I got a few letters from Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

Dear Y/n,

I'm on holiday in France, and I really hope you're enjoying America again. I am not sure how I will get this letter to you, but luckily Fassy and Hedwig sometimes stop by, I guess they know you two need mail. Have you spoken to Harry? I hope he has a nice 13th birthday. Ron won a trip to Egypt if you didn't hear. I'm jealous that he gets to look at the ancient runes. Ron doesn't want to leave, but he's going to be in London for the last week. Can you make it? I hope Harry will be there too and we can all meet. If not I'll see you on the train September 1st.

Love from Hermione

I mailed to my parents and they said I could return two weeks early. One week to spend with them, and another to spend with the everyone in the city. Then next came Ron's letter.

Dear Y/n,

My father won a 700 galleon prize! Can you believe it? We are going to Egypt and I get a new wand. This is the best holiday ever, although I'm sure 700 galleons is like a sickle to your family. We will be back before term starts in London to get my new wand. Is there any chance you could meet us there?


Ron's letter was exactly how you'd expect. Straight, to the point. At least he wants me to come to London, and he will soon find out that I am. Last but certainly not least Harry returned my birthday letter.

Dear Y/n,

Thank you for the birthday gift, it means a lot. And the exploding package sure gave the muggles a scare! I can't wait to see you when term begins. Let me know if you can go to London, I'm trying my best. Remember that we need you more than America does.

Fondly, Harry

The summer was amazing, I learned loads, but still have a lot to improve upon, the spells aren't easy. Also I forgot all about ~Draco~ so that small crush seems to have faded. I wonder how his summer was.

-Time Skip-

"Mom, today is the day I go to meet my friends!" I shout as Mel rolls her eyes at me. "Oh come on you're just jealous that my friends want me to meet them." I joke.

"No, but at least you going gives me alone time when we go shopping with Draco..." She jokes as I gag. Little Mel could actually like anyone but Draco, or as she calls him now 'cousin'. "You missed a lot this summer N/n, the Malfoy's came over a lot, and Draco always seemed bummed that you weren't around." She explains.

"Oh come on girls, we have to send Y/n off soon enough." My mom says pushing me to pack my bags. My dad is still gone, I haven't seen him since I left for summer. My mom says he has some business he needs to attend too. She said his Auror task is looking for Sirius Black. He's been busy and away all the time to try and find the escaped murderer. Mom tells me not to worry, but I see that she does. Sirius Black is linked to Voldemort, the man who is trying to use me for my powers. I pack my bags quickly as we step into the fireplace.

"Leaky Cauldron!" We all shout, being transported. We arrive to see the Weasleys. I hug my mom and continue on with Ron and Hermione. I hug them.

"Dad says Harry's been staying here the last week, but they say he's gone now. Let's go to Flourish and Botts to get books?" Ron asks us and we nod. We make our way and we get all the third year books. We run around and Ron goes to get his new wand. We check each store for Harry then finally run into him.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now