2.13 Family

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McGonagall says the password to Dumbledore's office. "Potter, Weasley, you two can tell the story. I'm sure Ms. Opes would like to see her parents." She commands. I smile and follow her to another office and see my family waiting for me. They rush up and hug me quickly.

"Y/n you're alright!" My mom shouts as she can't stop smiling. My dad looks down to me happy as well.

"We are so glad you're okay. We were very scared when you were taken down there." He says hugging me again. My sister looks up to me with tears in her eyes.

"Y/n I haven't seen you in so long! I'm so happy mom and dad let me come back to Hogwarts!" I laugh at her statement. McGonagall takes Mel and escorts her to her common room while I stay with my parents.

"Mom, while I was in The Chamber, I was told my magic fought off the petrification." I state in a half question.

"Well, that is true, the magic coursing through your veins is very powerful, and it will fight off most curses." She states as my dad cuts in.

"But we weren't sure if it would work on this, so your mother jumped at the idea to help the school with a potion. She clearly didn't think the potions teacher here was qualified." He chuckles as Snape walks up. My dad pats his shoulder and Snape's usual cold demeanor warms up a bit.

"Well...you see she is in very good hands here." Snape says.

"Indeed Severus. You might need to keep a closer eye though, she seems to get into trouble." My mom jokes. As I look offended.

"It's not my faauult." I stretch out the words.

"I apologize...but this family meeting must...end. Y/n has many things awaiting her...a nights sleep is one of them." Snape says, letting me hug my family one last time before sending me to my dormitory. I walk up and snuggle into my covers, falling asleep as soon as my eyelids shut.

The next morning is full of me waking up early to tell Snape the electives I want to add. I decide to add Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy. The good news is I can take all of these without needing a time turner. Muggle studies would have put me over the edge. After that, I take a nap and end up sleeping until dinner, I guess being petrified makes you exhausted. I begin my walk towards the Great Hall when someone stops me.

"Y/n?" The voice calls. I turn around and it's Draco. I forgot that I haven't seen anyone since I got out. We walk towards each other. "You're back! You're alive!" He states happily. We both are about to hug when he changes it to a handshake. "Good to see you." I shake his hand back with a little confusion, but I notice he's wearing the ring. And I have to admit it's putting butterflies in my stomach.

{aww Draco being  a little awk because he's getting older and isn't sure how to address his feelings.}

"You too." I reply smiling. "You going to dinner?" I ask him. "I'm going, we could eat together?" I ask way to quickly.

"I-I just ate, sorry." He replies. "I'll see you later though." He gives me a small smile that I return. We part ways and my stomach sinks a little. All is changed when I enter the Great Hall. I look up at Ron and Harry. They see me and I walk over to greet them.

"Hello boys." I say plopping down next to them. Harry hugs me. "Geez I was only petrified." I joke and he laughs, but turns red. Neville turns to us in shock.

"Harry- it's Hermione!" He shouts as we turn to see Hermione. We all stand up with smiles on our faces. Harry and I run over to meet her with hugs. Ron awkwardly shakes her hand.

"Uhh-um... Welcome back, Hermione." He looks at his shoes. Funny, Draco did the same thing.

"It's good to be back! Congratulations! I can't believe you two solved it, and Y/n, what you did was amazing!" She tells me.

"Well, we had loads of help from you." Harry adds.

"We couldn't have done it without you." I say.

"Thanks." She smiles.

"Could I have your attention, please?" McGonagall calls as we all sit down.

" Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been Petrified. Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled." Dumbledore announces as all the students cheer.

"Oh, no!" Hermione yells, all of us roll our eyes at her. We gobble up the feast and finish the rest of the school year, and end up getting home early from The Chamber being opened. On the train ride back I decide to split the ride. I start with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. I pull Hermione to the side.

"Hey Mione, can I talk to you about something?" I ask her.

"Yes of course." She smiles back.

"So what does it mean when I'm around someone, and I get all nervous, and I care about how I'm presented, and when they touch me I get butterflies?" I ask her.

"Well, Y/n I'd assume that means you have a crush on them. Good thing we turn 14 next year, because that means it can't amount to that much yet. Sooooo who is it?" She nudges my shoulder and asks.

"It doesn't matter, it will probably go away over the holiday. I'll stop thinking about him." I say about to stand up but she pulls me down.

"Harry?" She asks a little hopeful. I am in shock.

"Harry? No definitely not, Harry is my best friend." I tell her standing up.

"I'll write to you guys, promise you'll right back. I'm going to go sit with the Slytherins." I reply as they look down sad. Hermione shouts as I leave.

"We'll right, I promise!" I chuckle as I make my way over to Draco's compartment. I open the door slowly as everyone looks up and sneers, but then sees me and they look relaxed.

"Can I join you?" I ask them.

"Of course Y/n." Draco says ushering me to sit down next to him. I don't follow his orders and I sit down next to Crabbe. Crabbe blushes and Draco looks slightly hurt. We have conversation about classes for next year and summer plans, it is a peaceful time for once with the Slytherins. I even met a new guy, Blaise. He seems very nice and easy to get along with, I have a feeling we will be friends. The rest of the ride is surprisingly fun. I look at Draco and realize this crush for the slick haired git probably will go away over summer. I'll be in America after all.

~Draco's POV~

I can't believe Y/n didn't sit next to me, she normally does. Maybe I scared her away with my handshake. Ugh, yes I may like the girl but that is no reason to drive her away. I mean look at her sitting there, smiling with her h/c locks hanging down. I'm not ready yet, I just have to get over this, at least the summer will help.

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