4.15 The Yule Ball Pt. 2

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We enter the grand ballroom, Draco leading me inside as they announce the champions. We immediately break into an elegant dance; Draco and I are clearly the best at it. His hand grips my waist as we dance delicately around the room. Blaise gives me a thumbs up when I catch his eye, and I wink back. More and more students join into the dance, and some professors as well. Suddenly, the music stops and we all proceed to stop dancing, confused. Then, the weird sisters come out, scooting Professor Flitwick out of his seat. Comotion breaks out as 'Do the Hippogriff' plays. I look to Draco with wide eyes.

"Well?" I raise my eyebrows, waiting for him to tell me what to do.

"We dance darling!" Draco yanks my hand forward and drags me to the front of the crowd. We then begin jumping and he holds my hands while we dance crazily. The night rolls by in a blur. Everything seems to be going perfectly, until I see Harry and Ron sulking in a corner. I slowly stop dancing, and Draco sees me look at them.

"Go." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"Go, they are your friends. As long as you come back to me." Draco smirks.

"Of course." I shove him. I make my way towards the upset pair, I grab Hermione on my way over.

"It's really hot in here, isn't it." Hermione breathes heavily, clearly tired from dancing so much. I laugh a bit, but the boys seems to just nod in response.

"Join us, won't you? We don't enjoy seeing you miserable over here." I lock eyes with Harry.

"No, we'd NOT care to join you and Viktor." Ron snaps at us, finally looking up.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" Hermione scoffs.

"He's a Durmstrang. You're fraternising with the enemy." Ron points at Hermione.

"The enemy?? Who was it wanting his autograph? Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international magical cooperation, to make friends." Hermione argues, I do understand her point, like always, but her need to be right can be frustrating. Viktor is technically my competitor, and he is close with a best friend of Harry and me, but I believe his intentions are pure.

"Hrmph, I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind." Ron rolls his eyes and Hermione and I gasp. Hermione then storms off.

"Really, Ron?" I ask annoyed. "Have you anything to say Harry?"

"Not like Draco's much better." Harry speaks up.

I stomp my foot loudly. "Draco was the one who told me to come talk to you lot! He's nicer than you think, but you'd never give him the time of day." I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. I turn my head slightly to see Draco, and I'm pretty angry. "Both of you! You're my friends, and you can't even try to get along."

"Love, let's take a breather." Draco looks me in the eye.

"Love?" Harry asks disgusted, standing to meet Draco. "There's no way Malfoy cares for you, he's a vile creature." Harry spits. Draco mumbles things as they get closer to each other.

"STOP IT!" I yell. "Stop blaming each other and start blaming yourself! Thank you both for ruining my night!" I run off to the bathroom. I can't keep doing this whole enemy thing between them. It's tedious, I like both of them, but they both never quit beating each other down. I tears start brewing in my eyes as I stare at myself in the mirror. I try to take deep breathes to quell the tears and my rage. I stare at myself, my makeup, my dress, I can't let them ruin this. I won't. I take a few more deep breathes to help myself calm down before I wipe any residue of water from my eyes. This is my night and it's not in for the taking. I slowly walk from the bathroom and back towards the entrance of the ball area. I start to make my way back in as I feel a hand on my arm. I turn to see Draco, hair a mess, distraught.

"I've been looking for you. You've been gone for 30 minutes." He says frantically.

"I—thank you." I say as his hand slides from my arm to my hand. My heart beats faster.

"We're not going back in there, I have to show you something." Draco tells me, I see this look in his eye, a true look that doesn't appear often. I am with the best version of Draco right now.

"Okay?" I ask as he leads me up the stairs. We see Snape catch some students in a carriage, so we hide from Snape and Igor. Draco then continues to take me up more stairs, headed for the top of the astronomy tower.

"Are we going to the astronomy tower?" I ask him.

"Don't ruin it Opes." Is all he says as he starts climbing faster. Once we reach the top, he walks to the edge. "This is what I wanted to show you." He holds his arms out in display.

"It's beautiful." I admire the scene before me. Hogwarts at night, the stillness of everything. The darkness is welcoming, not scary; the starlight that illuminates some of the scene makes it perfect. The night is so clear, and a nice chill bites at me. I sit down next to him, letting part of my feet dangle off the edge.

"I come here at night, to think." Draco begins to talk as I turn towards him. "It's peaceful, gives my mind space to sort things out." Draco keeps his eyes on the scene.

"I can see why you like it so much." I whisper, the quiet nature of the night makes me want to be quieter, so I don't disturb it.

"I like it, I like it a lot. There's one view more beautiful than this though." Draco turns to me.

"Oh please don't," I put my hands on my face in embarrassment for him.

"You." He says as we both start laughing.

"Cheesy." I shove his shoulder.

"I'm serious though. I like you Y/n." Our laughter dies. "You bring out the best in me, you always have. I like the feeling I get in my stomach when I'm around you, as scary as it is." Draco looks at me as my cheeks flush. His eyes indicate that he wants me to speak.

"I like you too." I smile at him, his eyes widen a bit. "I get nervous around you too, Draco. I've liked you for a while now."

"Really?" He asks then his innocence turns into a smirk.

"Of course you knew!" I roll my eyes then break into a giggle.

"I am Draco Malfoy." Draco smirks at me. "I want to kiss you." Draco tells me and I lean slightly away, stunned. "But before I do, I need something. I need you to be my girlfriend." Draco continues as my eyes widen more. "Will you be my girlfriend, Y/n Opes?"

"I—yes I will!" I smile at him.

"Good." Draco whispers as he leans towards me and gently kisses my lips. It's perfect, innocent, a perfect first kiss. We quickly break away, and stare at each other. "It's getting late," Draco smiles at me. He holds my hand and stands up. I stand next to him. "Goodnight, Y/n." Draco kisses my cheek before letting go of my hand.

"Are you not coming with me Draco?" I furrow my brows.

"I am, I just wanted to kiss you again." Draco blushes.

"Well if you wanted to kiss your girlfriend, just do it!" I laugh and then kiss his lips again. Draco's red cheeks return to normal when he clears his throat. "Yes, come on. Can't have that bad boy image of my boyfriend faltering. If anyone saw you blush you'd be screwed." I joke and he laughs. We quickly get back to our common room, and no teachers found us on the way down.

"I guess this is goodnight." I smile weakly at him.

"It is, get a good rest my champion." Draco says and I laugh.

"I guess this night ended faster than I thought." I sigh, playing with his hand as I hold it.

"Come on, we are dating and we had our first kiss. I'd call that successful." Draco shows a winning smile.

"Alright, you get some rest too." I smile at him. I turn around and walk towards the girls dorms. I take one last look to see Draco looking at me, he's on the edge of the stairs to his dorm. We smile at each other, then part.

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