3.6 Hogsmede

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October came fast. Quidditch increasingly grew on my mind as well at the approaching Hogsmeade visit.

"Harry, Black wouldn't dare go for you in Hogsmeade, besides, Y/n is going. Shouldn't that be enough?" Ron states.

"Except for the fact that his form isn't signed." I point out.

"It's alright Harry. You'll be at the next one." Hermione tries.

The day before Halloween, Harry rushes to McGonagall to get her to sign the form. Much to our dismay, but not surprisingly, she does not sign it. Harry sulks out of her classroom over to us.

"I can't go." He pouts.

"It's alright Harry, I can always stay here with you." I try to comfort him but he shakes his head.

"No, you three have fun over there. I'll see you at the next one maybe." He pouts and we just nod back.

The next morning I sit with the lions for breakfast before we go off to Hogsmede. We eat the eggs and bacon quickly while Harry barely touches it.

"Hermione, I'm sorry but I'll have to do Hogsmede with you three next time." She turns to me confused, as do the other two.

"Why Y/n?" She asks back.

"Well, Draco invited me to see it with him, and..." I whisper to Hermione, "I didn't want to third wheel." Her face turns red when she realizes I caught her off guard. The boys don't look too happy though.

"You're going with Malfoy? What are you thinking?" They both ask are the same time.

"Oh please, it's not just him. I'm just going with my house today." I smile at them and they still don't relax. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Draco.

"Coming? We are all going to get changed before we head out." He states and I nod, standing up.

"I'll see you later!" I exclaim and walk back to the room with Draco. I finally get to change out of my robes and put on more normal clothing. I throw on some jeans, a nice tight red top, and a loose jean jacket to go over it. I walk out and Draco turns to me.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod, following him out. Once we give McGonagall our slips we make our way to Hogsmede.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask him.

"Oh they'll come Opes, we are meeting them at The Three Broomsticks." He states and we continue to walk and talk. I look at Draco to see he's wearing an emerald turtleneck and khakis. Once we make our way into Hogsmede it's magical. Every shop Hermione told me about is all here.

"Draco!!" I squeal pulling his arm. "Let's go get some candy, like the old days. I'll get the Carmel Cobwebs and you can get-."

"Chocolate wands." He smiles as we head into Honeydukes. We use our plethora of galleons to buy a lot, guess that's one good thing about being rich. Next we go to Gladrags Wizardwear, looking at clothes, I don't buy any of course but it's fun to look at fashion. Draco doesn't seem to enjoy it as much.

"Y/n I liked the sweets better than this..." He pouts.

"Draco calm down, you could look at the suits over there." I point.

"Well it's not like we have some sort of ball or something." He sasses back.

"Fine, want to go to Zonko's?" I ask and he nods happily. We go over to the joke shop looking at everything. "This must be Fred and George's dream." I chuckle. We look around a lot before ending up at The Three Broomsticks. We walk inside and take a table.

"Want a butter beer?" He asks and I nod as he gets up and gets us one. He sets it down and I taste it.

"Wow this is good!!" I smile, with a lot on my face.

"You got some y'know, on your face." I blush and quickly wipe it.

"This has been wonderful Draco!" I exclaim and he laughs.

"Yeah it has...the Slytherins miss you, you know. You always say you miss us too but you never see us. Always off with Potter. The same thing for three years." He frowns and I frown back.

"I'm so sorry, I promise, this time for real I'll try harder." I say, I still have a crush on Draco, his friends are pretty bad but Blaise isn't terrible. Next thing you know, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Pansy come sit with us. Blaise sits on my right, Crabbe on my left. Goyle and Pansy with Draco.

"Hey Opes, haven't seen you in a spell." Blaise murmurs and I chuckle.

"Good to see you too Blaise. What have you done today?" I ask.

"Gone About everywhere you're can go I guess, then finally met up with you two after the date." He states and my eyes widen.

"Blaise your silly, this was no date. We're like 13, turning 14 this year." I hit his shoulder.

"Well I consider boy girl alone, a date." He smiles and I laugh back.

"Well I definitely don't Zabini." I chuckle. We continue talking about school, spells, slytherin, the common room, gossip with Flint and some girl, how the house cup has been bogus, and honestly it's all making me happy. I never realized the things I couldn't really share with the trio, things that only the house knows.

"Well...I know if Y/n is chaser like always, we've got a winning chance." Draco comments.

"Yeah you just need to get the team up by 160 so Draco's loss doesn't disappoint." Blaise jokes and Draco turns cold.

"I'm a good seeker." Draco argues.

"You are Draco, you're better than Chang and Diggory, but Harry is just, Well Harry." I explain and Draco sighs.

"I know, I just want to best him at something." He pouts.

"You do Draco, you're third in our year! Harry couldn't even dream of being that high." I smile and he smiles back. I continue laughing when I hear Goyle whisper something to Draco.

"Also Malfoy, you beat Potter to the girl." Goyle says and Draco smiles proudly at the exchange. Could they be talking about me??

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now