3.13 Alive

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I awaken in a hospital bed, and I see Harry and Hermione rush through the door, then they run over to me. I look to my left and Ron is sleeping.

"Y/n!" They shout as I get up and run, hugging both of them. "You're alive!" They yelp happily.

"How did you? I thought I was dead..." I gasp at them.

"We'll explain another time Y/n," Harry begins. "You need to rest."

"But I feel fine." I reply.

"But you died?" Hermione tries.

"I feel fine. Where's my dad? And Sirius?" I ask them as they begin to explain the entire story. "So you're saying my dad escaped on Buckbeak? With Sirius? And they're going to release my dad, making him look innocent, and say he was lost? He'll lose his job! They'll see through the lie!" I argue with them.

"They'll figure it out Y/n." Hermione reassures me. "You've been asleep all night." She adds, I look towards the window to see the morning sun shining through.

I follow them out of the hospital wing and towards Dumbledore's office.

"I'm not sure if I should go in with you Harry." I tell him.

"Nonsense Y/n." He replies.

"Harry," I put my hand on his shoulder. "Go, I'll come in after." He nods and proceeds inside. I wait for about 15 minutes then Lupin approaches.

"Hello Y/n, nice to see you." He casually says as I cower in fear. I can't help it, I was killed by my so called professor.

"H-Hello Professor." I slowly back away.

"Now Y/n it's alright." Lupin tries but the door opens.

"Oh good. Y/n." Dumbledore calls me in and i follow, Harry looks very upset though.

"Yes Professor?" I ask him.

"I thought you might want to know a few things..." he begins. "Your father will be staying hidden with Sirius Black, until there is evidence to free Black or to take any suspicion off of your father. Also, your mother will be holding down the house so she instructed me to tell you that you will be living at home this holiday." I nod, listening carefully to every word. "I suggest you only trust the news of your father to those who already know. I am not sure how others would treat the information..." Dumbledore implores as I assume he means the Malfoy's.

"Yes, Professor." I comply.

"And over the holiday I hope you practice your powers too." He says as I look up confused.

"I-Okay." I reply.

"Lastly, it's good to see you alive, Ms. Opes." Dumbledore smiles as I smile back. Professor Lupin entera and approaches me.

"A spell for one of my brightest students to master over the summer. It's called the Patronus Charm." Lupin smiles at me and I try to remain warm. "Here." He casts a wonderful spell releasing a wolf to prance around the room. "They can be used to fight off dementors-"

"As well as send messages." Dumbledore finishes.

"Remember to cast this Y/n, you need to think of one of your happiest memories. Say the words Expecto Patronum, or don't. Good luck." Lupin pats my head and I have seem to release my tension. He then begins to exit.

"Professor Lupin?" I ask and he turns around. "I'm-I'm sorry you have to go, I hope it wasn't my fault." I weakly say.

"Oh Y/n." He smiles. "It was never your fault, tell Sirius and Canis hello for me." He then exits leaving Dumbledore alone with me.

"Y/n, it is very important you perfect this spell over the holiday," I turn my attention to him, "it is vital that you do so. You will be communicating with your father this way." Dumbledore advises.

"I understand Professor." I nod and begin to leave.

"Thank you for coming Y/n, I do have to wonder though, are you alright?" He asks me.

"I'll be fine Professor Dumbledore." I respond coldly then walk out to be swallowed by none other than Draco Malfoy.  "Draco what are you doing here?!" I ask him.

"Well, you didn't come back after your dad showed up, and I heard you went to the hospital wing. What happened?" He asks me as he pulls away from the hug.

I debate how much I want him to know. "Well, we went outside and then I was attacked by the Whomping Willow. It hit me in the head and I don't remember much, next thing you know Harry found me unconscious on the ground, apparently my father had disappeared, scared of being found. He's hunting for Sirius Black in secret. That's all I know." I shrug.

"Ahh yes, stay off the grid to find the man off the grid." Draco nods, going along and my face lights up.

"Exactly! I don't know when I'll see him again though...don't tell anyone he got into Hogwarts, please they will question the security of the Slytherin Common Room." I plead, knowing that he enjoys the common room and doesn't want any harm to befall upon Slytherin.

"Of course." He smirks back. "Do you mind if I walk you back to your room?" He asks.

"Of course not Draco." I reply and we happily begin to walk down from the tower to the dungeons. We get into the common room to see all the Slytherins in there.

"Oh there you are!" Blaise shouts as I walk in. Everyone begins to cheer.

"We thought Black got you!" Flint shouts. "But our chaser is back!"

"No, no I'm right here." I chuckle at them. I guess we really do embody fraternity. Everyone begins to buzz around me but they leave after about a half hour. They left just Draco and me, and we sit down on the black leather couches.

"It's been a rough 24 hours." I huff, sinking into the couch.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come with you, protect you." Draco mutters.

"Draco it's alright, I'm fine." I smile at him.

"But you could've been dead." He argues.

"Harry saved me-"

"Yes always leaving it to Potter to save the day." He huffs. I roll my eyes and get up, walking over to the giant window revealing the Great Lake. Suddenly three mermaids approach the window and just look at me. I wave at them and they wave back. One holds up a trident in defense but slowly lowers it. I see that they are hunting a few fish nearby, there is a giant one they have been following so I decide to meddle. I take out my wand and swish it at the fish, it suddenly is paralyzed and the mermaids turn back to me. They all nod in approval, I can tell it's a thanks. I nod back happily and then leave once they swim away. I go to sit next to Draco, just to see him asleep on the couch. He looks very peaceful there so I decide not to wake him. I sit down on the other end of the couch and close my eyes as well.

One more year done, hopefully next year will be quieter, and hopefully next year I'll get the courage to tell Draco my feelings.

Snakes and Lions (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now