1.2 Diagon Alley

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~Y/n's POV~

I wake up to my little sister jumping up and down on my bed. All I can hear her scream is it's time to go.

"Calm down Mel, you're not even going." I groggily add as I roll out of bed. I put on a white, long sleeve shirt with a black overall dress over. My parents want me to look presentable while I just enjoy feeling comfortable. I walk downstairs, sit down at the kitchen table and begin eating breakfast.

I devour the pancakes and eggs that my mother made and then our house elf comes to clean up. Despite having a house elf, my mother enjoys cooking, and we treat the house elf nicely. Avoy does the things that we all hate like cleaning, he has his own room in the house, and even though we have freed him, he still lives to serve us.

"Thank you, Avoy." I say as he takes my plate.

"Never a problem Mistress. Avoy loves the Opes." He replies when we hear a noise from our fireplace. I walk out of the kitchen and hesitantly approach the fireplace in the grand room.

"Did it work?" I hear a young boy say.

"Of course Draco, we said Opes Mansion." A woman replies. Suddenly my parents come out of nowhere.

"Lucius, Narcissa, so nice to see you." My mom says as she hugs Narcissa. My father shakes Lucius's hand as I decide to enter the room.

"Canis and Lyra it has been too long." Narcisa replies.

"We appreciate you coming by floo network, figured this would be the easiest way, to go together." My father adds. My mom is quick to begin chit-chat. It seems like a reunion of old friends.

"This must be your strapping son Draco." My mom adds as the boy stops hiding himself behind his mother. Draco smiles and he looks towards me. My mother seems to have not known I was there the entire time. "Oh my, come Y/n." I walk over to greet them all. "Malfoys, this is our daughter, Y/n. Our other daughter is upstairs, she's a bit upset we won't take her with us." They all laugh.

"Hello. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy." I shake their hands and they begin talking again, leaving Draco and I to chat.

"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you Draco." I hold out my hand. Draco shakes it, he looks a little bewildered though.

"Wow, they weren't kidding." He says amazed as he looks over our house.

"What?" I ask back, slightly confused.

"Well...I'm rich," he begins, "but you guys are actually the wealthiest people in London. And you have an American accent, it's different." I start to blush from embarrassment.

"Oh, um I guess maybe. But that doesn't matter." I try to change the subject.

"And you're purebloods, the only acceptable status. No wonder my father wants to—." Draco cuts himself off and I try to break the awkwardness.

"There's nothing wrong with not being a pureblood." I mumble, knowing my parents would not want me to disrespect the Malfoy's traditional point of view. I see no difference in blood status. "So are you excited for Hogwarts?" I ask him.

"Of course, I hope I end up in Slytherin, what house do you think you will get." He speaks excitedly.

"Well, both my parents were Slytherin, so I guess that one, I don't know enough about the others." I say curiously. Draco piped up, unable to contain himself.

"Is it true you're a direct descendent of Merlin? And that your mum is the best potion maker, and that the Americans hired her to help them with the wars. And that your father the Auror head, but you moved to avoid Voldemort recruiting him?" He speaks very quickly and my dad enters the conversation.

"Yes dear boy, that is all true." My dad chuckles while Draco looks in shock. "Now, now, we mustn't dally. Let's all get in the fireplace. Diagon alley." My dad speaks as we transfer into an amazing alley. I see Lucius pull his son away as my mom does a spell to take the dirt off of all of us. I try to listen in to the conversation.

"Draco, don't embarrass us in front of our old friends. They are powerful, and we need to show them respect." Lucius commands. Draco looks down, sad.

"Yes father." He says and they return to join us.

"Ahh where too first?" My mother asks.

"Lyra, we should send Lucius and Canis to Gringotts to get some extra money, and you and I can go to Flourish and Botts to get the books. Draco and Y/n should go to Olivander's and get their wands on their own." Narcissa smiles.

"Great plan Narcissa, let's all meet up at Madam Malkin's after, for their robes." My father says. He hands me a pouch of galleons. Everyone heads off in a different direction. Draco and I walk down the alley, making small talk to pass the time. We enter Olivander's and the man looks at us.

"Draco Malfoy, Y/n Opes, I have been expecting you two." Olivander states. "Come Mr. Malfoy, you first." Draco goes to get his wand as I look around the shop. It must take so much time and effort to make each wand and—my thoughts are cut off by glass breaking. "Surely not the one Mr. Malfoy, let's try another." Olivander swishes his wand and the vase returns to normal. Once Draco finishes I am called over. "Mrs. Opes..." Olivander calls. "Here, try this one for size." He says as I touch the wand. I flick it and a bunch of papers fly everywhere. I go through about three wands until he brings THE wand out. He puts it in my hands and my whole world seems to light up. "Ahh. Yew wood, Phoenix feather, 12.5 inches, unbending flexibility. A very powerful wand for a very powerful wizard." He states. Draco and I give him the money, then leave to find our parents. We find our mothers outside of Madam Malkins.

"Let's go get fitted you two, your fathers will be along in a moment." My mom says. We go inside this shop and are each fitted for our robes. As we are getting fitted our mothers are talking and I can't help but listen in. Malfoy decides to talk to the boy next to us about quidditch, and his opinions on muggle borns.

"Lyra, your daughter will turn out to be a beautiful witch." Narcissa says.

"Thanks Cissy, we sure hope so. And we are hoping she lands in Slytherin, it would be like memory lane." My mom replies.

"We know Draco will be, I have a feeling she will too. Hopefully they will become great friends."

"I would hope, I mean I will want to spend more time with my best friend since I am finally back in England." They laugh as my mom playfully hits her shoulder. I think that was the first time I had seen Narcissa Malfoy laugh.

"Well you see, Lucius wants an arranged marriage for the two, but I want them to find each other on their own time. What do you think Lyra?" Madam Malkin is sticking pins so close to my body while I am trying to listen, it is quite annoying.

"Well, James always wanted one for her, but ever since America, I think we changed our mind. They do it so differently over there." My mother laughs as she stares at me getting annoyed.

"Well it certainly is interesting to hear your daughter speak, that's for sure." Narcissa adds. Draco finishes and goes to stand by his mother. Once I am done we go outside and see our fathers waiting there.

"Just a few more stops today." Lucius says as we all begin to follow him into the Owl Emporium. Boy am I excited.

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