(A/N - this is for Funtime_Blueberry!)
Tsukki: they look exactly the same.
Suga: whAt no THEY doN'T.
Tanaka: how blind are you?
Tsukki: 7
Tanaka: that's not-
Oikawa: excuse you Iwa-Chan is much prettier than Daichi.
Daichi: ouch i would lie and say you're wrong but i can't.
Suga: Oikawa, I beg to differ.
Oikawa: then Beg.
Kuroo: what... the fuck was that?
Mattsun: he was either being blatantly sexual or intentionally threatening and you'll never know which one. sometimes it's both.
Makki: that's the scary part.
Yachi: Kawa-Chan holds so much power I don't know how he doesn't run the world yet.
Mattsun: as much as I hate to admit it, this is truth.
Makki: ah yes, but consider this: Iwaizumi legally owns Oikawa's soul, so who's pulling the strings really?
Hinata: ShIT.
Saeko: can we talk about how domestic they'd be though?
Tendou: Fair point fair point. Plus, they're like, actual adults.
Mattsun: oh my god you're right. they acutally matured along the normal path they're supposed to and got stable jobs and shit-
Makki: haha i wonder what that's like
Tsukki: not sorry but this ship is Bland.
Oikawa: Excuse You take that back nothing with Iwa-Chan in it is ever Bland
Kuroo: damn Tsukki really drank the dead sea for breakfast.
Tsukki: Yeah to go with the light from young childrens' eyes. Gotta have a full meal to start the day. What's your point.
Natsu: right okay but who would do which household chores is the real question?
Kageyama: Daichi would clean. He can't cook for shit.
Daichi: That's not true?!
Kageyama: You made me cupcakes for my birthday and they tasted like ass.
Daichi: You said you liked them!?
Kageyama: yeah because you did something nice for me. that was like, ten years ago. the truth can't hide forever.
Saeko: Kageyama dropping in with unsolicited brutality is my new aesthetic.
Akane: I dunno though...wouldn't Daichi being a cop kind of be difficult? I mean, you never know if one day he might get shot or...I dunno just seems rough to me.
Iwa: nah, if we ever got married I'd be hella supportive. look if that's his passion in life, gotta back it up, right?
Oikawa: You talk like you're already married?!?
Iwa: what if we are? you wouldn't know, would you?
Daichi: we're not-
Daichi: i'm not stealing anyone-
Mattsun: Daichi that's just playing dirty my friend. Oikawa wasted twenty-seven years for this bitch and bam you come in here with your glorious fucking abs-
Oikawa: Excuse you I have abs.
Atsumu: no, no abs are my thing-
Hinata: your thing is thighs are you insane??
Sakusa: i second that.
Kuroo: But Akaashi's thing is thighs?
Konoha: No, Akaashi's thing is eyes duh. Mans gots gorgeous motherfuckin' eyes.
Bokuto: Akaashi's thing is everything, eyes included.
Akane: but what about Kenma's eyes???
Suga: Can we just agree there are not enough body parts for the amount of people present and move on?
Daichi: Suga, this isn't trick-or-treating for anatomy.
Mattsun: hey kids we're all out of limbs but can I interest you in a toe? I'll give you the littlest piggy?
Makki: godDAMMIt Matsukawa I literally got here early for that right arm you promised me. What BITCH did you give it to huh?
Yahaba: I am not a BITCH I paid good cash for that arm.
Kyoutani: Trick-or-treating is supposed to be free??
Mattsun: not in today's economy man.
Kunimi: or at least about candy...
Makki: you think my severed arm ain't a damn snacc? fuck you.
Alisa: how did we get here?
Yachi: Seijoh. are you honestly surprised?
Saeko: yeah, actually. I would've expected this shit from Karasuno.
Shirabu: if it was Karasuno there'd actually be a severed arm.
Unicorn-Flowers: Hahah i know we all miss Spooky Season, but maybe we could get back on track with some ratings? You know, before any actual arms get severed and author-chan has to do a lot of unnecessary paperwork?
Mattsun: boring but fine. I give it a solid 6/10. doesn't have the dynamic i like but it's rock fuckin' solid.
Oikawa: 0/10 i didn't spend two decades of my life building up romantic tension only have it wrecked by this masterpiece of a man-
Daichi: did you just call me a masterpiece?
Oikawa: no shut up.
Shirabu: 8/10 but only for the butterfly effect it'll have on the iwaoi and daisuga comm.
Yachi: So you're a sadist then?
Shirabu: can't change what you are.
Tendou: jokes on u Semi's into that shit.
Shirabu: *chokes*
Aran: Right, okay, anjda know this how?
Semi: Shiratorizawa's graduation party was fucking wild man.
Ushijima: And you two...had intercourse?
Tendou: what? no.
Semi: please stop asking questions ō-ō
Tendou: one day i'mma tell them and Ruin You.
Semi: please i thought you loved me ??
Tendou: O-O not that much my friend.
Unicorn-Flowers: alright! well this took a terrifying turn! please! please i want out! we're done now! :)
Tendou: you may be done with the past but the past isn't done with you Eita.
Semi: that thot can come at me I ain't scared.
Unicorn-Flowers: i said we're done.
Tendou: you fool. nothing is ever truly over-

haikyuu reacts to ships
Fanfictionthat one incredibly broken ship reaction book! --- disclaimer: i don't own hq