(A/N - This was originally coming up much later, but multiple people requested it so I moved it up a bit. For PearMochi and KOUJIRIN!)
Yachi: okay but just saying, if men could have biological children theirs would be gods.
Saeko: pretty boys being pretty together.
Akane: their hair looks so soft please-
Oikawa: I love your beauty mark, it's adorable.
Suga: I love your hair, it's perfect.
Mattsun: Well you guys are absolutely adorable but there is a pressing issue we need to address-
Makki: -they are both bottoms.
Unicorn-Flowers: it's too early in the chapter for you guys.
Mattsun: We like to get a jump on things.
Iwa: says the guy who ignored all his homework and graduated his third year on tests alone.
Mattsun: I graduated didn't I.
Iwa: how are you so smart and so dumb at the same time?
Mattsun: the same way me and Makki are together and not together at the same time:
Makki: -No one really knows for sure.
Iwa: horrible but whatever.
Yahaba: Personally, I'm of the belief that Oikawa's only a bottom with Iwaizumi because Iwaizumi is the only one who can put the arrogant bitch in his place.
Oikawa: OUch but you're not wrong.
Suga: Kawa-Chan, you're pretty-
Oikawa: But you like a guy with handcuffs? I gotchu babe.
Iwa: What the fuck did we just say about 'Kawa-Chan' ?
Noya: Did you mean, 'what the fuck did i just say about Kawa-Chan because i'm a jealous baby who can't deal with some harmless flirting'?
Iwa: Did you mean, 'please Iwaizumi don't hurt me i didn't mean that'?
Daichi: Unrelated but did Oikawa just call Suga babe?
Oikawa: why does that bother you~? 😉
Suga: Honestly appreciate the effort Oikawa-San, but I can hit on Daichi myself-
Kuroo: Really? Cuz you've been doing a piss poor job of it so far. Seriously hurry it up a bit. You guys are the slowest moving will-they-won't-they couple I've ever been forced to bear witness to.
Daichi: just stick with won't they-
Suga: My life is seriously not one you want to make a reality TV show out of. I teach children. Where would the drama come from?
Kuroo: Lacey stealing Kasey's butterfly hair clip obviously.
Suga: I can't tell if that was a joke or not cause that just happened two days ago between Alex and Kaori so...
Kuroo: wow i'm like a fucking psychic...
Noya: It could also come from the love triangle of Iwaizumi, Suga, and Oikawa.
Yachi: Actually, it's more like a love square. Don't forget about Daichi-San!
Tsukishima: are you guys serious? That's a love line. Iwaizumi <-> Oikawa <-> Suga <-> Daichi. For your logic to work, Daichi and Iwaizumi would also have to be mad horny for each other. Boom, get out-logiced. Bitches don't know their shapes.
Mattsun: it's biig brayene time-
Tsukishima: if you ever bring that cursed-ass spelling of the word 'brain' around me again I Will Eat You.
Mattsun: please daddy~
Oikawa: *shrieks*
Tsukishima: yo there a graveyard around here where i can bury myself alive?
Iwaizumi: Burn it. Fucking burn it.
Yachi: the book?
Iwaizumi: The Fandom.
Kuroo: Dude it was already on fire before we got here.
Unicorn-Flowers: OKAY, while that was fun (not really), why don't we get some ratings?
Yachi: I say 8/10! They've got the aesthetics down, and I think that Suga-Chan is sweet and docile enough to handle Oikawa's flamboyant personality!
Daichi: HaH, Suga?? Sweet and Docile? Have you seen him when Hinata's grades started slipping??
Tanaka: Nah Nah Nah 4/10 because Oikawa is pretty hot, but Suga belongs with Daichi.
Hinata: 10/10!!! Suga-Chan and the Great King would be so good together!!!😤
Mattsun: Haha, Hinata, but would they though?
Makki: as someone who's had to put up with Iwaoi for all of high school, I will literally cry if they don't end up together. I don't think you understand until you've had to endure-
Unicorn-Flowers: Alrighty then! Thank you Hinata, but I think we should start wrapping this up! And please, Mattsun, Makki, can you at least make your sexual comments a little less blatant?
Mattsun: No promises *finger guns*
Unicorn-Flowers: How bout I put it like this: Make your sexual comments less blatant or I'll ban you.
Mattsun: Again, no promises *finger guns* your threats are small scale Author-Chan.
Makki: Yeah, I mean seriously, we're legally not allowed to step foot in any McDonald's anywhere after the thing happened.
Unicorn-Flowers: The thing? What thing?
Makki: Well this has been fun-
Unicorn-Flowers: Makki what thing?
Makki: But we out. see y'all in the next chapter *salutes*

haikyuu reacts to ships
Fanfictionthat one incredibly broken ship reaction book! --- disclaimer: i don't own hq