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Short thing, sorry. Gotta put it in tho

Note: this is placed before kinkajou and turtle married. While they were dating. (Also yes I am writing a fanfic of my fanfic sue me)

Turtle: kinkajou?

Kinkajou: yeah?

Turtle: I want you to cheat on me.

Kinkajou: what? Is this a joke?

Turtle: either you cheat on me or I dump you, pick it.

Kinkajou: what why? Have you found someone else?

Turtle: just answer, which one?

Kinkajou: can't we talk about this?

Turtle: no we can't

Kinkajou: then I chose you dumping me. I'm not cheating on you.

Turtle: ... YESSSSSSSSS!!!! I KNEW IT! Sorry, kink, it was a test to see if you love me or not

Kinkajou: ...

Turtle: you got 100/100

Kinkajou: BOOYAH! Pay up.

Moon: ugh. Fine.

Turtle: what?

Kinkajou: when we first started dating, moon and I had a bet if you would test me to see how much I love you.

Moon: yea and I failed

Turtle: ........ ok whatever. Cya 

So yeah that would be pretty funny. Also, I forgot to tell you, I haven't been updating in a while because an awesome YouTube channel orepros(not sure if I already told you about this channel but if I did this is a reminder) ok bye

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