What do you think will happen?
Scarlet: chameleon, now. Heheheheheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheehheheheheheehehe
Scarlet: shut up only I laugh. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe
Actual story. PEACE OUT
Kinkajou: toucan? What are you reading?
Toucan: I'm reading about the ice kingdom. It sounds cool. Get it?
Kinkajou: .......................... No. It does sound c- OH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Turtle: what are you laughing about?
Kinkajou: nothing.
Toucan: can we go to the ice kingdom?
Kinkajou: when?
Toucan: um how about tomorrow?
Kinkajou: sorry. We got school. Jade mountain academy. When your 4 years old, you can go too!
Toucan: ok. Then who will take me?
Kinkajou: welllllllll I'll hire a babysitter we trust.
Kinkajou: *talking on the phone* ok, great! See you tomorrow.
Kinkajou: ok I got sora to babysit toucan. When he goes to the ice kingdom.
Turtle: sora? As in the fugitive in the sky kingdom?
Kinkajou: oh shush. You know she's a good guy. She never meant to kill carnelian and Bigtail, or to hurt tamarin. It's all in the past.
Tamarin: *pops in* way in the past, considering all my wounds are healed *pops out*
Kinkajou: see?
Turtle: but, kinkajou. She tried to hurt the neice of the queen of the icewings.
Kinkajou: oh. I know! You know chameleons spells? We can do that so sora looks like clay!
Turtle: ok.
Sora: I'm here!
Kinkajou: hi sora! Yesterday turtle reminded me that you, you know, triedtokilltheniecetothequeenoftheicewings, so we are going to cast a spell on you. Turtles an animus.
Turtle: yep! But don't be worried, it'll only make you LOOK like clay. Nothing more, I promise.
Clay: *pops in* sora! Hi!
Sora: clay? Hi!! *hugs him*
Kinkajou: so are you ready?
Sora: I guess. All I need to remember is to talk about food. Talk about food.
Kinkajou: perfect! No one will ever know the difference!
Sora: yeah. Perfect! I look just like clay!
Sora: ok ready toucan?
Toucan: clay?
Sora: no, I'm sora, clays sister. I just look like clay for now.
Toucan: ok. I'll call you clay though. So you'll keep up the disguise.
Sora: thank you. Now let's go!
A few minutes later...
Thorn: hello, sora.
Sora: sora? Where? I'm clay.
Thorn: don't worry. I know who you are, but I won't tell. I like what you tried to do, icicle tried to kill Qibli.
Sora: phew!
Thorn: I have a way to get to the ice kingdom. A quicker way, aa shortcut. Come with me.
Sora: ok.
Thorn: *takes them to sky kingdom* YOU ARE MY PRISONERS! FOR I AM... QUEEN SCARLET! *takes off spell*
Chameleon: and her assistant, chameleon.
Scarlet: you will, hmmm? *takes off chains for toucan* have at it.
Toucan: YAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *kills chameleon in the most gruesome and painful way, getting a pineapple shoved up his snout*
Scarlet: you are most dangerous. You will be my new champion in my arena, and if you resist, well. I think I'll do a more efficient job to your mother than chameleon did.
Toucan: I'll fight.
Sora: no toucan. Don't. I'll fight.
Scarlet: you? Ha! I'd like to see you try.
Sora: in the words of your own daughter, maybe I'm not who you think i am.
Scarlet: I'll put you against..... well this'll be interesting. Hehehehehehehe. I'll put you against, that little dangerous fur ball, toucan.
Sora: *gulp*
Toucan: wait what? No I know who your most toughest fighter is. Put me against him.
Scarlet: if we do that, I won't get to see you two fight because you'll be dead.
Toucan: *choking scarlet* still think that?
Scarlet: n-no. *gasps for breath as toucan lets her go*
Scarlet: fellow dragons! We have a... surprising face off. This little dragonet, against our fiercest fighter, vlad wing!
Audience: *applause*
Toucan: *sprays venom on vlads wing* ironic, right? Vlad wing can't use his wing.
Vlad: you think THATLL STOP ME?
Toucan: no, I think this'll stop you. *makes vlads make him rolls over*
Toucan: ow. *sprays venom on his wing binding so his wings are free when no one is looking and flies into the air*
Toucan: *divebombs vlad*
Everyone: how?
Toucan: *sprays venom on every one of scarlets prisoners bindings* PIZZA PARTY!!!
Ex-prisoners: PIZZA PARTY!!
Toucan: oh almost forgot. *heals vlad*
Toucan: I keep on forgetting. *sprays venom on scarlets eye*
Scarlet: *heals herself*YOU HAVENT SEEN THE LAST OF ME! YOU HAVENT!!!
Kinkajou: ow. Ow.ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. OW
Turtle: what's wrong?
Kinkajou: nothing. It's just the old injuries. From chameleon. I wonder what happened to him?
Toucan: oh I can tell you that. *tells them the story*
Sora: I can't say this wasn't fun. Keep the money. Oh and you might wanna help toucan with his war cry.
Toucan: wanna hear it?
Kinkajou: sure.
Turtle: she really is our daughter.

Just a little turtlejou for ya
FanfictionI'm just gonna write some turtlejou. Please read and comment.