Chapter 9

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Gwen aimlessly rolls her telescope back and forth on her desk, biting down on her lip to keep from humming.

After her little issue in the library she'd locked herself up in Ravenclaw tower and read everything she could on Veela and their charm. The history, the folklore, the magic they held. If there was something to read about Veela, she was certain she had it memorized by now. She'd felt a difference in her magic as soon as she recognized what it was she was dealing with, finding it easier to gain some control.

She'd even practiced charming on purpose. She hadn't tried it on anyone yet, too scared and embarrassed. Fortunately her exterior looked largely the same. Bored. She looked very bored. Probably because she was.

She jumps when a body slumps down next to her, smelling of cigarettes and leather. She doesn't look at him, just keeps her eyes forward. Even when Sirius Black says,

"Helloooo? Anyone home?"

He's surprised by the flat look he finally sends her way, bristling when he grunts, "Somebody is grumpy."

"Just ready to be done with class," She sighs, smiling faintly at Sirius. He grins a little before he can stop it, teasing,

"Class hasn't even started, Ninnie."

Her smile grows as she shrugs and mumbles, "Exactly my point."

She zones out when Professor Sinastra begins talking and explaining what it is they had to do, her eyes trained on the telescope she continues to roll back and forth on her desk. Sirius doesn't complain, because it gives him time to study her. He'd thought he'd never seen her upset, but her usual light self is rather cloudy. Her charming him had thrown a wrench in his plans, plans for pranks and plans for getting under her skin.

He feels partially responsible, considering he'd gotten so mad after she charmed them. It was an accident after all. Sirius hesitates, nearly stirring her from her daydreaming, but then he just turns to his parchment.

Gwen is startled again when a student drops their own brass telescope from their desk. The noise causes her to sit up straighter and finally look around.

"What are we supposed to be doing?" She asks Sirius, biting back a smile as he leans back in his chair and grins.

"Star chart. You're supposed to fill it out."

Gwen frowns, wrinkling her nose as she finally looks at the parchment before her. The drawings look like a complete mess of lines and dots, nearly making her eyes cross as she shoves her face closer. Like it will help her understand any better.

She resigns herself to the fact that she won't likely get a very good grade this time, scribbling aimless answers.

"Dear Godric," Sirius cries from above her, having leaned forward to see her writing. "That is all wrong."

Gwen shrugs, quirking a brow. He grows frustrated by her obvious lack of care, sighing and nudging her arm aside so he can get a better look.

"Merlin, Ninnie. Aren't you supposed to be in Ravenclaw?"

"Don't remind me," She laughs, momentarily distracting him from the task at hand. She was expressive when she laughed. Pretty even. He shakes his head and says firmly,

"Here. This is Sirius. That should be easy enough for you to remember."

Gwen smiles as he begins pointing out the obvious constellations and the planets and stars that make them up. She can't recall a time where he's looked impassioned about a subject, other than Quidditch or Defense Against Dark arts. She couldn't blame him, she liked those too.

"You're rather good at this."

Her voice disturbs him from his lecturing. He glances up from her star chart, smiling at the sight. Her elbow is propped up on her desk, her cheek pressed into her palm hard enough to make her face look comically smushed. Her long blonde hair dangles over the side, the ends disappearing from his sight.

"Yes, well," He clears his throat, shrugging nonchalantly. "Everyone in my family is named after one."

"Really?" He's piqued her curiosity, making her sit up straight in her seat. He grunts at her question, saying pointedly, "Would've assumed you knew that since you seem to think you know so much about my family."

Her words, the implication that he was anything like his family, still bugged him. It had been weeks ago, their near argument in Hogsmead. But it still plagued his mind. Gwen freezes, surprised that he even remembered it. Long forgotten in her mind, she hadn't realized that family was a hot button for him. Something they had in common.

"Sirius, I'm sorry."

He's surprised by the simplicity of her words, the honesty of her tone. She looked sincere, and it made his heart clench uncomfortably in his chest. He shrugs, saying quietly,

"Me too. I didn't mean what I said, Ninnie."

She laughs again, clear and soft and it draws his attention briefly to her parted lips.

"I know, you bloody fool. I'm a very forgiving person, Black. It's a shame you don't know me any better."

It was a shame. And a big part of him was tugging against the challenge of her, the challenge of finally outsmarting her. Instead he felt a pull of curiosity. He couldn't help it, she was a mystery beneath the composed exterior of her being. He wanted to know things about her, things that he'd previously ignored.

"Is your magic getting..." he trails off, unsure of what to say. Her eyes are hypnotizing on his and he wonders if she is constantly emitting that aura that sucks people in. Because the pale blue is intimidating and beckoning all at the same time.

"Easier?" She finishes for him, smiling slightly. He grins a little when she nods and teases, "Why? Want me to charm your socks off again?"

He smirks and leans in, feeling triumphant when her eyes widen at their sudden proximity. She blinks slowly, wondering if she'd ever noticed the charcoal that circles the very center of his iris before.

"Maybe I do, Whitlock," He says lowly, his smug grin permanent on her face. It sounds like a challenge to both of them, both far to competitive to turn it down.

She narrows her eyes playfully, replying quietly,

"You'd be oh so lucky, Black."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now