Chapter 103

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{{double update because you guys are the best <3 I didn't edit tho so don't judge me!}}

Gwen hums quietly as she skirts by people in the corridor, her mind unfortunately busy.

She wrinkles her nose as she contemplates the recent death of an elderly Veela in Bulgaria. Nikolina Aleksandrov was 185, a Veela that had seen and driven the definition of a Being and the grouping of veela as such in 1811, a step forward for her kind. A tragic end to someone that had fought for rights and a step forward for Gwen's ancestry and future descendants. And here they were, just struggling to hold on to something that resembled representation or support during these times.

Blood Purity and tensions between those that felt superior and those they deemed 'dirty' was only increasing. Sirius had nearly had a complete meltdown after the death of the Veela.

Their first argument.

He'd tried to insist that she stop talking to Dumbledore, that she quit practicing her magic. That she was making herself a greater target by involving herself in whatever the Headmaster had planned. Gwen had replied very flatly that she would do whatever she pleased and he'd exploded. Yelled and demanded and begged. She hadn't seen him that mad in quite some time. But she knew what was driving it. Fear. He was scared. And while it was hard to was she.

Things were still a little tense between them, but she hoped that tonight would ease some of that. And the fear. They weren't alone in their concerns. Marlene and Dorcas had both owled their parents to check on them, Lily had insisted on returning home for the holidays, despite her issues with Petunia.

But tonight they were going to forget. It was Halloween, and Gwen had already found herself cracking a smile at the various pranks the boys were playing. She knew that they were going to try to get her. And her suspicion flared when she sees Regulus Black stopped short in the hallway, waving his hand for her to walk over to him.

Gwen shakes her head, her feet remaining planted. Yep. This was certainly a prank. She could tell by the way the younger Black brother kept looking towards the left of the now nearly empty corridor.

Gwen smiles slightly and asks curiously, "Little, what can I do for you?"

"Can you come closer?" He asks, tone impatient and a little nervous. "I can't hear you."

Gwen quirks a brow and shrugs, saying loud and clear,


Regulus winces and nearly begs, this time his eyes flickering to the ceiling. Gwen's smile grows. This was too easy. The Veela turns her head to the left of the hall, opposite of Regulus. She blinks before saying calmly, "Boys, I thought we'd moved past this."

She hears a disappointed grunt from what she knows is the invisibility cloak. She doesn't linger, just turns and calls over her shoulder, "I'll see you at the party tonight, Snuffles. Je t'aime."

Gwen doesn't wait to see Sirius' disappointed but knowing smile, instead she rounds the corner, content to find Dorcas. It doesn't take long, she has a rather strong inkling about where her fellow Ravenclaw has disappeared to.

Gwen knocks on the door of the greenhouse first before entering, her eyes blank as she watches Marlene jump to her feet and hold her robes up to what Gwen assumes is her bare chest. Dorcas' head appears over the stacks of pots and dirt moments later. Marlene grins a little and asks, "Merlin, how do you do it?"

Gwen smiles slightly and teases, "A creature never reveals her secrets."

"Being!" Dorcas corrects, doing up the last button on her shirt and straightening out her tie while Marlene gets dressed. Gwen smiles appreciatively. Dorcas hated when she referred to herself as a creature. Gwen didn't have the heart to tell her that the umbrella term was in fact creature. Veela just belonged on the smaller list of beings within that group. Not that it did much anyway when it came to status and support from the Ministry.

"You said you'd help me get ready," Gwen finally says plainly, watching as Marlene claps her hands together excitedly. She nods and says warmly, "Yes, Lily and I planned on just getting ready in our dorm. Dorcas already brought your costume over."

Gwen hesitates before asking nervously, "Do you think Sirius still wants to match me? He's rather irritated."

"About the thing you can't talk about?" Dorcas wonders, her and Marlene crawling from behind the gardening tools. The three girls leave the greenhouse, making their way towards the Gryffindor common room.

Gwen nods at her friend, frowning when Marlene questions, "Could you just tell him? Give him something to go on so he knows you are still safe?"

The Veela muses quietly before responding, "Theres not really much to say. Dumbledore is truly just helping me with my magic."

Dorcas shoots her an exasperated look, Marlene chuckling when Gwen grows defensive, "That's what we talk about most of the time. Practicing my charm."

"And the other stuff? What about the remaining time?" Dorcas asks softly, not to try and get an answer. But to try and help Gwen see why Sirius may still be upset. She'd been on her own for a long time, she hadn't had to consider other people and what her actions might do to them. And Sirius was truly the same, though he was adapting to the change far better. He constantly considered what Gwenyth would say. Though he was used to people having an opinion on what he said or did. He grew up with it.

The Veela finally sighs and mutters, "I don't know. I'm sure I can come up with something to tell him. I suppose I've been rather secretive."

Marlene laughs and pats her friend on the back, saying warmly, "Don't worry, Gwen. We're rather used to it. Sirius is still trying to catch up."

Dorcas nods and adds encouragingly, "And it's normal for couples to argue! I mean you and Sirius always butt heads. This time was just more emotional."

Gwen smirks slightly, voice deceptively innocent as she asks, "Do you and Marlene fight often?"

Marlene and Dorcas both flush and stammer awkwardly at their friend. Gwen winces when the Scottish witch reaches over and smacks her upside her blonde head.

"That was uncalled for," Gwen points out, waving hello to the portrait of the fat lady when Marlene mumbles the password. The three girls climb through the hole, stumbling slightly when they land in to common room. Gideon and Fabian Prewett look up at the noise from the girls, the two smiling brightly and saying in unison,

"Afternoon, ladies."

Marlene and Dorcas both wave, Gwen just looking at them passively. Her lips twitch into a smile when the twins both blow her a kiss.

"You're lucky my boyfriend isn't here to see that," Gwen says with mirth. Gideon sighs dramatically and elbows his brother, saying sadly, "Still slumming it with Black."

"I think he's slumming it with me. Wouldn't you agree, Fabian?"

The Prewett brother laughs and shrugs, teasing, "You weren't exactly easy to figure out on our one date, Whitlock. Too many riddles."

Gideon smirks and pipes up, "I like riddles!"

Gwen laughs at their antics, simply shaking her head before following Dorcas and Marlene up to get ready for the party.

She couldn't help but feel nervous about Sirius. Hopefully he wasn't still upset with her. She'd decided Dumbledore would just have to deal with her confiding in her boyfriend. Perhaps not all of the way.

But enough to reassure him. She didn't like seeing him scared. Not that he would openly admit his fear.

He was about as stubborn as she was.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now