Chapter 157

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"When Voldemort returned from Europe and began to gain power, myself and a few others saw a need for our organization."

The teens all stare silently at the Headmaster, as if he were a Professor giving a lecture. Gwen is listening attentively, though her eyes occasionally slip to Regulus. He looked pale, shaken. She refrains from putting him on the spot, instead gesturing for Albus to continue when he looks her way.

"The Order of the Phoenix works alongside the ministry, but the ministry has never been good about employing people that want to keep the world safe. I however...I like to think that we are rather selective," Dumbledore says calmly, his eyes landing on each of the people staring at him.

"Rather arrogant," Gwen ads, abruptly breaking the silence and earning a snicker from James. He winces when Lily slaps him upside the head, throwing a dejected look Gwen's way. He perks up when she winks at him so subtly that he barely catches it.

"As I've discussed with Mr. Black, the bureaucratic aspects of the ministry draw in—"


The surprise in Gwen's voice is a palpable difference to her usual passiveness. All eyes are suddenly on him, his fists clenching tightly by his sides. Dumbledore looks surprised too, surprised that Sirius hadn't mentioned to Gwen that he knew about the Order. Formally.

He hesitates before saying lowly, "Pureblood families have power already, but most of them work at the ministry. If it were up to the ministry...some of us wouldn't exist for much longer."

Dumbledore clears his throat and nods to ward away some of the awkwardness, but it doesn't help put out the angry fire in Gwen's eyes. Sirius ignores it, refusing to look at her, and instead waiting for Dumbledore to continue.

It's Dorcas however that speaks next, wondering confusedly, "So, the Order is like a militia? You trust us all to fight for you?"

Marlene's face suddenly turns down into a frown, Remus looking much the same. They were both worried about their significant others, Remus especially concerned that the ex-death eater he was in love with would be punished.

"Not for me," Dumbledore says gently. "For each other. For what you believe in. Or, if you prefer to fight another way, I understand. Not everyone is ready for combat, not everyone is ready to face this war. But each one of you are trusted—"

"How do you know?" Regulus blurts out, startling even the portraits in the room to silence. Remus goes to grab his arm, but the Slytherin shakes him off. He asks again, like he too would like to know how to trust himself, "How do you know you can trust us?"

Dumbledore smiles, peering at the young boy over his glasses. He'd known Regulus Black wouldn't be staying for his sixth year at Hogwarts, in fact he was almost certain he wouldn't ever find Remus Lupin without the boy by his side. Not now. Not ever. But it was a valid question, why the Slytherin should join the order. So it deserved a valid answer.

"I don't," He responds. The tension in the room is stifling, the group all uncomfortably on edge. Until Albus Dumbledore says confidently,

"But Gwen does."

And then the attention is on the Veela, her unimpressed expression looking almost warm with her crinkled eyes. Regulus exhales shakily, staring at her in surprise. She continued to surprise him. Though what surprised everyone the most, was that Gwenyth Whitlock had become so trusted by Dumbledore, that she was the one to name who deserved to be in the Order. That much is proven when a scroll of parchment suddenly lifts from the desk the Veela and the Headmaster stand behind. It unfurls in the air, and one by one, her friends begin to see their names.

Sirius feels a tug in his heart when he sees his name, his irritation fading for a moment when he looks at her. If only she knew what this meant to the people she'd written down. To be trusted by Gwen was something. But to know with certainty that you were trusted by her was something greater.

Lily is the first to speak, her strong voice cutting through the silence as she says firmly, "I'd like to join."

James is next, a shared smile passed between him and the Veela that had come to be one of his best friends. He grabs Lily's hand and squeezes it tight before agreeing, "Me too. I'm in."

Peter visibly hesitates before saying, "Why not? Count me in, Ninnie."

Gwen nods, smiling faintly. Her eyes land on Dorcas and Marlene, the latter looking the most fearful Gwen had ever seen. Marlene catches her gaze and asks quietly, "Are we all going to die, Gwen?"

The Veela quirks a brow, surprised by the question. Marlene had always thought she was a seer, that something within the Veela knew the things others didn't. Gwen shrugs, answering plainly, "I suppose eventually. I could argue that we are actively dying as we speak."

The Scottish witch nods, not looking very comforted by the Veela's words. So Gwen softens, her voice, encouraging when she says, "I know you'll give those death eater's hell."

Marlene cracks a grin at the words from her friend, nodding to herself. She lets out an exasperated chuckle before saying, "Fine, Ninnie. You do know I love a good fight."

Dorcas is next to meet Gwen's curious look. The Ravenclaw's seem as if they're having a conversation that only the two of them can hear, Dorcas' lips twitching when Gwen grins at her. The Veela gives a subtle nod and Dorcas turns to Dumbledore, saying warningly, "I don't trust you. But I do trust Gwen."

Dumbledore smiles, replying simply, "We're agreed then, Miss. Meadows."

They all turn to Sirius next, and Gwen's face morphs into one of irritation. She was still angry about their argument the night before. And now this. He'd known about the Order, knew she was doing something important. And he still didn't trust her.

Trust. They wanted the same things. They were just too stubborn to take a step back to realize it. Sirius was certainly not budging now, his arms crossed over his chest. His face was in the signature broody look it always was when he was upset. He doesn't look at Gwen, instead he stares at Dumbledore for a few uncomfortable beats of silence.

His voice is snarky, dripping with sarcastic approval when he says bluntly, "Sure."

Her pale eyes look like chips of ice, narrowed and so cold that Sirius feels the room get chillier. But he refuses to look at her, expecting to hear her say something blunt to break the ice gripping him. Instead, she says curiously, "And Little?"

Sirius chances a look at his brother, finding that Regulus is already looking his way. Sirius blinks, feeling a pant of sympathy when he sees how nervous his brother is. He'd said no the last time Sirius had asked him to leave the dark, to come with him and escape the toxicity plaguing their minds and souls. This time, this time is different.

He glances down at the silver ring that's curled around his little brother's finger. Family. Sirius cracks a faint smile, almost imperceptibly nodding his head. Regulus straightens up. This time is different. The Slytherin turns from his brother, one hand sliding into his pocket to run his thumb along familiar wooden beads. Protection. Not only to have. But to give.

Remus smiles at his death eater and answers for the both of them, firm and full of resolve,

"We're in."

{{YAY! I know y'all are gonna be quick to hate on Dumbledore—but I like the relationship that he and Gwen have. She humbles him. And for those of you that have mentioned it so many times, Yes. There will be angry sex soon.}}

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