Chapter 48

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When Gwen wakes up she feels like a brand new person.

She smiles slightly as she stretches her arms up above her head, her legs extending and toes curling as she lets out a relieved and gusty sigh.


She wasn't sure the last time she'd slept, dreamless and sound. She frowns slightly when she realizes that something is missing. Or specifically someone.

She sits up rather suddenly, her vision clouding with spots as she groans to herself, "Too fast you moron."

"It's a good thing you're cute, Inferi. Only crazy people talk to themselves."

Gwen quickly looks to her left, a smile worming it's way onto her face at what she sees. Sirius is sitting in a chair with his feet propped up on the side table, his eyes following the words across the pages of her Witch Weekly magazine. She spies a familiar green wrapper resting in his lap, her heart warming at the thought of him sneaking an acid pop. He'd never admit that he actually enjoyed them. Her heart rate turns erratic when his charcoal eyes find hers, an easy going smile on his lips.

"Hi," He says simply, his lips twitching further. Gwen flushes slightly under his gaze, stunned by how easy her emotions feel now. She felt calm again, normal. She tucks her hair behind her ear and says quietly,

"What are you reading?"

"Celestina Warbeck has another lover. Oh and apparently pink is a very in color right now. Riveting stuff I tell you," He teases, his feet swinging down from the table so he can lean forward. He rests his elbow on the edge of her bed, leaning his chin on his hand as he mumbles,

"You slept."

"I slept." She confirms, feeling slightly giddy. She reaches out and smooths back some of his hair, her heart guiding her as she leans down and gently fits her lips to his. Sirius' heart warms and he quickly snakes his hand around the back of her neck, kissing her softly. It's chaste and innocent and he's embarrassed to admit that it may be his favorite one yet. He liked seeing her warm and still fuzzy from sleep. She was soft around the edges, her wit still waking up. Though he was sure that would be back to challenge him in no time.

She reluctantly pulls back, staring at him serenely as she asks, "Aren't you going to ask me what happened?"

Sirius chuckles and shoots her a wry smile before leaning back. He catches one of her hands in his own, interlocking their fingers as he muses,

"I assumed you'd tell me when you were ready. Maybe you should've been in hufflepuff, Ninnie. I've never met anyone more stubborn."

She laughs, her head leaning back and her eyes crinkling at the corners. And Sirius just smiles because he can't believe the change, can't believe how much better she looks. She's still tired, faint purple circles beneath her eyes and a sharpness to her cheekbones that still worries him. But she's smiling and her eyes are sparking with life.

"I'll tell you," She finally says, smiling at his look of surprise. She shrugs a little, still feeling slightly protective of her heart. But he was here, and clearly he cared. "Though I'm afraid it's not a riveting story. Not nearly as exciting as Celestina Warbeck's love life.

"Please," He scoffs, gently stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. "Everything you do is riveting, Whitlock."

She rolls her eyes, her smile fading slightly as she says quietly,

"Yesterday was the day I found my mum on the beach."

Sirius' brow furrows and he squeezes her hand, his heart breaking slightly at the ghost of memories that briefly flicker in her eyes. She shrugs again, saying flatly, "I'm always sad, usually feel a bit ill. I can see her still you know? In my dreams. They usually get a little more vivid around this time."

Sirius nods, scooting his chair closer. He wants to be near her, to share the burden of the story she's telling. He sees a faint expression of what he thinks is affection at his action and it makes his heart sing. He rests his elbows on the bed again, bringing their joined hands to his lips so he can gently kiss her knuckles. He spies a faint tinge of pink on her cheeks, but lets it go this time. He'd get her next time.

"I was feeling more ill than normal, and I guess I didn't realize that anything was really wrong. Until..."

She nearly tells him that she ran into Regulus, that he helped her as best he could. But there was lingering brother rivalry there that she didn't want to stir up. The Veela clears her throat and continues,

"Dumbledore. He found me and helped me to the hospital wing. Apparently I haven't been doing a very good job dealing with my magic either. I thought it was just grief."

"I thought you said you'd read everything about it? You've seemed to be controlling it rather well," Sirius offers gently, noting the hint of frustration on her normally passive face.

"Well, apparently I'm not meant to try and push it away. I'm supposed to learn to live with it, instead of pretending to exist without it. Dumbledore has offered to teach me, or at least work through it with me so I don't get sick." She replies gently, feeling slightly uncomfortable talking about her status as a being.

It was messy, and her guidance had been limited thanks to her lack of family. What she was learning now, she was meant to have learned years ago. To prepare. And now she'd been thrown in the deep end, her maturing of her magic haven taken place so quickly and suddenly.

Sirius' brows furrow, his smile turning into a contemplative frown. Thinking. He was thinking. About her. Gwen smiles slightly at the thought, her heart melting when he says quietly, "I'll help you, Ninnie. If I can. I wish I would've known."

She feels a rush of gratitude and affection for the boy, her heart beating harder and faster against her chest.

"Okay," She says simply, her smile broadening when he grins. "If there's something for you to help with, you're the first person I'll come to. Though now they've just asked that I rest."

Sirius nods once, looking very stern when he says, "Don't make me schedule you naps, Whitlock. I'll do it."

Gwen smirks slightly, unable to help her suggestive tone when she murmurs, "Will there be other activities surrounding naps and beds? I know one way to wear me out, Black."

Sirius' jaw drops slightly, embarrassed by how he's instantly turned on by her words. He scowls at her cheeky grin, mumbling, "Bloody, Inferi."

Gwen snickers when he shifts in his chair, adjusting himself now that he's uncomfortably turned on. His scowl turns playful and he quickly reaches up and pinches her side, chuckling when she laughs harder.

He softens slightly, mumbling and gently pulling at her arm, "C'mere."

She looks at him knowingly before leaning back into him and gently pressing their lips together again. The kiss is slow, languid. Like they have all the time in the world. He smirks and gently nips at her lower lip before pulling back and sighing dramatically,

"You're something else, Gwen."

She smiles, her fingertips tracing the gentle slope of his lips. Soft and smiling beneath her touch. She feels a tingling in her chest that's new and vulnerable and scary. But she likes it.

He's something else.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now