Chapter 133

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{{yippee! An update for you lovelies :) ill try to post again this evening!! I didn't edit know the drill.}}

Sirius sits anxiously in the rather uncomfortable chair.

He knew what Gwen meant now when she said that the Headmaster's office was noisy. He'd never noticed the whirring sounds from trinkets or the soft chatting of the portraits. He hadn't noticed a lot of things before her.

He slumps down even further in his chair when Dumbledore appears, a furious looking McGonagall in tow.

"Mr. Black!" She squawks, "I have never in my life seen such—"

"Minnie, please."

Perhaps it's the exhaustion of his voice, the strain of emotion. The head of Gryffindor instantly clamps her mouth shut, her eyes glinting with sympathy rather than anger. She silently takes her seat next to Sirius, the two of them facing the headmaster as he sits down behind his desk.

Sirius feels such hatred towards the man, such anger. If this was anyone's fault, it was his. Dumbledore looks at Sirius calmly before saying, "You may speak freely here, Sirius."

"You never should have asked her to do whatever it is you're doing."

Dumbledore nods, his smile faint as he replies simply, "I know."

Sirius runs his hands through his hair frustratedly before asking irritably, "So am I being expelled or what?"

The headmaster's eyes twinkle with an emotion that Sirius can't quite read. Gwen would know, she knew everything. Sirius swallows and nearly sighs in relief when the wizard just shakes his hand. He replies gently, "No one is being expelled today."

Sirius nearly bristles. The Slytherin he just beat to a pulp should be expelled. The rest of them, the one he saw in Snape's memory should be expelled. They'd harassed Gwen before, and Sirius was not looking forward to what they would do now.

Sirius doesn't expect the next words that come flying out of his mouth.

"What did Gwen's mum do?" He blurts, feeling an odd sense of desperation come over him. He had to know. He had to protect his Veela.

Dumbledore is silent for a long moment, his eyes briefly meeting Minerva's. He hesitates only a moment longer before saying, "I don't know for certain, but I do know that Voldemort has been interested in magical beings since he was a student at Hogwarts. Delphine Whitlock came from a long line of powerful Veela, and I think he wanted her help. But she refused."

Sirius nods, glancing at Minerva. She offers a supportive smile, but Sirius feels sick when the Headmaster continues, "What you must know about Veela, Mr. Black, is that you can't take their power. It must be given freely. If you take their hair forcibly, they can become deathly ill. If you try force their charm or their fire, it physically hurts them. I think when Voldemort realizes she wouldn't willingly help him, he tried to force her, which of course didn't have its desired effect. It merely caused her to self destruct, it whittled away at her existence."

Sirius asks quietly, "So he tortured her?"

Dumbledore reluctantly nods, explaining, "I think his torture was an attempt to command her power, since she wouldn't use it willingly. What he didn't realize is that a Veela would sooner die than hand over themselves. Delphine was a brave woman. She chose death over manipulation."

Sirius forces the tears prickling his eyes to go away. He forces himself to be brave. But he can't help but picture Gwen, picture someone forcibly try to take away the things that made her.

"But what about Gwen? Didn't she want to live for Gwen?"

Dumbledore smiles kindly and shakes his head, asking gently, "Can you imagine what would have happened if Voldemort had discovered that he could use Delphine? Gwen wouldn't have made it to her first year."

Sirius swallows past the lump in his throat, feeling a surge of gratitude when Minerva squeezes his shoulder. He closes his eyes, hoping to ward away the waves that threaten to drag him into the ocean of despair. When he opens them he feels a little more resolved, a little more hopeful,

"What does this mean for her? What does this mean for Gwen?"

Dumbledore nods his head and replies honestly, "I'm not sure. What I do know, is that no harm will come to her at Hogwarts."

"And after?" Sirius asks, voice tight. "When she continues to do whatever it is you and her have been planning, what then?"

Dumbledore's eyes flicker and his voice grows stern as he speaks, "Gwenyth will no longer be participating in the things we have discussed, Mr. Black."

Sirius' heart clenches. As much as he hated her stubbornness, it was part of who she was. Part of the reason he loved her. Sirius shakes his head and murmurs, "You can't make her stop. Especially now. Now that she knows she's closer to understanding her mother's death, she won't quit."

It sounds like an accusation. Maybe it is one. If Dumbledore hadn't asked for her help, helped her grow and learn to use her magic, helped her to understand her ancestry...maybe she would be safe. Maybe Sirius wouldn't be grieving like she's already dead.

Minerva sighs and says gently, "Sirius, we're going to do everything we can—"

"Tell me. Tell me what it is that you've been having her do. What it is she's caught up in, because I know she's not going to give it up," Sirius interrupts, pleading.

Minerva and Albus share and quick look, both looking apprehensive. Almost imperceptibly, the headmaster nods his head. Minerva clears her throat and says quietly,

"The Order of the Phoenix."

Sirius blinks at their, his brows furrowing in confusion. She smiles faintly and continues, "We're a...we are a secret society that is dedicated to oppose Voldemort and his followers."

Sirius glances at Dumbledore and asks confusedly, "Isn't that the ministry's job? Isn't that why there are bloody aurors?"

The wizard speaks unassumingly, almost sounding amused as he says, "Surely your time spent with influential families gives you an idea as to why a less bureaucratic organization may need to exist?

Sirius pales slightly, considering just how many pureblood families are intertwined with the ministry. The Malfoys, The Averys, The Carrows...his own family. His father frequently visited the ministry for business, not that Sirius ever paid any attention to it. He suddenly wishes he had.

"I'd like to join."

He quickly looks at Minerva McGonagall and says again, "Minnie, I'd like to join."

She smiles slightly and he can see a flash of approval across her face. He swallows roughly and continues, "I know that James and Remus and Peter will. And Lily and Dorcas and Marlene!"

He suddenly pauses, gripping the sides of the chair he's sitting in. He knew someone else that would join. Someone that he was certain had seen the light now. He wasn't sure they would accept him though, and that may be a deal breaker for Sirius.

He hesitates before saying quietly, "My brother...he would too."

Dumbledore peers at the Gryffindor over his glasses. Sirius exhales the breath he's been holding when the wizard smiles and says firmly, "I have no doubt. When the time comes, I will formally ask that you all consider joining us in this fight. What I won't do is put children at risk. I've already made that mistake."

Sirius goes to protest, to tell him that he wants in now. That he wants to fight now. But Dumbledore holds up a hand and insists, "When the time is right, Sirius. Until then, I ask that you keep this between us and Gwenyth. Just for a little while longer."

Reluctantly, Sirius nods and lets out a defeated sigh. He slumps back into his chair and relaxes a little more. If nothing else, he could protect Gwen this way. He would keep her safe, even if it meant risking his own life.

The war was here. And he was ready to fight.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now