Chapter 56

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She was almost free, one more exam to go.

And it was one she was both not looking forward to and excited for all the same. Astronomy. They'd be going to the tower tonight to make their final star charts. And while the stars weren't exactly exciting to her, a certain boy that was named after one was.

Since she'd spent the majority of her day yesterday with Regulus and Remus, she was forced to cram her studying in last minute. Though she didn't find the library to be conducive to such a task.

Dorcas and Marlene are playing a muggle game with a length of string while Lily furiously scribbles on her notes. She too had one exam left. Arithmancy. Gwen would rather take a swim in the black lake than take that exam.

"It doesn't look big enough to be a bassinet for kittens," Gwen remarks, peering at the mess of string tangled in Marlene's fingers. Dorcas looks at the Veela affectionately while Marlene bites back a snort.

"It's cats cradle, Ninnie," Marlene teases. "Not Kitten bassinet."

Gwen wrinkles her nose and shrugs, turning back to her map of stars she was trying to memorize. Sirius would be here any moment to help her study, and she was embarrassed to admit how excited that made her. She'd missed him the last couple of days, both of them surprisingly busy.

Though the person that sits down next is not a boy with grey eyes. It's a girl. Or rather girls.

Dorcas and Marlene both shift away from the 5 girls suddenly smushing in at the table, looking at each other before turning back to the group with wide eyes. Lily even stops her writing, her brows furrowing in confusion.

"Uh," Lily says quietly. "Hello?"

"We're not here for you," One girl says rather nastily. "We're here for Gwenyth."

Gwen doesn't look up from her chart, just lets out a hum of acknowledgement. The table is awkwardly silent, the group of new girls looking at each other confusedly until Dorcas pipes up and says,

"That means she's listening."

Marlene bites back laughter as one of the girls says nervously,

"Um, I'm Jen. I don't know if you—"

"Remember? Yes, I know who you are. You've each harassed me to schedule a snogging appointment with Sirius. I'm afraid to say that I have retired as his secretary of such affairs."

The girls all freeze when she looks at them, her eyes pale and very bored.

"Jen, Veronica, Tara...actually I don't remember you two," Gwen says simply, pointing at a Ravenclaw and a Slytherin that stand behind the three shed named. They both go to say their names but Gwen holds up a hand, saying nonchalantly,

"Best not tell me. I'm afraid it won't really matter."

Lily nudges Gwen, chiding quietly, "Don't be rude." Marlene and Dorcas are practically choking on their withheld laughter.

Tara clears her throat, growing haughty as she says, "We had something we'd like to discuss with you—"

"I assumed by the way you've all gathered around the table. By all means, spit it out," Gwen sighs, ready to be done with this conversation. Though she's not prepared for what comes next. Five sets of glaring eyes, possessive words, and pursed lips. They're here to claim Sirius.

"We'd like to ask that you take a step back," Tara says pointedly. "From Sirius."

"It's not fair that you get to have him. You have an advantage being a beast that men like," Jen argues. "You're made to lure them in! You should give the rest of us a chance!"

The Ravenclaw Gwen doesn't know that is evidently up Sirius' ass speaks up, whispering loudly, "You've practically manipulated him, whether you meant to or not. And not just him, all of the boys. I mean, would they really pay attention to you otherwise."

Marlene scoffs and goes to stand but Dorcas lays a hand on her arm, whispering, "Don't, Marls. You'll be expelled!"

Lily and Dorcas both scowl as the girls continue, trying to follow Gwen's lead and just ignore them. But it's getting increasingly difficult.

Gwen feels pricking up her spine, her jaw wound tight. She tried to take a deep breath through her nose, but she was choking on the perfume Veronica or Vanessa—she couldn't even remember now—was wearing. She closes her eyes, thinking maybe if she won't see them she won't be so mad. But they're treating Sirius like an object. And they're acting as if she gave him a bloody love potion.

"We had him first."

"I called dibs!"

"We just shagged a few months ago! He's mine!"

"Maybe if you'd dye your hair—"

"FUCK!" Gwen finally blows, startling the chattering girls around her. She clenches her fists, her nails digging into her palms, and snaps out, "I have no control over who Sirius likes because he is not a damned toy for you to pass around! But fine, have him! You have my fucking blessing!"

She elbows the gaggle of gaping girls out of the way, Dorcas and Lily and Marlene staring in awe as she storms from the startlingly silent library. It wasn't often the Veela got mad, but when she did it was astounding.

Gwen tells herself that she won't cry, that she doesn't care. That what they were saying wasn't true. But the thought of those girls, the thought of him...she quickly wipes away a stray tear. It hurt. The things they said, the insecurities that she'd kept locked down surfacing under their wicked words.

Maybe they were right, maybe his affection for her or the moments they shared didn't go past the fact that she was a creature that allures men. The stress of exams and the stress of her emotions are too much. She's suffocating. She's exhausted. She's halfway up the narrow stairs of Ravenclaw tower when she feels a hand wrap around her wrist. She tries to shake free, saying angrily,

"Piss off!"


She turns at the sound of his voice.

Sirius stands on the step below her, looking up at her with wide grey eyes. Grey eyes that burn her soul and cause so much pain and rage and laughter and joy.

"Oh great," She scoffs, trying to free her arm. "It's you. Your girls are all waiting for you in the library."

"I heard," He says quietly, unmoving. His grip is like iron. Gwen tries to yank free again, pleading and praying he doesn't see that she'd been crying, that she'd been weak,

"Let me go. Just let me go, Sirius."

"No," He shakes his head, his grip steady. She yells, finally pissed off and sad enough that she's breaking through her normal state of serenity.

"Fucks sake! Can you please just piss off?! What do you want from me?! I've done—"

He moves up a step, towering above her now as he pulls her close by her wrist and presses his mouth to hers. She freezes, stunned by the forward action. Then she's shoving at his chest, pounding on his front with her fists. But he doesn't let go, he holds her closer. And Gwen just melts.

Her swinging hands grab his school shirt, her neck craning to kiss him back. Her heart is fluttering like crazy, practically beating out of her chest when he slides his lips against hers. He's soft and gentle, his hands coming up to tangle in the long strands of her ponytail.

"Sirius," She whispers, standing on her toes to get closer. She needs to be closer. He groans softly when he feels her tongue teasing his lower lip, opening up to her advances.

She quickly pulls back, saying angrily, "I'm still—"

"Mad. I'm aware, Inferi. Now shut up," He murmurs, bringing his lips back to hers.

She can't help her smile.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now