Chapter 65

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{{it's getting ~steamy~ y'all}}

Gwen wakes before Sirius, carefully extracting herself from her bed as she tries not to laugh.

He's snoring quietly, his black hair like a splotch of ink on her pillowcase. She's just pulling on a pair of shorts when his voice croaks from behind her,

"You're supposed to get rid of clothes, Ninnie. Not put them on."

She peers over her shoulder, heart fluttering at the lazy smile and half lidded grey eyes. He's devastatingly handsome, even just waking up. She sticks out her tongue, pointedly pulling up her clothes the rest of the way before she shuffles over to his side of the bed. Her stomach erupts in butterflies. His side. His side of her bed. She liked that.

Gwen perched on the edge, her knees facing him as his hands instantly move to rest on her hips. She smiles gently, reaching up and brushing back his hair from his face as she murmurs, "Good morning."

His smile grows, eyes flickering across her face as he replies, voice still rough from sleep, "Good morning."

He soaks in the image in front of him, burning it into his mind. Her hair glows softly from the morning light, her pale eyes looking down at him with a hint of mirth. He grabs her hand and pulls it down to his lips, kissing her palm and finger tips as she laughs quietly. He would never tire of that laugh.

"What are we doing today?" Sirius wonders with an easy smile. Gwen let's out a hum, tracing her lips with the pad of her thumb before she says, "Well, I have some letters to write. But then I thought we'd go to the beach. I know how much you want to work on your tan."

He grins at her sarcastic comment, nipping playfully at her finger before she can recoil as he retorts, "Please, you just want to go to the beach to have an excuse to ogle me."

She quirks a brow, eyes flat as she says passively, "I wasn't aware I needed an excuse."

He flushes and sighs exasperatedly at how easily her bluntness flusters him. He leans halfway up and grabs her chin, pressing kisses to the soft skin of her throat. He mutters, "You can never let me win, can you?"

She laughs in response, eyes fluttering shut as he teases the skin above her pulse with his teeth. She sighs when his tongue joins his ministrations, soothing the stinging from his bites across her throat.

"Sirius," She whispers, not sure if it's meant to be a warning or encouragement. He groans low at the sound of his name on her lips. He kisses higher, sucking on the skin below her ear as he mumbles,

"Tell me how you do it."

Her hand grabs his bicep, eyes clenching shut when he takes her earlobe between his teeth and tugs. Her voice is airy, betraying her as she asks, "Do what?"

He smirks, sucking lightly on her irresistible skin before blowing cool air across it. Triumph surges through him as she shivers and her hand grows tighter on his arm.

"How you always know what I'm going to say. How you always know what to say in return, you bloody seer."

Gwen pulls back, dizzy from his gruff voice and his demanding lips. She sighs, and Sirius grins at the way her pupils have grown, a black dot against her starkly contrasting blue eyes. She smirks slightly and whispers simply, "Intuition."

Sirius' eyes darken and before she can run away, he's wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her back down onto the bed. His lips are on hers in a heart beat, instantly earning a throaty moan from her that has him painfully hard in his pants. Gwen whines quietly when he swipes her lower lip with his tongue, eagerly opening up to him. He groans gruffly, hands fisting the hem of her shirt and pushing it up so he can feel her are skin on hers.

His tongue teases her, pay back for her smart mouth and sassy replies. He loved it. He lo—liked her. A lot. He reluctantly pulls away from her sweet lips, peppering kisses down her throat and to the tiny dip in her collarbones. He savors the taste of her skin, ears ringing from her breathy moans, satisfying his mental and physical hunger for her. He was starved, deprived of her touch for too long. And while he'd joked yesterday that he didn't have sex on the first was technically the morning after. And he was pretty sure she wanted him too. Or at least hoped.

Gwen pushes lightly at his chest and he leans back enough for her to shimmy out of her shirt, leaving her upper half completely bare. Her thighs clench together at the desire in the charcoal eyes above her, and she prayed that he could see it too in her normally inexpressive gaze. She wanted him. Needed him.

Sirius breathes in harshly through his nose, restraining himself as he smooths his hands up her stomach. He wants to go slow. They have all the time in the world here. Gwen sighs when his hands finally cup her breasts, his palms warm and rough in the best ways. She jumps slightly, her head pushing back into the mattress and a whine escaping her lips as he playfully flicks her nipple with his thumb.

She doesn't have time to speak before his mouth replaces one of his hands, teeth and tongue and lips ravishing her so perfectly that she has to remind herself to breathe. His lips move lower, kissing each rib delicately before leaving behind a punishing nip that she hopes will leave a bruise. He kisses her stomach, teasingly flicking his tongue across her navel before moving to her hip. Gwen gasps when his hands grab her thighs and spread them open, quickly leaning up and watching him settle his broad shoulders between them. He groans as he kisses the inside of her thigh, teasing the edge of her shorts with his fingers.

"Sirius," Her voice is throaty with need, but urgent. His smoldering eyes meet hers, glowing at the way her naked chest is rising and falling rapidly. Her cheeks are pink, a reaction that he tucks away in his mind. He loves it, loves seeing her as flustered as he can get around her.

"I've never...." she trails off, face growing even more warm as he quirks a brow. She clears her throat, unwilling to say it. Realization dawns on him and he can't help but grin, giddy at the thought of giving her this first. Being this first. He bites down hard on his lower lip, asking huskily,

"Do you trust me?"

Gwen hesitates. Of course she trusts him. But this is different. New. Another instance of her being vulnerable with him in ways she never had before. His smile is gentle though, warm and understanding. It's the realization that he won't be mad or angry if she says no...that realization has her lips parting and a whisper escaping her,

"Yes. I trust you."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now