Chapter 187

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{{mature warning! This is also super long because I didn't want to split it into two chapters since everyone has been waiting so patiently. Next chapter will be back to regular length (: enjoy!}}

Sirius moves to pull back when they land on soft sand.

He wants to give the Veela a chance to greet her ocean, her home.

But she's insistent, her body rolling into his like the waves that meet the shore. The guttural sigh that escapes him would be embarrassing if he wasn't too turned on to care.

"Gwen," He breathes, his lips tingling from the champagne still lingering on her tongue, his mind growing cloudy once again as she sneaks her hands lower, tugs at his shirt.

"Off, off, off," She mumbles, craning her neck to seal her mouth to his. She whimpers at the feeling of his teeth pinching her lower lip, her chest warm from the alcohol and from him. She smells like jasmine and the cigarette he'd caught her with earlier, not that he'd tell her.

He presses his hand against her back, presses her closer. He grunts when her mouth slides to his jaw, warm and giving. She bites at his skin, sucks gently to soothe the sting she'd caused as her heart beats against her ribs like a drum.

Sirius pulls his shirt up, furiously tugging at the buttons so they can be rid of at least one thing standing between them. He feels Gwen's hands leave his body, his eyes opening to find her fumbling with her keys. The protective charms were down, but her key would be the only thing to let them in. He grins at her, peppering kisses down the side of her neck, turning her by her hips and muttering, "Unlock the fucking door already, Inferi."

"I'm trying, you bloody dog," She replies with a huff, her hands shaking at the feeling of his bare chest pressing against her back. She's breathless, dizzy, her head slumping forward when he gifts messy kisses to the back of her neck. She can feel that he's smirking, and she wants to tell him to bugger off, but then he gently grabs her hand, guiding it to the door with the key and holding it steady so that they finally hear the latch click.

They practically fly through the threshold, a tangle of limbs as Gwen turns to face him once more. Sirius ducks his head, his mouth yearning to taste her skin as they stumble backwards into the depths of the cottage. His head spins when he feels her hands pushing his shirt from where it hangs on his shoulders, his torso bare to her finally.

Sirius grabs her hips, his fingers flexing across the shiny fabric of her dress as he mumbles hoarsely, "Fucking hell, Inferi."

"You like it?" Her question is stuttered by a moan, her skin turning red from his wicked mouth on her throat. Sirius moans quietly at the taste of her, at the way her voice sings in his ears.

"I like what's under it."

She laughs at his response, and Sirius grins, dipping down to throw her over his shoulder. She swats at his behind, laughing harder when he grunts a quiet warning to her as he rushes up the stairs and down the hallway to her room. Their room.

Gwen just smiles when he tosses her onto the bed, her eyes softening when he kneels next to her , sealing her against his body and reaches his hands back to pull out the pins holding her hair up. He tuts quietly, shaking his head as he chides, "You should know better than to have your hair up around me."

He savors the feeling of her laugh vibrating against his chest, his lips quirking up as he tosses the hairpins onto the small nightstand on her side of the bed. Her smile is knowing, cheeky even when he sighs in relief at the sight of her pearly hair tumbling onto her shoulders.

"Perhaps I should dye it."

Sirius grins at the nostalgic words, his mind taken back to a time where Gwen was only Ninnie the Narc to him, a time where she'd spent hours reading her Witch Weekly's to see what kind of dye would cover up her hair.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now