Chapter 32

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Dinner was surprisingly fun. Gwen realized very fast that she had missed company. Though maybe she'd just missed him.

They cooked together and even shared some wine that she'd had locked up for ages. He insisted on helping her clean, just laughing when she would move something he tried to put away in the wrong spot.

But despite the fun, despite how fast he fell asleep in the guest room, Gwen knew that he should go to James'. Whether he liked it or not.

He's still sleeping when she wakes and goes about her normal routine, still sleeping when she gets back from a quick trip to town. He needed the rest. She was glad he could get that here.

Sirius finally stirs around noon, light finally creeping in through the curtains of the room he's been sleeping in. He quickly sits up and pulls his shirt and jumper on over his head, scrambling out of the bed and out into the hall. He tiptoes down the stairs, expecting the Veela to be in the kitchen or reading on the sofa. But she's gone. He feels a wave of fear hit him as he anxiously searches the house, looking for anything that resembles her pearly hair.

He finally bursts through the door and looks at the garden. She's not there, but he can finally breathe again when he sees her standing on the beach in the distance. It's colder today, the sky a little more grey and the waves a little more violent. The crashing sound is louder, the seagulls are gone. He can tell that she's bundled up in a coat, even from where he's standing. Sirius nearly goes back inside to put on a coat and shoes, but then he's being pulled forward by a imaginary string tied to her.

He wrinkles his nose when he steps on the damp sand, finding it far less soft and plush than the dunes up by the house. She doesn't move when he walks up beside her, just keeps staring out at the clear horizon. He glances down at her feet hidden beneath layers of sand as the water crashes around their ankle.

Sirius jumps slightly when she suddenly speaks, saying peacefully, "I used to not be able to make it this far."

He quickly realizes she means the water, the ocean tickling her toes and ankles. He smiles slightly, affection coming in like the waves.

"Merry Christmas Eve, Ninnie," Sirius says quietly, turning and facing the horizon as well. They make quite the pair, her silver covered head just reaching the tops of his shoulder where his black waves dust his collar bones. She glances up at him out of the corner of her eye, feeling relieved at the serenity on his face. He'd finally rested, finally purged every bad thought and memory he had of his family.

They stand for what seems like hours, the freezing water bathing their feet until his are covered with sand as well. He bends down and grasps a few shells and bits of sea glass in his fingers, pocketing them quickly like he's stealing. Gwen notices, but hides her laughter and refrains from commenting.

"We have to go," She says softly. "You have to go. James is waiting for you."

Sirius' throat suddenly hurts, tight with emotion. He wants to stay right here on the beach with Gwen. With the wind whipping her hair around so beautifully it makes his heart hurt. With the ocean reflecting deep blue light on her normally icy gaze. He wants to stay here where sand pulls at their ankles, where there's hot cocoa and wine and crazy colored cabinets. 

He closes his eyes and breathes in the salty air, smiling slightly when he hears her sing songy tone,

"Sirius," She sings jeeringly, bumping him with her hip.

He opens his eyes and turns to face her, reluctantly mumbling,


She smiles so brilliantly that he feels like he's looking at the sun. He reaches out and ruffles her hair, his heart warming even further when she says,

"I'll go with you just until your settled. And you can always come back. I swear it."

He wants to kiss her. He nearly does. But then she's looping her arm through his and tugging him back up in the direction of the house. They take their time, Sirius insisting he check on the bulbs again before he leaves. When they reach the cottage he gathers his trunk and bag while she locks up.

The Veela smiles at him, wordlessly taking his outstretched hand. She closes her eyes as they apparate, finding that she does better when she doesn't look and holds her breath.

They land clumsily, her body rocking into his slightly before he quickly grabs her hips and steadies her. She flushes at the action, feeling like a dumb schoolgirl.

He's back to brooding, staring nervously at the house in front of them. It's dark now, the warm lights from the windows guiding Gwen up the walk. Sirius follows close behind, lugging his trunk while she carries his bag.

She glances back at him hiding in the shadows and smiles encouragingly before facing foreword and knocking on the door.

"I've got it!!!"

James swings open the front door, blinking dumbly at the sight of the Veela. His brow furrows and he asks incredously,


"Hi, James! Good holiday so far?" She wonders, smiling warmly and trying not to laugh at his confusion.

"Uh, yeah," He says it like a question, still stunned by the sight of the girl on his front step.

She steps aside and reveals a very sheepish looking Sirius. Realization dawns on him and while Sirius expects an I told you so, James just grins broadly and says,

"It about damn time, Padfoot."

They grasp each others arms and pull each other into an embrace, Gwen laughing as they clap each other on the back with matching smiles on their faces.

"James, who—"

The boys and Gwen freeze, facing a woman with salt and pepper hair tied up into a neat knot. She has James' same smile.

"Sirius!" The woman cries, tugging the boy from James and into her own arms. Gwen feels warmth spread through her chest when Sirius hugs her back. The woman pulls away to look him over from head to toe, her tone surprised,

"You look...well!"

Sirius glances sideways, the woman following his gaze to land on Gwen. The Veela smiles and waves, saying calmly,

"You must be James' mother."

Mrs. Potter stares at her in shock, her eyebrows raised at the girl's practically glowing eyes and hair.

"Yes," She finally stutters out. "Yes, I am. Please, come in...."

"Gwen," The Veela says warmly, looking apologetic as she says, "I'm afraid I can't stay, I—"

A large hand suddenly grabs her arm, her eyes meeting charcoal ones that are wide. He wants her to stay. She sighs and send him a very unimpressed look before saying flatly,

"I suppose Sirius needs a baby sitter."

Mrs. Potter grins and ushers the children inside, finding that while she was initially unnerved by the girls stare, she seems to be quite cheeky.

And Mia needed another girl on her side, she was outnumbered in her own home.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now