Chapter 97

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{{today I'm just not editing because I'm lazy and tired so if there's mistakes I'll fix them later (:}}

Gwen doodles aimlessly while she reads her textbook, trying to fight the urge to hum in the quiet library.

First of all, it would be rather rude. And secondly, all of the boys would unfortunately be charmed. It's a shame. She'd had a song stuck in her head for days, and humming was the only way to get rid of it.

She glances across the way at Sirius sleeping peacefully against his textbooks, James sitting next to him and furiously scribbling on parchment. Lily still hadn't asked him out. Hopefully soon.

Peter and Remus sit on either side of her, both of them munching on chocolate as quietly as possible. Peter groans and mutters, "I hate tutoring. Gwen, charm me so I'm forced to stay put."

Gwen smiles slightly and says pointedly, "It's awfully nice of Professor Kettleburn to offer his assistance, Peter."

The boy groans but nods, sighing in defeat. Remus smiles encouragingly as Peter slowly stands and mumbles, "Fine. I'll go."

"Oh," Gwen says suddenly, reaching into her bag and pulling out a familiar wad of parchment. "Perhaps you could use this to find the lads later, Pete. I know you've been looking for it."

James looks up confusedly, his eyes zeroing in on the parchment that Remus and Peter are gawking at. Gwen blinks and asks flatly, "This is the right map, yes?"

Peter grabs it from her hands and quickly mutters something under his breath, his wand pressed to the middle of the parchment. Gwen smiles when ink begins to appear across it. The boy, minus the sleeping one she was dating, stare in awe.

"How'd you get it back?" James questions quietly, eyes wide behind his glasses. Gwen smiles slightly and replies, "Guess, Potter. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

Peter looks giddy as he scurried away with the map, already using it to find Professor Kettleburn waiting in the forest.

"You didn't tell them?"

Gwen's blood runs cold and she stiffens just enough for Remus to notice. He peers over his shoulder and spots a familiar pair of grey eyes. His cheeks warm and his smile grows.

"Regulus," Remus greets happily. The Slytherin doesn't even spare him a glance, just stares at the back of the veela's head. His heart clenches and he hesitates before saying quiet, voice pleading,


James looks at Gwen in confusion, his eyes narrowing at her stony face. He glances at Sirius, considers waking him up. But Gwen gives a tiny shake of her head. The look on her face tells him to do as she wishes.

"Gwen, please," Regulus begs, gripping the muggle beads she gifted him tightly in his pocket. "Can we just—"

"I don't know what you want me to say."

Remus winces at the sharpness of her voice, his eyes sliding to the crestfallen sixth year that stands behind her. He says slowly, "Perhaps we should—"

"I'm not moving," Gwen states, her voice ringing with finality. Remus' eyes grow wide and he turns to Regulus, asking quietly, "What happened?"

Gwen whips her head around, finally facing the Slytherin and saying firmly, "Do not answer that question."

"Gwen," Regulus starts but she cuts him off, her voice like steel,

"Little, I'm not mad at you. But I'm going to be if you tell anyone anything—"

"What are we not telling?!" James cries, nervousness making him shift in his seat. Sirius stirs and Gwen freezes eyeing him carefully when he grunts sleepily, "Why are we yelling?"

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now