Chapter 66

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{{Here you go ;) MATURE WARNING: for the love of god if you're a young child don't read. Or do, but you're not my responsibility!}}

"Yes. I trust you."

Sirius tries to remember the last time he heard something that made him feel this way. Whole. She made him feel whole. Her trust meant the world, especially considering their not so friendly past. It made him cherish it that much more. Trust.

His heart swells and he holds her gaze, mumbling gently, "I'll go slow, Ninnie. Just tell me if you want me to stop."

She nods quickly, her nerves fading when he leans up to press his lips to hers. It's chaste at first, soothing her apprehension away before he's dominant again, his mouth hot and hungry on hers.

She moans quietly when his fingers trace the edge of her shorts before tugging them down. He caresses the side of her ankle, sliding up to gently press against the back of her knee. She doesn't realize she's bending for him, too caught up in the way his tongue draws the neediest noises from her chest. She can't be embarrassed. It's too good.

His lips reluctantly leave hers, again sliding down her body until he reaches her hip. He pauses here, groaning softly as he kisses and sucks her skin until a reddish mark blooms. He swipes his thumb over it, mouth watering at the way she arches her back and whispers his name. She looks more relaxed now, less intimidated. So he settles back between her legs, eyes raking in the blue knickers that hide her from him.

Blue. She was wearing blue again.

His heart clenches, his thumbs delicately hooking on the waistband and tugging them down. Gwen bites back the mess of words and sighs that want to leave her chest. She trusts him. She trusts him implicitly. She jumps slightly when she feels his lips on the inside of her knee, sliding higher. She takes in some calming breaths, embarrassed by how needy she is despite her fear of the unknown. Sirius groans against her skin, Gwen seeing stars when his gruff voice reaches her ears,

"I want to mark you here. Can I?"

"Yes," She chokes out, her eyes clenching shut as his teeth bite down on the flesh of her inner thigh. He sucks and bites until her skin aches and burns so deliciously it has her arching off the mattress. He licks over the love bite, eyes locked onto how good it looks against her soft skin.

Gwen let's out a whiny moan when he finally touches her, his thumb gently stroking over her heat until he circles her clit. He doesn't want to surprise her. He's desperate for her to like this, just as desperate as he is to taste her.

She jumps at the first touch of something warm and she knows then that his mouth is on her, in the most intimate of ways. The thought alone increases her arousal, her hips stirring when he kisses her like he would her mouth.

"Oh," She gasps, eyes rolling back when he slowly licks up her heat, her legs already trembling. Sirius moans, sending vibrations up her spine that make her gasp again. He can't believe his luck, can't believe how sweet she is. How he'd wasted so much time not doing this. Gwen whines airily when he pulls away, weakly propping herself up on her elbows. Her heart beats faster at the look in his eyes. Dangerous, dark. Lust. He liked this, he liked doing this. That much is confirmed when he lowers his head again and licks a tantalizingly slow stripe up her core.

"Fuck," Gwen whispers, elbows giving out as she melts under his touch. Her hips move on their own accord, his arms curling under her legs to grab her and encourage her movement on his tongue. He groans against her again, sliding his mouth higher and sucking gently on the bundle of nerves that makes her say his name so beautifully it makes him want to never stop.

He gently licks and sucks until her body shakes harder and he knows she's almost there. A keening noise leaves her before she gasps,

"I-I don't oh my gosh—"

"Come, Gwen," He mutters loud enough that she can hear, her ears ringing. "Let go."

His husky voice and sinful lips push her over the edge, her hands clawing at the sheets and hips bucking as she climaxes. Her vision blurs and she lets out a quiet cry, her chest heaving up and down, her body tingles all the way to her toes. She's still sparking with after shocks when he gently brings her down with slow kisses and licks, reluctantly leaving her heat when she whispers,

"Bloody hell."

Sirius chuckles as he crawls back up her limp body, pressing kisses to her tanned skin along the way. He grins when he reaches her face, wondering gently as he rubs his thumb across her pink cheeks,


Gwen laughs throatily, nodding her head and murmuring simply, "Terrible."

Sirius scoffs at her flat tone, pecking her cheek and replying smugly, "I suppose we'll just have to practice then." She smiles, turning her head and catching his lips with her own. He gently slides his lips across hers, stilling when her hands begin to push at his boxers.

"No, that was for you," He whispers, though his resilience to her ways falls short when she slips her hands under his shorts and grasps his pulsing length in her hands.

"Gwen," He moans, his head dropping to her shoulder as she strokes him slowly, her grip getting tighter as she approaches the tip of him. He whispers curses against her skin, biting down gently on her shoulder to muffle his moans when she swipes her thumb across his head. It feels so good, his erection painfully needy for her touch. He thrusts into her mindlessly, eyes crossing when her silky voice penetrates the fog of his mind,

"This is for me too."

Her hands push down the last barrier between them, Sirius groaning when her hands find him again, stroking and twisting until he rasps, "Ninnie, I'm gonna come if you're not careful."

"That's the goal isn't it," She wonders, smiling at his exasperated look. His cheeks are flushed slightly, pupils blown wide. She bites down on her lower lip before guiding him between her legs. Sirius hesitates, still wanting this to be for her. But she seems determined, muttering a quick contraceptive spell. She groans when he just barely thrusts in before pulling back out, "Quit teasing me."

Sirius smirks when her unfocused eyes land on him, saying pointedly, "Who said anything about teasing?"

Gwen cries out when his hips suddenly snap up, his hard length thrusting into her hard and fast. She claws at his back, anchoring herself as he punishes her with rough, shallow strokes.

"Fuck, you feel so good, Ninnie," Sirius mutters, his head buried in the crook of her shoulder. He groans when her hands slide into his hair, tugging and pulling until he can feel the tingling from his scalp down his spine. She gasps and arches her front into his chest, eyes clenching shut as a familiar sensation builds low in her stomach. She burns for him, her thighs, her stomach, her core. Her heart. Her heart burns for Sirius Black.

He can tell she's close again, her walls clenching around him so perfectly that his vision blurs. He curses loudly, one hand grasping hers and twining their fingers together while the other comes down the circle her swollen clit. She cries out his name, body shuddering underneath him as she falls over the brink of her pleasure. The sight of her parted lips and glazed eyes finishes him off, his thrusts growing sloppy and slow as he climaxes.

He groans and rolls to the side, pulling her into his chest as he whispers,

"You're going to be the death of me, Whitlock,"

His heart feels like it may burst when she lifts her head, her lips swollen and pink, her pretty blue eyes glimmering with affection and amusement.

"The feeling is mutual, Black."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now