Chapter 148

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{{This is mature! Like for real mature ;) soooooo don't read it if you can't handle it. Otherwise enjoy—I didn't edit so there might be some real funny typos.}}

Gwen feels herself smiling, feels her cheeks flush as she looks away from Sirius's eyes.

She can be brave. With him, she can be anything. She starts small, her hands moving to his wrists and forearms that are coated with sand. She gently smooths it away, her thumb pressing against the crease of his elbow while her other fingers move higher. She jumps across, skipping his biceps and instead going to run her knuckle across his collar bones.

She wets her lips again before leaning in to kiss the hollow between his shoulder and his clavicle, her fingers shaking at the quiet sigh that escapes him. Gwen takes her time, slowly moves her knuckles and the very tips of her fingers over the tattoo in the center of his chest. She lightly drags her fingernails down his abdomen, down every swell and cleft of muscle until goosebumps appear on the tanned skin before her. 

Then she moves back up, ignoring the impatient noise that quietly sounds from above her. She brushes her thumb over his Adam's apple, over the pulse in his neck and then moves higher still until she gently cups his chin and leans up closer to him. Their mouths hover a centimeter apart, Gwen's eyes reluctantly flickering up from his parted lips. Neither of them breathe for a second, so close yet so far from kissing. Sirius exhales sharply when her pale eyes lock onto his. She can tell what he wants, can see it written across his tense face. But a tingle up her spine makes her want to hear it.

She licks her lips again, barely brushing up against his in the process. The groan she earns from the action is delicious and sinful and eggs her on further. She blinks a few slow times before murmuring, "Ask me."

Sirius' eyes narrow into chips of iron, a torn look appearing on his face. He was happy to give her control, pleased even. But he'd never begged for anything in his life, never had to. But she was sexy like this, her pale eyes glowing in the sun and the gentle breeze whipping her hair into the air. No one got to see her this way. And she was the only one that would ever see him like this. So just this once. Just this once he would ask.

His throat bobs as he swallows. He hesitates once more time before whispering hoarsely, "Lower, Inferi. Please."

Gwen feels like she may faint from how masculine and dominant he could still be while asking her for something, while she was the one supposed to be in control. It was foolhardy to think she was. He always had control, was always the one in charge. She instantly does as he asks, her hands slipping down to the waistband of his trunks where she dips the tips of her fingers under.

Sirius sucks in another harsh breath before mumbling, "Kiss me."

Gwen smiles slightly before gently pecking his lips. A breathy laugh bubbles from her chest when he swears under his breath, his voice more demanding when he says, "Gwen."

She wouldn't make him ask, not again. Despite the thrill that it gave her, she knew that she could only push him so far before the roles were reversed and she would be begging him. She leans in and slants her mouth on his, a pleased hum leaving her at the delicious contact. She moans quietly when his tongue teases her lower lip before biting at her gently. Gwen leans in further, her mind spinning from how good his lips felt on hers.

It's her turn to bite, to tease his tongue with her own. The groan that leaves her makes her hungrier, needier. She wants to touch him more. Lower. She does as he'd asked earlier, moves her hand lower until it disappears beneath his trunks. Sirius freezes when he feels her fingertips grazing his pulsing length. His head falls back before he can help it, lips leaving hers as he rumbles lowly, "Fuck."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now