Chapter 107

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Gwen blinks at Fawkes, tilting her head. She smile when the Phoenix does the same, moves his head to match hers.

"Miss. Whitlock."

Gwen let's out a hum of acknowledgment, not moving her eyes from the magical creature as she asks the Headmaster, "Is this going to take long? I have places to be."

"I can assure you that Mr. Lupin has made it to the shrieking shack for tonight."

Gwen glances up at this, narrowing her eyes at the old wizard. He smiles calmly and takes his usual seat, asking kindly, "How has your magic come along?"

Gwen sits bolt upright, excitement driving her to lean forward. She nearly vibrates with eagerness as she professes, "I feel like I've nearly got it, Professor."

Dumbledore nods and says encouragingly, "Let's see it then."

Gwen turns her palms over, relaxing and letting her magic come to the forefront of her mind. She smiles triumphantly when a flicker of light makes her palms glow orange. She pushes it a little further, tries to beckon it forward more, but then it goes off like a fire cracker. Tiny flames and smoldering embers land on her arms. She winced and quickly brushed them away, explaining sheepishly,

"It's just getting past the initial part I suppose. Professor Flitwick has given me more information to read as well, though it talks mainly about harpies."

Dumbledore nods his head, peering at her over her glasses. He notes her tense shoulders and stoic face. He smiles and says firmly, "It's progress. Good progress."

Gwen relaxes and nods, reaching over and snatching up the box where he keeps sweets. She steels three lemon drops, popping all of them into her mouth. Dumbledore stifles his laughter, instead growing more serious as he asks,

"Have you considered my question from last time?"

Gwen nods, turning in her chair so she can prop her knees over the arm and lean back. She swings her feet as she muses, "It's a rather interesting thought. I don't know why Voldemort would try and recruit veela. Especially when his followers seem less than enthused by the idea."

Her mind briefly flits to the Slytherins that had stopped her earlier in the year. Her brow furrowed, thinking back further to Orion Black spitting in her face. They wouldn't tolerate Veela sitting at their table, sharing council with their precious Dark Lord. She freezes, thinking out loud,

"He's not recruiting them to fight."

Dumbledore leans forward, resting his chin on his steepled fingers as he appraises the now stern look on the Veela's face. She glances up at the Headmaster and says lowly,

"He's using them."

The old wizard's eyes widen enough that she can see. Apprehension. For two rather intuitive people, they hadn't predicted this. His voice holds the gravity of the situation as he asks,

"In your opinion, Miss Whitlock, what is he using them for."

Gwen mulls over his question, her throat rubbing dry. She swallows, the lemon drops having turned to dust thanks to her clenched teeth.

"I'm...I'm not sure, Professor. If the imperious curse is used, they can't make Veela use their charm, it'll harm them. My fear is—"

She stops short, growing uncomfortable. Sex. That was the word on the tip of her tongue. Pureblood viewed Veela as whores, Sirens that had taken to land to manipulate and please men. They could be forcing Veela to dance or have sex with death eaters that would likely spit on them when they were through. She feels suddenly ill.

"Besides entertainment...I assume the cruciatus curse would turn some into harpies. Then they could be used to fight. If they give it up, I suppose they could be using certain Veela's hair for wands or potions. There are plenty of myths and legends about Talismans that can be made from hair."

Not just hair. Gwen wishes she'd never picked up books on Veela, that she'd stuck to only reading her magazines. Because then she wouldn't know that Veela eyes were a prized possession. That past dark witches would take Veela blood for potions in the hopes for eternal youth and beauty.

Dumbledore finally speaks, saying sternly, "You're time helping has come to an end."

She snaps, driven by anger and fear and desperation for her Veela sisters and cousins and ancestors, her kin that were in danger,

"Absolutely not."

His eyebrows raise at the sharpness of her tone. Gwen's eyes are narrowed, little chips of pale ice as she grounds out, hands slamming down on the edge of his desk, "You brought me into your bloody Order. You don't get to decide when I'm finished."

Dumbledore is silent, his eyes locked onto her hands. Gwen follows his gaze, feeling a shock run through her body at the smoldering wood that smokes beneath her hands. She slowly lifts one, eyes widening.


A flickering but strong flame blooms from her palm like a crimson flower. She smiles, glancing back up at the Headmaster and gloating, "Now you definitely can't make me quit. You need me."

The exasperated look he sends her nearly makes her laugh. Dumbledore shakes his head and warns, "I believe you've already been encouraged to discontinue our meetings."

Gwen's eye twitches. He knew. Of course he knew. She sighs and says wearily, "Sirius knows that I want to do this. He's not super pleased, but I told him enough to keep him calm. I didn't mention The Order."

Dumbledore smiles slightly and nods, replying gently, "He'll know soon enough. Though I suspect you may change your mind about your involvement."

Gwen quirks a brow, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the burnt edge of his desk. The wizard hesitates before asking calmly,

"Would you accompany me on a journey over the Holidays? I would appreciate your counsel. And your help."

Gwen feels a twinge of surprise. He truly did need her. Her brow furrows slightly and she says teasingly, "This again sounds like something a pervert would say, Headmaster. I've gotten over the candy...but traveling..."

He chuckles, shaking his head at the cheekiness of the girl. He finally looks at her and says honestly, "This would potentially be dangerous, but I can assure you that no harm will come to you. It would be a week at the most."

Gwen crosses her arms over her chest and wonders, "Why aren't you taking another member of The Order? I assumed Minnie was a part of it."

"Minerva will be watching the castle in my absence. This trip has little to do with death eaters. They are the focus of the other members of the order, keeping muggle borns safe and capturing the witches and Wizards that care to hurt them."

He watches the Veela, her face passive now as she thinks. She was a valuable asset, not just her magic. But her intelligence. Her intuition. It was valuable that she underestimated herself. His past students that had intelligence and an ego did not follow the path he would have preferred. One in particular.

Gwen's sigh rings through the relatively quiet office. She knows how pissed Sirius will be, but she also knows the Headmaster wouldn't ask if he didn't think it were necessary. She finally looks at him and says flatly,

"Fine. I assume there's a reason for your vagueness about the goal of said trip."

Dumbledore nods, saying gently, "It's for the best, Miss Whitlock. And this way, you won't need to lie to Mr. Black. You're merely traveling."

Gwen feels a pang of guilt and she mutters, "You try telling him that."

Sirius Black was going to be completely furious...if he found out.

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