Chapter 18

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"Merlin!" Gwen groans, slumping down onto the bench next to Remus and making him jump in surprise.

Her eyes instantly find Sirius over the table, her gaze narrowing as she huffs,

"I didn't realize becoming your friend meant I'd also become your bloody snog secretary, Black."

He quirks a brow, grinning at the girl in blue amidst the sea of red. She'd taken to sitting at Gryffindor's table for dinner, often dragging Dorcas along with her. Remus chuckles at the Veela, shaking his head. Lily looks up from where she and the brunette Ravenclaw are reading from the same book, asking curiously,

"What did you just say?"

Marlene snickers at Lily's scandalized face, especially when Gwen continues with a bored tone,

"Snog secretary. I've got girls coming up and asking me to deliver messages and bloody tokens of affection to Sirius!"

She turns to him, picking up her fork and pointing it in his direction while saying, "Veronica Vane would like you to meet her in the broom closet next to the transfiguration classroom."

Sirius wrinkles his nose, tilting his head to the side and asking confusedly, "Which one is that?"

"She's in your house, you twat. Brown hair, green eyes. Pretty, if not a bit of a bitch."

Sirius smirks and nods, glancing over at where Lily, Dorcas and Marlene look at him disapprovingly.

"Ladies, if you'd like to schedule an appointment, please see Miss. Whitlock."

Gwen bites back a smile at the mocking seriousness of his tone, finally chuckling when Marlene says honestly,

"I'd rather kiss a toad."

Lily nods in agreement, looking sick at the thought. Dorcas just blushes profusely and shoves her face back in the book.

"Gwen," James says cheekily, earning her attention. She smiles and quirks a brow, laughing loudly when James asks, "Could you schedule an appointment for me and Evans? Anytime after 7 works for me."

Lily scowls and flips off the boy with the glasses, making his grin grow wider. Peter laughs but quickly shuts his mouth when the green glare is turned his way.

The days after Sirius and Gwen chatted quietly in the Astronomy tower were surprisingly fun. Their friends had noticed a difference between the two, a friendship that hadn't been there before replacing the competitive spirit they'd shared since first year.

Sirius nudges her under the table, earning her attention again as he asks,

"Vanessa is it?"

The Veela sighs, pulling out her magazine from between her books in her bag and saying amusedly,

"Veronica. She asked that you meet her tonight, after she almost ripped out my hair that is."

Remus glances down at her and James leans in, his brows furrowed as he asks,

"She pulled your hair?"

"No," Gwen replies, her eyes taking in this weeks issue of Witch Weekly. "Just said that she would if I snogged Sirius. After that she told me that she heard boys wanted to snog me because it supposedly brings them luck. Lovely girl."

She looks up when she realizes the table has grown quiet. Everyone looks confused or angry. Or some of each. Gwen just laughs, saying simply, "Don't be mad."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now