Chapter 75

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Gwen peers over the crowds of people, hoping for a familiar face. It had only been two weeks, but she truly missed the boys.

Almost as much as she missed her girls. She hadn't seen Marlene, Dorcas, or Lily once over the break, the three of them traveling with their families. Though, they did receive the most letters from her. Especially Dorcas. Gwen couldn't resist teasing her about her growing crush on their Scottish friend. It was adorable, though Dorcas was convinced Marlene didn't reciprocate. Gwen knew better.

She stands on her toes, looking for anyone she may recognize. The only person she spots is Gilderoy Lockheart, staring at her like she's a piece of meat. When he licks his lips she grimaces and turns the other direction, pushing past people and families.

She'd begun to feel that suffocating sensation again, no more sand or water to soften the blow of her missing family. Family. A funny thought.

Just as she decides she'll start to board a hand grabs her around her bicep. Hard. She whirls around, brows furrowed as pain flares down to her fingertips.  She's not sure who she expects. Gilderoy. Maybe Jonathan or one of Sirius' pissed fan girls.

Certainly not his parents.

"You foul, disgusting little—"


Regulus. She barely glances at him, unwilling to be caught. If they knew that their son knew the Veela from Hogwarts they would hurt him to no end. Her face remains passive, even though she wants to curse when the man grabbing her arm growls, "Regulus, one more word and you will not be attending school this year."

Gwen quirks an unimpressed brow when the man holding her arm turns his dark eyes back to her. They're darker than Sirius'. She hopes her boyfriend in a compartment. Hopes he doesn't see what is happening right now.

She doesn't wince when the man's grip grows tighter, his fingers dimpling the bare skin below her shirt sleeve. Instead she asks plainly, "Are you going to finish?"

The man blinks at her, scowl deepening when he realizes she's mocking him. His tone is cutting as he grinds out, "You filthy beast. You've corrupted my son. Turned him against his own family."

She doesn't know how they know that she knows Sirius. Likely from another pureblood student or family. Surely they discussed it over their fancy dinners and balls. Disgusting.

"Orion, is it?" Gwen wonders, fighting a grimace and completely ignoring his accusations. The woman next to him hisses, "Do not speak his name."

Gwen has to try not to punch the woman. She'd stood by, watched and participated in the torture of her own children. The blood that she so proudly touts runs through their veins. And she just observed them as the suffered at the hands of her husband. Again, disgusting.

"Forgive me, Wallburga." Gwen drawls, looking rather finished with this interaction. She was finished as soon as it started. "Mr. Black, I'm not sure what it is you're insinuating, but one might consider looking at the way they parent when their child runs away from them."

Orion bristles. The next thing she knows he's spitting in her face. Gwen's stomach flips, and she finally wonders if Dorcas is right when she tells her that her tact sometimes gets her into nasty situations. She can see Regulus staring out of the corner of her eye as she raises her hand and wipes away the moisture on her cheek.

Her voice is unwavering as she stares up at the man towering over her, "It would serve you well to remove your hand from my arm, Orion."

"You loathsome beast, how you're even intelligent enough—"

He freezes, words stopping abruptly in his throat, his eyes widening on the Veela. Gwen smiles faintly, leveling her focus and her charm. Orion Black's hand slides from her arm and he takes a step back, a nearly catatonic look on his face.

If talking wouldn't work, embarrassing him with her horrible beastly magic certainly would.

Wallburga nearly screams, "Stop that this instant! Orion! Orion!"

He's deaf to his wife's voice, only hearing music from the Veela when she says simply, "I'll accept my apology now."

"I'm sorry," His voice is thick with emotion, his mind asleep to the rest of the world. Regulus watches in awe as his mother tries desperately to wake his father from his trance. His breathing stops when his mother's wand is suddenly pointed at the Veela's heart.


"I wouldn't recommend that, Ms. Black. People are watching," Gwen says calmly, a hint of mirth in her voice.

Wallburga's face sours into an awful sneer. She doesn't say anything, just looks around and already sees that a few people are watching. Including a few purebloods. Her skin grows more pale and she begins to haul her husband away, not even saying goodbye to her son.

Regulus' eyes fly to Gwen, wide and apologetic. But she's already bending down to grab her trunk, not looking at him as she says quietly, "Don't talk to me here. You'll be in a world of trouble. Find my compartment later, yeah?"

She doesn't wait to see if he's heard or if he responds, she just hurries towards the safety of the train. If she didn't feel sick before, she certainly did now. She needed to get to a restroom, to scrub at the skin that Orion Black had spit on. She peers into a compartment and hurried inside, unable to smile as Dorcas and Lily cheer. Marlene had yet to board the express.

As soon as Dorcas sees Gwen her smile fades and she stands, asking quickly, "Gwen, what's wrong?"

Gwen stares at her, mouth opening and closing as she searches for words. She wasn't often at a loss for them. But being spit on like dirt and having the wand of a crazy woman pointed at her chest was enough to make her mind blank.

"Orion Black spit on me," Gwen finally says, her voice far more small than it had been on the platform. She'd been strong, unaffected. She hadn't been scared. But now she felt disgusting. Beneath her skin and in the places he'd left his mark.

Dorcas and Lily make eye contact before Dorcas says, "It's alright. Let's go get you cleaned up."

Lily stays to save their compartment, Dorcas leading the way out and into the hall. They hurry, the brunette can tell that her blonde friend does not want Sirius to find her yet.

They both squeeze into the restroom, Gwen taking a seat on the toilet at Dorcas' urging. While Dorcas wets a tissue and gently wipes at Gwen's face, the Veela immediately begins to feel better. She was safe here. And Merlin she had missed Dorcas.

Gwen smirks a little and teases, "Wait till my boyfriend hears about this."

Dorcas snorts, but then stops short. Her eyes grow wide and she gasps at her best friend,


One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now