Chapter 137

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{{MATURE!!!! I also didn't edit, so apologies!!! Also—really sorry about slow updates! I'm still getting my life in order :) ily }}

Sirius relishes the feeling of holding her like this. Unconsciously he'd been careful around her since she'd returned from Bulgaria. Gentle, chaste. Slow. But now he wasn't holding her like she was fragile, he was holding her like he's the one who will break. She's his life line.

Gwen let's out a tiny whining noise that has him straining against the seam of his trousers, his tongue coaxing more alluring noises from her mouth. He groans when her hands slide up to his hair and tug roughly, his own hands giving her hips an aggressive squeeze.

She starts moving and he follows her lead, his mouth never leaving hers as she walks them over to the couch. He slowly sits, nearly pouting when their lips finally separate. Gwen smiles knowingly, her breath hitching when he cups the back of her knee, guiding her to straddle his lap. She bites her lips when she settles on his legs, her eyes flickering down to stuffy the way his quidditch uniform stretched deliciously over his muscles.

She jumps when a hand grabs her wrist, her eyes widening when Sirius pulls her palm to his stomach, sliding it under his red and gold sweater. Gwen flushes as he whispers huskily, "I'm yours, remember?"

She swallows down the drool that threatens to leave her when she runs her fingertips across his taut abdomen. He's warm to the touch and so sexy it should be sin. He smirks at her, pushes her hand towards the hem of his sweater. She nearly huffs and tells him that he can take off his own clothes, but he wasn't always so giving in control. He liked being in charge, keeping her mind focused on something other than the scars and marks littering his body. So when she had a chance to explore...there was no turning it town.

She carefully pulls the quidditch uniform up over his head, her eyes studying the way his jaw clenched, the way his eyes seem to turn to charcoal when he grows aroused. She liked seeing him this way. It made her feel powerful, wanted. She hadn't felt that before him. Before Sirius, she felt plain. And now she felt like the stars mapped across the sky that he loved so dearly. Bright, extraordinary. He made her feel things she'd never felt before.

Her thumbs gently trace a thin pink line down his ribs, her brows furrowing. She'd tried to count them before, the lines that wrote the history of his upbringing. She'd lost count.

Sirius chuckles quietly, earning her attention. He reaches up and wraps a strand of her hair around his finger, pulling playfully until she smiles. He murmurs, voice filled with mirth, "Are you going to take yours off?"

"What?" She teases, a laugh escaping her when he tugs again at her hair. She smiles at him wryly, reaching for the hem of her sweater and pulling it up over her head. Sirius instantly grins, his heart growing warm at the sight of something familiar. Blue. Her blue bras. It should make him feel stupid, cherishing something as pathetic as what color bra she wore. But he knew that she wore blue when she was happy, that blue was her favorite color at school. But at the beach she liked to wear yellow, not hufflepuff yellow, but yellow the color of lemons.

Gwen reaches behind her back, smirking mischievously as she unclasps her bra and tosses it at his face. Sirius scoffs and throws it aside, biting back a grin at her obvious amusement. He leans in and lets go of her hair, smoothing his hands up her back as he asks quietly, "Still using your charm, Inferi?"

"No," She laughs, resting her forehead against his as she continues, "I'm finished with charming boys today."

Sirius chuckles and pulls her in closer, his eyes flickering down to her sweet lips quirked up in a smile. She moves first, playfully brushing her lips over his until a quiet noise leaves the back of his throat. Her heart flutters and she leans in, sealing her mouth to his. They move faster now, desperate to be closer. Their pants fly off of them in a flurry of jerking, awkward motions and lost of laughter and stolen kisses. She could have stood, left his lap so that they could strip in a much easier fashion. But she didn't want to. He didn't want her to.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now