Chapter 142

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Gwen could not believe the excitement radiating from Sirius Black.

He was practically bouncing off the walls of the compartment the whole train ride, his lips turned up in a permanent smile that made butterflies erupt in her stomach. It was contagious, his happiness. So much so that Gwen wasn't the tiniest bit sad about not seeing her friends for two weeks. She couldn't be, not when the beach was practically calling for her.

"Gwen," Sirius whines, his voice that of an impatient child as she hugs James one last time. She rolls her eyes and mutters to her friend, "He's such a baby."

"Tell me about it," James replies, sounding dramatically exhausted. Gwen laughs and gives him a final squeeze before separating and saying warmly, "Alright, Prongs. We'll see you soon."

James' eyes twinkle with happiness and affection as he replies, "See you soon, Ninnie. Love you."

Gwen grins and pecks his cheeks, laughing when she feels a familiar grip on her wrist pulling her backwards. Sirius pouts, mumbling, "Don't kiss Prongs, that's gross."

James smirks and blows the couple a kiss before returning to Lily and walking away in the station. Gwen glances up at Sirius and finds that his excitement is back, a hopeful smile on his face. Gwen's lips twitch and she says playfully, "Come on then, we can go."

Sirius cheers happily, following the Veela through the crowd to an empty area. They hold onto eachother and their bags tightly as they apparate. Gwen's head feels like it's being pushed between a tight space, her bones aching and stomach turning until they land with a loud 'pop.'


Gwen instantly turns to face her ocean, feeling an overwhelming sense of clarity and relief. She was home. She takes a deep breath in, her shoulders slumping as she relaxes, as the salty air tickles her lungs. She glances up and finds that Sirius looks much the same, though he's not watching the pretty blue water.

He's watching her.

His smile is soft, eyes crinkled at the corners. Gwen feels her cheeks warm and she whispers, not willing to break the quiet lull of the ocean and seagulls cawing, "What?"

"You're beautiful," He replies simply, like it's the easiest and most obvious thing in the world. She can't fight her smile. Not when he's looking at her like that. Gwen laughs softly and murmurs, "Let me take your—"

"I'll take our things inside," Sirius interrupts, chuckling at the way she quirks an irritated brow. He presses a gentle kiss to her cheek, mumbling, "Go greet the water then, Inferi."

Gwen feels another surge of affection for the boy, her feet carrying her down the sand while he takes their bags inside her cottage. Sirius watches her go for a brief moment, his breathing easier now that they were here. Safe. Happy. This is what he'd been so excited to see. Her back on her element, her contentment and relief at being close to the water.

He smiles to himself and lets himself into the cottage, feeling an embarrassing amount of pleasure at the realization that the wards around her home now let him in. This felt like home to him now. She felt like home.

His smile warps into a grin when he climbs up the stairs. His feet move him down the short hall, past the guest room where he'd stayed in before, though he'd ended up in her bed. This time he was glad he'd get to start there too.

Her room looks the same, untouched by the time away. He carefully sets down their bags, a warm feeling of nostalgia washing over him as he stands silently in her bedroom. His heart swells at the flood of memories. He wants to relieve them all. He wants to make more. And a pretty being is waiting on the beach for him to do just that.

Sirius hurries from the room and down the stairs, kicking off his shoes before rushing out of the front door. He eyes the small garden as he passes, finding that the tulips are just beginning to look like they are blooming. He chuckles and continues on down the driftwood path, his eyes lifting to the ocean.

He stops, freezes in place when he finally reaches the beach. Sirius blinks rapidly, convinced his eyes are deceiving him. Gwenyth Whitlock. Naked. On the beach.

He feels his jaw practically hit the sand, his heart thudding uncomfortably against his chest. She looks stunning, her skin smooth and glowy from the light that reflects off the water. She peers over her shoulder, wind whipping her hair around delicately. His eyes find hers, pale and full of mirth. Her smile is brilliant, playful.

Sirius' feet stutter to life and a he slowly walks closer, stepping over her pile of clothes as he moves onto the harder sand. His lungs ache for air so he finally forced a breath in, voice betraying him as he asks hoarsely, "What are you doing?"

"Going for a swim."

Her reply is simple, but her voice is knowing as she backs into the water. Sirius envy's the water as it kisses her bare skin, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He tries to swallow, but his throat is painfully tight. He understands the legends now, seeing her completely bare besides the water cloaking her up to her knees. He understands why people think that Veela come from the sea. This was magic, her standing here like this. Vulnerable and powerful at the same time.

When she extends her hand he nearly falls to his knees. This girl. This being. She was it for him, his final destination. His home. His beach. Sirius feels like he's floating when he hears her laugh as he quickly strips down, her giggles like the bubbles that foam on the sand.

He tosses his clothes out of reach of the water and splashes in after her. He slides his hand into her waiting one and yanks her close, a chuckle escaping him at her shriek of surprise. Sirius walks them backwards into the waves, enthralled by her beauty, by her bravery. By the way she looks so free.

Sirius pulls her up into his arms as the water reaches higher, pleased to see her face clear of any fear. Seeing her long for the sea and not be able to touch it had been impossible to watch. He was only glad they could do this together, swim, laugh, be free.

"You look like you're thinking awfully hard,"

Her voice shakes him from his sappy thoughts, his lips quirking in a wry smile. Gwen smiles too, unable to resist his boyish charm. Her cheeks tinge pink when he replies honestly, "Just burning the image of you naked into my mind."

"I'd think you'd have that memorized by now," Gwen teases. Her breathing stutters when he smirks and replies lowly, "Trust me. I've got every thing about you memorized, Whitlock."

She tries to think of a witty response, but her brain is short circuiting. A airy sigh leaves her when his lips find the spot on her neck above her pulse that makes her body throb with want. Sirius bites down roughly, earning a quiet whimper. Gwen tries to remember to breath when he whisper's huskily, "Why don't you let me show you what I've got tucked away in my mind, Gwen. Just say the word, and I'll show you the way only I can. What makes you moan, what makes you say my name, what makes you co—"

His words are cut off when he's dunked under the water, tiny hands gripping his shoulders and pushing hard enough that he disappears from the surface. Sirius comes back up spluttering, salt water burning his nose and sticking his hair to his face.

Gwen's laughter greets his ears, her head tilted back as she cracks up at his sodden appearance. She winces when he punches her side, saying cheekily, "You smell like wet dog."

Sirius scowls playfully and scoops her up into his arms, his grin returning when he launches her into the air and she screams before splashing back down into the water a few feet away.

He'd commit this moment to memory too, the one where she surfaces for air and pretends to be mad at him while wiping her pearly hair from her eyes. Her lips twitch, hinting at a smile despite her faux angry eyes.

Sirius grins knowingly , swimming over to her while she crosses her arms over her chest and forces a scowl. He knew better.

She could never stay mad at him.

{{I hope you guys liked this one!}}

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now