Chapter 68

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Sirius watches the Veela carefully as she realizes where she is. What she's doing.

Her feet barely touch the ocean floor, her pale eyes wide in disbelief. He nearly tells her that it's okay, that they can go back now. But then a light hearted laugh bubbles out of her, her hands scooping up the saltwater like she can't believe it. He grins when her gaze lands on him and she asks quietly,

"I'm swimming?"

Sirius chuckles, "Technically you're standing. But you did it Gwen. You did it."

She laughs again, and Sirius can't fight laughter of his own. She looks lighter, happier. Her head clearer. Her eyes reflect the deep blue of the water, her normally pale gaze mottled with shadows. Beautiful.

This was as beautiful as he'd seen her.

He watches with raised brows as she holds onto his hands, never letting go as she dunks under the water. Her hair looks like silver satin when she resurfaces, still smiling so wide it must hurt. She squeezes his hands, saying firmly, "We did it. We did it, Sirius. Thank you."

Sirius swallows past the lump in his throat, glancing away from her all seeing eyes. She was too much. So much. She was more. And he hadn't prepared, hadn't prepared for her. And now he's scared. Scared that she's going to let go. That she's going to let go of him.

But then hands are on his face, wet fingers that stroke his cheeks and guide his eyes back to hers. She can see right through him, he knows it. When she smiles softly it hurts it's so good, so good to feel this with her. To see her free.

She sighs and whispers, "Will it bother you if I hold your hand? I'm still scared."

It has to be for show, because she knows he's scared she's slipping through his hands like the water. But her eyes tell a different story, occasionally flickering down at the blue that soaks their skin. He smiles slightly and shakes his head, mumbling, "No, Ninnie. It won't bother me."

So he holds her hand, watches her do flips underneath the surface and grins when she blows bubbles under the water for him to pop from above. She pokes her head back up, her eyes closing briefly as she relishes the feeling of the sea. It had been so long. And instead of feeling scared because it seemed like it took her mother...She begins to feel grateful. Because it gave her this moment with Sirius.

Gwen smiles as her fingers prune, pulling up his hand to watch the water run over it. Sirius quirks a brow when a mischievous look takes over her face. He lets out a yelp of surprise when he's tackled backwards into the waves, taken aback by the strength behind her narrow frame.

When his head reappears above the surface he hears familiar laughter, a grin lighting up his face. It's his turn to drag her under the water before surging to the surface and tossing her into the air. She lets out a shriek of surprise, the two of them laughing hard as she crashes back into the water.

Gwen splashes him, grinning at the playful scowl on his face. She goes to dart away, swimming out of reach. She's not fast enough, his hand grabbing her ankle and pulling her back to him as his laugh rings out over the waves. He squeezes her thigh, guiding her legs around his waist as he jumps to avoid a larger wave. Gwen slings her arms around his neck, smiling at the way his black hair shines. He seems happier now, content.

Sirius chuckles, stroking back some of the pearly hair sticking to her cheeks, "Why are you looking at me like that, Inferi?"

Gwen shrugs, answering honestly, "Because. I like being with you."

Shes still blunt, still nonchalant. Still a challenge. The ocean hadn't changed that. Her words ring in his ears. He tries to remember if anyone has been that honest with him. If anyone had ever said they liked being with him. He cups her cheek with on hand, thumb gently rubbing the soft skin under her eye.

She's so simple and so complicated. And he likes being with her too. No, this isn't that bland. He feels a lot more than 'like.' This is more than just liking her. His mind screams at him, shouts a four letter word. He's close to saying it, close to blurting it out. But this has been a whirlwind, fast paced and out of traditional order. He's terrified he's going to scare her off, so he settles on something different. Something scary, but not as scary as love.

"Be my girlfriend," He says firmly, despite his nerves, voice nearly drowned out by the waves.

He waits with bated breath, seagulls and waves and his heartbeat filling the silence. She arches a brow, her lips twitching at the corners as she says flatly, "You look like you're going to piss yourself."

Sirius lets go of her legs, trying to push her away as he scoffs. A no. That was a no. He's desperate to save face, desperate to get the hell out of her ocean and off of her beach. Her hands stop him, her legs around her waist trapping her to him as she cajoles, "Sirius!"

His jaw is practically wired shut, clenched so tightly he thinks his teeth might break. He won't look at her. He can't now, his heart turning to shreds in his chest.

"If you'd let me answer before you throw a tantrum, I'd appreciate it."

He whips his head to face her, eyes widening at the unimpressed look on her face. She existed to challenge him in all ways. So, of course this situation wouldn't call for a different reaction. A year ago he would've been mad. But he knew what this face meant. A tiny grin plays at his lips, chest slowly getting lighter as he asks exasperatedly,

"And what, pray tell, is your answer, Ninnie?"

Gwen just grins and shrugs, saying simply, "Okay."

Sirius' brows shoot to his hairline and his smile grows.

"You'll be my girlfriend?" He wonders cautiously, making sure. He had to make sure, because this girl could absolutely obliterate him. Ruin him. And he'd still fall to his knees for her.

"Yes, you dolt," Gwen laughs, nodding her head. She pinches his side. He's not dreaming. Sirius laughs too, relief flooding him as he crows,

"Ninnie the Narc, my bloody girlfriend!"

Gwen rolls her eyes as he laughs excitedly, asking boredly, "Haven't we worn out the nickname?"

Sirius smirks, leaning forward and pecking her lips before he says suggestively,

"The only thing I plan on wearing out is my girlfriend."

Gwen fights a smile, tilting her head up to the sky and asking, "What have I done?"

She shrieks when she's suddenly dunked under the water, smiling lips finding her own underneath the blue tide.

And Sirius decides quickly, as he kisses his girlfriend below the surface, that perhaps love wasn't as scary as he thought.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now