Chapter 180

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Sirius scowls down at his breakfast, moving it around on his plate.

He lifts his eyes to peer down the table, finding Gwen chatting happily with Marlene. Sirius' expression grows even more sour. He can't resist throwing a sullen look at Fleamont.

The older wizard had insisted the Sirius and Gwen sit at opposite ends of the table, much to Mia's confusion. In fact, every teenager had at least one person sitting between them and their respective partners. Clever, but pointless.

Regulus chuckles around a mouthful of toast, mumbling, "Merlin, Sirius. You'll be close to her again soon."

"I haven't seen her in a month," Sirius retorts bitterly, he pauses when his brother answers gently, "Neither have any of us. Give us a chance to see her too."

He relents, offering a nod before grumpily taking a bite of his toast. Regulus grins and peers down the table at Remus, his cheeks ringing pink when the werewolf winks at him. Dorcas spots Regulus, teasing, "Awww, Little. You're so cute."

"I've about had enough of you, Meadows," Regulus scoffs, earning a chuckle from Mia. The elder Potter smiles at the children surrounding her table, blissfully unaware of the seen that took place outside her guest bathroom this morning. Though James can't resist bringing it up, to tease the couple involved and his father.

"So, Ninnie," James starts slyly from his position just across from her, his eyebrows waggling. Remus shoots a flat look at James, already anticipating foolishness. The Veela just smiles at her friend, replying plainly, "So, James."

He grins and gestures towards her with his fork, saying cheekily, "I see you and Sirius have been busy with your reunion."

His tone is suggestive, teasing. Fleamont instantly turns pink, but it slowly becomes clear to the group that James isn't just referring to the shower this morning, his eyes are focused on something particular.

Sirius' brows furrow in confusion at what it is James is looking at, but Gwen seems to have a rather good understanding. She usually did. She just shrugs and says, "Yes, love. But the bruise isn't from Sirius."

The table grows quiet, and Sirius' grip on his glass grows painfully tight. He shuts his eyes for a brief moment before painfully looking at Gwen. James is looking at her silently, confusion written across his face until Gwen pushes back some of her still damp hair covering up the damage done to her skin.

Mia Potter bursts into tears at the sight of the bluish purple handprint, her hands flying up to cover her mouth. Gwen quirks a brow at the witch, her voice far more gentle as she says, "I'm fine, Mia. Truly. Dorcas would you pass the orange juice?"

Dorcas stares at Gwen, stunned to silence. Lamely, she picks up the juice and passes it to the waiting Veela. Regulus sucks in a harsh breath, eyes trained on the bruise. He quickly looks at Sirius and finds that he too is staring at Gwen, his face wrought with emotion.

Sirius can tell when she begins to panic. Her pale eyes flicker down to stare at her plate, an almost haunted look barely passing over her face. It's gone as fast as it came, but Sirius spotted it, a crack in her armor made of riddles and passiveness.

He glances down at where Remus sits on the one side of the girl, feeling a flood of gratefulness when his friend simply stands with his plate. Sirius does the same, snatching up his breakfast and his juice. The two switch places silently, Sirius coming to settle in next to his girlfriend. Gwen doesn't say anything, but when he reaches under the table, her hand is already waiting for him.

Fleamont looks lost for words, anger practically radiating from him. He opens his mouth to finally say something, but Sirius gives a subtle shake of his head. Not now. This wasn't something to discuss now.

The wizard clamps his lips shut in reply, an appreciative expression on his face as he glances back and forth between the Veela and the boy he'd come to know as a son. Gwen senses the awkward tension, the bated anger. So she sighs and says calmly, eager to change the subject, "When is the wedding?"

Lily looks at her with wide eyes, asking slowly, "Did James—"

"No," Gwen interjects, her lips slowly quirking into a smile. "The ring on your finger makes it rather obvious, Lily."

The redhead blushes, sharing a happy look with James before saying quietly, "We haven't decided yet. Soon, I hope."

Gwen squeezes Sirius' hand under the table. Soon. She wanted something good, something happy. Something that would wash away the ghost of the hand around her throat. She felt it still, pressure against her windpipe while the Bulgarian woman's voice through insults at her mind. Beast, whore. Then it's Dolohov, calling her cute and saying her name, calling her a pet.

Soon was good.

"I'll help,"

The table grows quiet again, surprised by the offer from the normally blasé being. Gwen rarely did things she didn't have to, and even more rarely did those things involve planning and writing and making things look pretty.

Sirius slowly shifts his eyes to Mia, hoping she can understand what he's trying to convey. She does. The witch quickly clasps her hands together and cheers, "Lovely idea, Gwen! I'd love your opinion on the linens I've been looking at. James and Lily agreed that the garden would be nice, don't you think?"

Sirius could hug the woman he knows as his mother, his breathing easing when Gwen leans back in her chair, her face unimpressed despite her cheerful tone, "Of course, Mia. The leaves will fall soon, Lily looks especially beautiful in autumn."

Lily Evans is taken aback by the compliment, not because Gwen never gave them to her. But the Veela had never sounded so sincere, so proud of her friend. It wasn't always easy to tell when she loved someone. But in that moment, Lily knew.

Marlene disrupts the moment however, a snort escaping her when she mumbles, "She's blowing smoke up your arse."

"Marlene!" Dorcas scolds, her eyes narrowing in disapproval. Marlene shrugs, replying cheekily, "This is the girl that we kicked out before Lily's first date after all!"

Gwen smiles at her friends, her lips parting as a short laugh escapes her. Sirius curls an arm around her waist, further relieved by the appearance of her laugh. She was okay. He'd make sure she was okay. But first, he'd have to make her talk about it.

For now, he is happy to sit back and listen as Gwen muses, "Perhaps I won't help with fashion advice, but I've read enough magazines to help with a wedding."

Lily let's out a little screech of excitement, jumping up and down in her chair and saying rapidly, "Okay, so I was thinking first we should—"

"Finish breakfast," Gwen interjects, quirking a brow at the redhead while she tucks into her uneaten toast. Sirius brings a fist to his mouth in an attempt to hide his smile. He fails when the Veela says flatly, "All of that snogging this morning really did a number on me, Lily. I'll need to get my strength up for wedding planning."

Fleamont meets the blue gaze of the Veela, a hint of a smile on his lips as he mutters, "Teenagers."

Sirius smirks and leans down to Gwen's ear as soon as the table returns to its previous chatter and conversations. He says lowly, "You'll need your strength for more then that, Inferi."

"Yes," She hums, "I was planning on going for a walk later."

Sirius groans, rolling his eyes at mumbling, "That's not—"

He jumps when he feels her fingers on his waist, skimming under his shirt. His eyes flicker down to find her already looking up at him, a glint of amusement in her eyes as she murmurs, "I know."

Sirius gulps down juice, unable to participate in any of the conversations around the table.

He's too busy memorizing the way her fingers feel tracing a heart on his skin.

{{I didn't edit so if there's mistakes or something weird, my bad! Hope you enjoyed! And if you haven't already—be sure to check out the chapters I've published for the sequel to this story!}}

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