Chapter 105

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Sirius was rather surprised to see his brother in the Gryffindor common room.

He'd been invited to the party, but Sirius reckoned he wouldn't show up. Yet here he was, chatting happily with Dorcas and Marlene. Regulus looks up and catches his eye, smiling slightly at the girls before making his way over to Sirius and Gwen. The Slytherin snorts at the two of them. An angel and a devil, rather fitting.

Gwen smiles lazily from her spot of Sirius' lap, saying rather loudly, "Little, it's good to see you!"

Regulus looks taken aback by her volume, a grin appearing on his face when Sirius explains with amusement, "She's quite fond of the mead."

Sirius winces when her fingers suddenly yank his hair, but then she rests her hand against the nape of his neck, lightly brushing his skin there. He shifts uncomfortably, moving her slightly on his lap so she isn't positioned against his growing erection. He goes to say more to his brother, but frowns when he sees him already talking animatedly with Remus. He quirks a brow when he sees Regulus lean in to say something privately to his friend. He nearly asks Gwen how long the two had been friendly when the energy in the room shifts.

Sirius blinks, suddenly feeling a warm and welcoming fog pull at his mind. He knows what this is. He sits up straighter, mouth opening to tell Gwen that she's using her charm, but the only thing that escapes his parted lips is a noise of pleasure from the back of his throat.

She seems blissfully unaware that her allure is taking him for a ride, making every part of his skin prickle. Sirius tries to swear, to tell her to cut it out. But it feels good. Better than good. His head lolls back into her hand toying with his hair, his mouth desperate to moan. He takes in a deep, shuddering breath, fighting against her dreamy magic. It's useless, she's warm and inviting and her smile is easy and enchanting.

Gwen jumps slightly when she feels a hand grasp her chin. She only has a second to see smoldering grey eyes and a dazed grin when lips meet hers. Sirius groans at the contact, mouth open and desperate to taste her. She's sweet, her lips make his tingle with the spice from the mead she's been sipping all night.

Gwen's sigh turns into a keening sound that pulls him deeper into her charm. He struggles to keep his head afloat, his mind consumed by her. Another low groan escapes him, his mouth slanting on hers and his teeth scraping her lips.

He pulls her closer, sparks of pleasure warming him from head to toe when her bare skin graces his. Gwen suddenly leans back, panting quietly and whispering confusedly, "What has gotten—"

Sirius pulls her back in, desperate for more. He's too dazed to think about how he's rather close to just shagging his girlfriend in the middle of a party. Because this wasn't his girlfriend, this was a fallen angel, an enchanting being that he only knew he couldn't resist kissing.

Gwen pulls back again and Sirius whispers gruffly, the lack of contact just enough for him to break through his daze, "Don't stop. Merlin, just...come here."

The Veela blinks at him in surprise, leaning back in to gently peck his lips. She brushes soft kisses across his cheeks and jaw, murmuring, "I didn't realize, love. I'm sorry."

Sirius quickly shakes his head, cupping her cheek and pulling her back to his lips. He's slow, chaste. Gwen melts further into him, gently kneading the muscles of his neck with her hand that still lingers there, mumbling, "This is why I don't drink."

Her charm slowly slips away, leaving him feeling warm and content. She leans back, smiling slightly at his relaxed face and lustblown eyes. A laugh bubbles from her chest and Sirius flushes slightly before he mutters, "Bloody Inferi."

Gwen pushes back his hair, carefully avoiding the horns that hang crookedly on his head now. She hesitates before pointing out sympathetically, "You may want to go and sort yourself out."

Sirius smirks, deciding to not point out how the Veela won't ever say words like 'dick' or 'hard on' but she's extremely honest otherwise. He liked when she would scold him for being crass. But he liked her lazy smile even more. He shakes his head and says simply, "Nope. You just have to stay right here."

Gwen quirks a brow and shifts in his lap, biting back a smile when Sirius groans and his head falls back. Gwen laughs and goes to move her hand from where it remains cupping the nape of his neck. Sirius quickly snatches her wrist up and presses her palm back to his warm skin, eyes closed and body relaxing further into the chair. Gwen gently caresses his skin with her thumb, relieved that they were okay. That they could still do this. That he hadn't ended things with her. That scared her the most, the thought that he may be so upset with her that he would break up with her.

Gwen smiles and tears her eyes away from the broody man beneath her when James stumbles over, teasing, "If it isn't my favorite couple."

"Shouldn't you and Lily be your favorite couple?" Gwen wonders curiously, quirking a brow when James flushes and mutters something she can't hear.

"Louder please, love," Gwen hums, grinning at the glare she receives. James shuffles closer and says a bit louder, "I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet."

Sirius' eyes fly open and he snorts, but before he can say anything Gwen states rather plainly, "Sirius didn't ask me. He demanded. Perhaps you should try that?"

"I did too ask!" He cries indignantly. When she looks at him blankly he grabs onto the strap holding up her angel wings, pulling and letting it snap back against her skin.

She wrinkles her nose, the only sign of pain. He realizes how pathetic he is when he feels a twinge of guilt and leans forward to kiss the red skin. James is too busy thinking to notice the softness of his friend, asking Gwen nervously,

"Do you reckon I should do it tonight?"

"Probably not during the party...but yes, James. I think that would be lovely," The Veela answers, smiling at the excited look that graces his face. He nods quickly, stumbling back through the crowded room.

Gwen follows his movements, a proud smile taking over her face when she spots Marlene and Dorcas wrapped up in each other, ignoring the curious stares of people around them as they dance and kiss.

She laughs happily when Sirius grunts, "It's about bloody time."

He smiles when she leans back into his arms, agreeing with a very pleased note in her voice,

"It's about bloody time."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now