Chapter 33

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Mrs. Potter—Mia she insisted Gwen call her—was a very flustered woman.

She's bustling around the kitchen and dining room, refusing any help from her and the boys no matter how hard they tried.

When dinner is served, they take their seats. Gwen sits in between James and Sirius, looking up when a tall man suddenly enters the room. He has crooked glasses and hazel eyes. James, Gwen realizes. He looks just like James.

He stops short when he sees two extra children sitting at his table, asking boisterously,

"And who let you lot in?"

Sirius snickers and stands to hug the man, Gwen standing as well. Fleamont turns to her and stops for a moment, stunned silent. Gwen awkwardly shakes his hand and says politely,

"Hello, Mr. Potter. I'm Gwen."

His cheeks turn pink when James and Sirius start laughing loudly.

"Just a moment," he says apologetically before turning to the boys and saying flatly,

"You're grounded."

Gwen grins, biting back laughter as the boys groan. The older man faces her again and says gently, "Excuse my rudeness, Gwen. I've never seen a Veela this close before."

Gwen smiles kindly and nods, very much understanding his staring. She still wasn't used to her appearance, certainly not her magic.

Mia snorts and mutters to the boys, "Because none of 'em would let him get close."

He sighs as his wife and the boys laugh, shaking his head, "Anyway, please call me Fleamont."

"It's a pleasure," She says, smiling faintly before she takes her seat again. Just in time to see James passing Sirius a couple galleons. James mutters irritably, "bloody Veela. Even makes my father blush."

Gwen elbows him harshly in the side, rolling her eyes as he lets out a dramatic sigh. Fleamont takes his seat at the head of the table, asking curiously,

"So Gwen, why aren't you at home if you don't mind me asking."

She smiles briefly at Sirius when he spoons some turkey and potatoes on her plate with a wink, saying rather nonchalantly,

"Sirius is a baby and wouldn't let me leave."

She lets out an gasp of pain when he elbows her harshly in the side. She frowns and pinches his side before turning back to James' parents and explaining flatly,

"I live alone, so I don't really celebrate the holidays."

Mia looks at her in surprise, glancing at the boys on either side of her that continue eating. Her voice is worried when she says,

"But what about—"

"Dead," Gwen says simply.

James and Sirius look up from their plates when the table grows quiet, the older Potter's staring at the Veela in shock.

"She does that," Sirius says with mirth.

"What?" Gwen asks indignantly, looking at James when he snorts and says around a mouthful of potatoes,

"Make everything sound so simple."

Gwen flushes slightly, growing increasingly embarrassed until a tiny glass of wine magically appears before her. She glances up at Mia and Fleamont to see them smiling. She can't help but laugh when Mia says,

"I appreciate the honesty, Gwen. Now have a drink for merlin's sake!!"

She reaches for her drink, but Sirius snatched it up, taking a large and noisy gulp. She smacks his hand, grinning slightly when he grumbles,

"Jeez, you bloody Inferi!"

"Sirius," Mia gasps, pointing her fork in his direction, "Don't be an arse!"

Gwen laughs, instantly deciding that James' mum was just as likeable and fun as he was.

"Speaking of Sirius," Fleamont says firmly. "How come it's taken you so long to get here?"

The boy next to the Veela stiffens slightly, staring down at his plate. He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly before saying,

"Well I left home about two days ago. For good."

Mia's eyes are welling up with tears but her voice is strong when she asks, "Where have you been staying?"

Sirius glances at Gwen for permission and she nods subtly, her smile encouraging. He has the strong urge to grab her face and kiss her again, but he tears his gaze away from her when he replies,

"I've been with Gwen."

James' eyes widen, his mouth dropping open. He turns to watch the Veela and his friend, not missing the way Sirius is smiling or the way Gwen is resting her hand on his arm for support.

"You shagged Ninnie?!" James cries, earning three sets of wide eyes and a pair of unimpressed blue ones. Sirius chokes on his drink, but Gwen answers James easily, saying bluntly,

"No, no shagging. We did snog before the holidays."

"Gwen," Sirius grunts, elbowing her in the side as James looks at the incredulously.

"You and Sirius snogged?!"

"Yeah, is that odd? It was just a kiss." She shrugs and quirks a brow at James. Sirius feels a growing pit in his stomach, irritation and anger and an odd disappointment filling him. It was not just a kiss, not to him.

James peers over the veela's head to see Sirius looking pretty peeved. He smirks slightly and cries,

"Well if Sirius gets one then I do too!"

Gwen shrugs and is about to say that sounds fair, but then an arm is wrapping around her hips and is scooting her chair away from James. She looks up at Sirius in surprise, immediately noticing the clench of his jaw. She winces slightly. She'd fucked up.

Mia and Fleamont are trying desperately to not laugh at the scene unfolding before them, James arguing his position to Sirius and Sirius saying a firm no every time Gwen opens her mouth to agree.

Mia intervenes, asking hopefully, "You'll be staying tonight, Gwen?"

"Oh no," The Veela says quickly, "I have—"

"Yes," Sirius interrupts, answering for her. "She's staying."

"No, I'm—"

"Ninnie, stay!" James says happily, looking at her excitedly. Sirius pulls her chair closer to him and away from James. Gwen sighs and looks at the older Potters exasperatedly. Fleamont just chuckles quietly and says, "We've already made up the guest room."

"I'll leave as soon as it's light out," Gwen replies quietly, despite the disapproving looks she gets from Sirius and James.

Mia has a knowing smile on her face when she nods and says,

"Okay, Gwen. That's fine."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now