Chapter 150

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{{I love how much you guys love Gwen. Even though she's a figment of my imagination—she still makes me laugh :) anyway—when this story comes to an end, I'm gonna add a "soundtrack." When I'm writing, I try to visualize these moments like a movie, and I think a soundtrack would help that "movie" come to life. I'm also gonna make one for the sequel!!!! Thanks again for reading and supporting. Love ya!

P.S I have something kind of wild/hopefully not too crazy planned for Gwen in the last chapter of this story. Hopefully you guys like it...until then xo}}


Sirius leans his head on his hand, eyes locked onto the head directly in front of him.

Gwen had sat by Pandora today for Astronomy, and while Sirius was slightly disappointed, he was secretly thrilled that his girlfriend liked the subject so much that she was now able to help their peers understand it.

Not that the Veela would ever admit it.

He huffs out a quiet sigh, his eyes still tracing the different strands of silver and pearl and sand twined together. Her hair was in two plaits today, running the length of her spine. They were perfect, something he was certain Dorcas had a hand in. Sirius smiles to himself, trying to picture Gwen untangling the birds nest that her hair turns into after a nights sleep. Yep, the Veela certainly hadn't done her own hair. She'd have died of boredom first.

He'd been staring at the plaits all of class, ignoring the drooling hufflepuff napping beside him. He continues to stare at them even as the bell rings, standing and grabbing his bag and slapping the hufflepuff upside the head to wake them up as he passes by.

Gwen continues light conversation with Pandora, just in front of him as they walk down the stairs and through the corridor until Sirius can't resist anymore.

He reaches out before he can stop himself, grasping onto the soft end of one of the plaits teasing him and giving a gentle tug.

Gwen stops dead in her tracks, peering over her shoulder with the pretty pale eyes that still make him shiver. Sirius tries to hide his smile when she quirks a brow at him, his lips quirking up to one side much to his disappointment.

Pandora stops too, turning in confusion to look at Gwen. The younger Ravenclaw suddenly smiles, asking curiously, "Is he always like this?"

"When he's bored," Gwen replies bluntly, earning narrowed eyes and a exasperated huff from Sirius. His smile grows when he spies her lips twitching and a tiny triumphant cheer nearly erupts from him when Gwen says in a sighing voice, "I'll see you later, Pandora."

The young Ravenclaw just laughs and nods before disappearing in the crowd of students. Sirius can't help it, he grins and tugs on the twisted hair between his fingers again.

"Yes, Sirius?" Gwen hums, turning to face him fully so he's forced to let go of her hair. He shrugs and instead tugs on the cute baby hairs that curl around her ears, mumbling cheekily, "Nothing."

Her eye roll is comically dramatic, so much so that he can't bottle up the laugh that escapes his mouth. He flicks her nose, muttering, "Have you finished with your astronomy lesson?"

Gwen's lips twitch again, her voice blasé as she responds, "Have you finished pulling my hair?"

"Never," He teases. Instead of pulling her hair yet again, he busies his fingers by pulling out a magazine and a familiar green treat from his bag. He doesn't miss the way her eyes light up at the sight, nor the smile that she finally shows off when he asks, "Care to join me for a nap in the common room?"

Gwen grins and Sirius tries to decide if she's blushing, or if her smile is just brilliant enough that she glows in the stone hallway. Her hands reach out this time and tease his hair with a gentle tug around one finger. He savors her dimpled cheek and glimmering eyes. Gwen wonders playfully, "Can we sit in my favorite chair?"

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now