Chapter 131

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Sirius frowns, his eyes locked onto a particular girl with pretty blonde hair and eyes that could see through him and into his soul.

Not today. Today she looked dull, no shine or sparkle that she couldn't contain if she tried on any normal day. 

She smiles weakly at Xenophilius and Pandora, though Dorcas seems to be carrying much of the conversation at the Ravenclaw table. Sirius can see Gwen's dark circles from where he's sitting, and he instantly feels a rush of concern. The last time he'd seen her so tired she'd ended up in the hospital wing.

She looks even more anxious this time. She stiffens every time someone moves nearby, her fingers pick at her cuticles as she listens to Xeno. Sirius doesn't miss the way she winces when someone from the table behind her speaks, and he wonders briefly if something happened with a Slytherin. He'd have to ask Regulus.

Sirius glances up at the head table where Filius Flitwick and Pomona Sprout are conversing. He stands, checking and making sure that Gwen isn't watching before he hurries away from his breakfast.

"Fil," Sirius says firmly, interrupting the two professors. The head of Ravenclaw scowls slightly and retorts haughtily, "What have I said about calling me—"

"Relax, we can argue about this later, Fil," Sirius interrupts, smirking slightly when Professor Sprout laughs. Sirius grows stern and asks the dwarf, "Could you excuse Gwenyth from her classes today?"

Professor Flitwick's eyes widen slightly. He quickly sits up, struggling to find her in the sea of students. When he does, he immediately nods, saying quietly, "Yes, I will alert her teachers."

Sirius smiles gratefully and begins to walk away, stopping briefly when Flitwick continues, "I'll talk to Minerva as well, Sirius."

He smiles warmly and replies, "Thanks, Fil,"

This time the professor doesn't say anything, just watches the Gryffindor go to his Ravenclaw. Sirius walks between the Slytherin and the Ravenclaw table, glaring when he catches Carrow and Pucey glancing at the back of his girl. He stands behind her, blocking her from view as he hunches over and whispers, "Come on, mon ange."

Gwen glances over her shoulder and meets his gaze. It does nothing to make him feel better. Her eyes are haunted, so tired it nearly makes him sick. She clears her throat and replies quietly, "I have class soon."

"Not today," Sirius says firmly. His eyes drift to the right and find Dorcas smiling encouragingly at Gwen. Sirius only grows more apprehensive when the Veela doesn't protest. She moves to grab her bag, but Sirius quickly snatches it up and slings it over his shoulder. He and Dorcas share a concerned look, though he keeps his voice upbeat as he says,

"We'll see you later, Dorcas."

She smiles gratefully at Sirius, nodding and giving Gwen's arm a squeeze. Sirius wraps an arm around her waist and gently guides her out of the Great Hall, shooting the Marauders a quick thumbs up at the sight of their concerned faces.

Once they're in the corridor, Sirius stops and pulls her to face him. Gwen looks up at him silently, face solemn and so exhausted it makes his heart ache. He stoops down to pick her up, a tiny smile pulling at his lips when she wraps her legs and arms around him.

Wordlessly, he carries her up the flights of stairs, gently rubbing her back whenever they have to stop and wait for a flight to rotate. He finally makes it to the portrait hole and is surprised to see the fat lady look distraught at the sight of the tired Veela. She silently opens up, allowing Sirius to carefully crawl through with Gwen still in his arms.

He doesn't stop until he gets to the dorm, quietly shutting the door behind him and setting Gwen on his bed. She finally speaks, voice faint, "You should go to class."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now