Chapter 139

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{{this one is a bit of a filler but it made me laugh! Sorry for any crazy editing issues!}}

Remus smiles to himself, quietly observing as Regulus talks to himself.

The Slytherin is sat comfortably on the floor of the Gryffindor Boy's dorm, pouring over notes and books. Remus reaches down from where he's perched on his bed, twirling a strand of his boyfriend's dark hair around his finger. Regulus doesn't move his eyes away from the book in his lap, merely reaches up and swats at Remus' hand.

Remus sighs, asking quietly, "Don't you already know every single thing that you're reading?"

"No," Regulus retorts. "I haven't read this book yet and it has some rather compelling information that will serve me well!"

"You do realize how dangerous this is?" Remus questions, hunching over to try and catch his eyes. The Slytherin hardly glances at him, saying determinedly, "I'm going to figure this out."


"Is a highly poisonous ingredient. Yes, I'm aware, mon loup."

Remus flushes slightly at the name, feeling a strong surge of affection for the boy. Regulus would not be swayed. He was determined to concoct a potion that would make Remus' transformations easier and safer, despite the werewolf's protests.

Remus grabs Regulus' chin, ignoring his protests as he turns his Slytherin's face and kisses him. Regulus pauses for a second before kicking aside his book and moving to his knees, leaning up to kiss his boyfriend. Remus grins and slides his hands into the dark hair that's been teasing him, seconds away from demanding he quit reading and join him on his bed.

Both plans are spoiled when the door flings open. Sirius curses loudly, a hand instantly coming up to cover his eyes as he cries, "Fucking hell! Lock the bloody door why don't you?!"

Regulus pulls back and flushes, retorting, "we weren't doing anything!"

"Just having a snog in my dorm!" Sirius grunts, tossing his bag onto his bed and immediately shedding his black school robe and red and gold tie.

Remus chuckles quietly before pointing out, "It's my dorm too. And I'm almost certain you and Ninnie have shagged here."

Sirius' lips twitch into a grin, his eyes glazing over with the memory of the things he and his Veela did get up to in the dorm. Regulus shudders and squawks, "Merlin, Sirius! Snap out of it!"

Sirius glares at his little brother, playfully ruffling his hair before plopping down on his bed. His face grows a little more serious as he starts speaking tentatively, "Easter holiday is coming up."

Regulus nods, his smile fading into a frown. Two week break. Two weeks with his parents. Before this year he would have been happy to leave Hogwarts, to return to his home. Now, he wasn't so sure. He flinches when a hand gently touches his arm, his eyes flying up to meet chocolatey brown eyes. His heart softens and he relaxes a little, encouraged by Remus' calm smile. Regulus clears his throat and says quietly, "I...I think I might stay at Hogwarts."

Sirius looks at him with an odd mixture of pride and concern. He hesitates before warning, "Wallburga—"

"She thinks I'm studying for exams. Dad too," Regulus explains, his cheeks warming as he continues, "Remus is staying here and I reckon he could use some company."

Sirius rolls his eyes at his friend's wolffish grin, grunting, "You lot are disgusting."

"Now you know how we feel watching you and Gwen," Remus replies easily, earning himself a middle finger from Sirius. The older Black brother sighs and scratches the back of his neck, flushing slightly as he mutters, "Speaking of Gwen...she and I are going to spend the holiday at the beach. Just so you lot know where to find us."

Regulus grins at his brother's red cheeks, teasing, "Why so shy? Gonna pop the question, Sirius?"

Remus and Regulus' jaws drop in unison when Sirius shrugs and replies quietly, "Maybe."

The room is silent, uncomfortably so. Sirius clears his throat and when his gawking brother and friend don't speak he finally mutters, "Fucking hell."

Remus blinks rapidly, asking incredulously, "You're going to propose to Ninnie?!"

"No!" Sirius grunts a reply. He hesitates, eyes growing soft as he continues nervously, "I mean not yet...I don't think."

"I must be going insane," Regulus mumbles, glancing at Remus to see that he too is perplexed. Sirius lets out a disgruntled sigh before explaining awkwardly, "I-I just—I've been thinking...I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Is that so absurd?"

"It's just...very grown up of you," Remus says slowly, earning a glare from Sirius. He bristled and retorts, "I'm not proposing yet so quit being a kill joy. I'm just saying that I'm going to at some point."

"Does Gwen know you're thinking about this?" Regulus wonders, his lips turning up into a smile when his brother flushes and mumbles, "I don't think so. Think it'll scare her off?"

"Marriage? Commitment? Being a grown up?" Remus muses sarcastically, "Those things would have scared you a year ago, Sirius. I'd bet that they'll make Gwen a little nervous too."

"I disagree," Regulus laughs, earning a surprised look from Remus and a hopeful one from Sirius. He continues with mirth latent in his tone, "Ninnie knows everything. She probably can tell you're already thinking about this."

Remus blinks, nodding his head slowly. A look of horror takes over Sirius' face, his complexion paling as he whispers, "She does know everything. Fuck."

"Who knows everything?"

The three boys let out surprisingly girlish screams, whirling around to face the very being they've been discussing. Gwen blinks at them, her unnerving gaze piercing through their very apparent apprehension. Sirius feels like he may be sick. What if she'd heard what they'd been discussing.

Regulus clears his throat, replying quietly, "Dumbledore. Dumbledore knows everything."

Sirius and Remus both nod rapidly in agreement. Sirius freezes when her eyes narrow slightly and her head tilts to the side. He exhales the breath he's holding when she merely says, "Not everything."

Just when he thinks the roller coaster of emotions has ended, Gwen says plainly, "You didn't use the contraceptive spell last time we shagged. You're lucky I drank that nasty potion at the start of the month."

"Gwenyth!" Sirius cries, slapping a hand to cover his face. He feels his exasperation growing when she continues on, non plussed by his embarrassment and momentary fear. He was ready to marry her. He wasn't ready to be a father,

"Yes, that is the name you were crying out—"

He rushes forward and covers her mouth with his palm, pleading playfully while Remus and Regulus laugh, "For the love of Merlin, our child could be listening!"

She quirks a brow and mumbles around his hand, "I'm not pregnant, Snuffles."

His lips twitch into a reluctant smile and he lets go of her, his heart ceasing it's steady rhythm yet again when she muses nonchalantly,

"Not yet, anyway." 

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now