Chapter 167

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Sirius liked rainy days.

He knew that Gwenyth liked to sprawl out in the soft grass of the Potter's yard, letting the sun dot her skin with more freckles. He liked that too, but he loved the rain.

It renewed the earth, brought forth summer flowers and dark clouds that promised brilliant lightning. It reminded him of Grimmauld Place, staring out of the windows with Reggie and betting on which raindrop would win the race to the bottom of the window pane.

He knew Mia felt the same, her knitting propped in her lap while she hums quietly. Regulus was curled up in one of the arm chairs, dark circles under his eyes and his lip pulled between his teeth while he read a potions textbook that Sirius had never seen before.

The night before had been bad. The full moon wasn't easier on Remus at the Potters. Fleamont had been kind enough to secure a place for them to take Remus, a broken down house not too different from the shrieking shack. It was in the middle of the West Country, far from any innocent bystanders. Sirius and James kept Remus largely contained, but he had scratched himself up as badly as they had seen in sometime.

So the werewolf was recuperating in the guest room up above them while Regulus tried desperately to find an answer to his problem. The Slytherin and Gwen had waited up all night for the three Marauders to return, and while Regulus could likely stay up another 24 hours, the same couldn't be said for the Veela.

Sirius reluctantly removes his gaze from the rain showering the garden and focuses on his girlfriend sleeping rather soundly on the couch.

She has an arm tossed haphazardly above her head, the other one hanging off the side of the sofa as she snores quietly. Mia glances at Sirius watching her, her eyes softening at the faint smile on his face.

He walks over, hesitating for a moment before slinking down on the couch next to her. Gwen groans quietly, mumbling something incoherent when he slips his arms underneath her and pulls her into his chest.

He liked rainy days. He loved rainy days with her.

Sirius hides his smile in the crook of her neck, her wild hair brushing his nose slightly as he mumbles, "You're cute."

He only gets a grunt in reply, but she shifts closer and rests her head on his chest, her breathing slowing as she slips back into peaceful sleep. Sirius traces the slope of her nose with his finger, fighting the urge to wake her just to see her grumpy, sleepy glare. Instead he settles in next to her and listens to the rain mix with Mia's humming and the quiet sound of Regulus scribbling notes in his book.

James' head suddenly pops into the living room, a grin on his face as he laughs, "Ninnie—"

Mia interrupts, scolding quietly, "She's resting! As you should be!"

James quickly clamps his mouth shut, rolling his eyes at his mother. He looks tired but better rested, his eyes finding where Sirius is laying down next to the Veela. He smirks and mutters lowly, "Merlin, Sirius. It's like you're on a leash."

Sirius scowls at his friend, replying quietly, "Shut it, Prongs. Everyone knows how whipped you are. Evans looks at you the wrong way and you cry!"

Mia covers up a laugh quickly when she earns a disapproving look from her smile. James can't resist a slight grin, shrugging and saying, "I suppose we're better off for it."

Sirius can't help his own smirk, reluctantly shifting to carefully untangle himself from Gwen. She curls into the couch, her eyelids fluttering slightly as she settles in. James whispers, glancing down at the Veela, "Her pelican is here."

Mia's jaw drops at her son's words and she whispers furiously, "It better not be in my kitchen!"

James stares at her silently, flinching when she demands, "James Fleamont Potter! Go get rid of it!"

Sirius snorts quietly and gently pats the witch on the shoulder, reassuring, "I'll go see what it wants."

Mia just shakes her head, huffing quietly as the boys try to stifle their laughter. Sirius chuckles when he and James walk into the kitchen. The Pelican looks rather at home, it's feathers fluffed out and it's feet tucked in under itself as it perched on the table.

"Don't tell mum," James snickers, reaching over to carefully stroke the bird's feathers. Sirius grimaces when the bird begins to make noises like it's reaching, it's gullet expanding and mouth opening. The pair of boys stare in disbelief when a letter suddenly flies up from the bird's throat and onto the table. James glances at Sirius with round eyes, saying quietly, "Now we really can't tell Mum."

Sirius nods, reluctantly reaching out to pick up the envelope by the corner. He flips it over, eyes tracing the calligraphy. An inexplicable sensation of dread fills him when he spies Gwen's name. He's not sure who the letter is from, but he has a strong suspicion.

James begins to ask, "Should we wake—Hey!"

He's interrupted by Sirius tearing into the letter, a stony look on his face. James balks at his friend, whispering furiously, "Sirius! What are you doing?!"

"Shut up, Prongs," He mutters, unfurling the parchment. The pelican lets out a honking squawk, earning a glare from Sirius. James chews anxiously on his lip when Sirius turns back to the letter, protesting, "Sirius—"

"Leave it, James," Sirius says curtly, turning back to the letter. His lungs deflate when his suspicions are confirmed.

Dear Gwenyth,

I'm afraid we shall have to reconvene even sooner. If you insist on traveling with me, then we should leave at your earliest convenience.

Minerva has offered to hold the first Order meeting in our absence, though I would strongly urge you again to reconsider. You can be of just as much assistance here. If you refuse yet another attempt of mine at assuaging your interest in my plans, then you can be of assistance in another matter as we travel. I shall explain this more fully when I see you.

Consider my alternate offer, Gwenyth. The war only grows more tense, and I'm not certain that everyone will take kindly to our presence.

Most sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore

P.S. Your gift to our friend in Bulgaria has yielded some interesting results. He would be happy if we stopped by again. More on this later.

Sirius blinks rapidly, rereading the letter grasped tightly in his hands. This wasn't a letter out of the blue. This was a reply. A reply to Gwen. And Sirius can't help the sudden wave of emotions that tugs at his heart. His vision blurs with rage, his jaw ticking as he processes what the wizard was saying. Gwen wanted to travel. Again.

This was worse than her being in the Order, worse than her helping the wizard with things that could put her in harms way. This was her signing up for life threatening situations that Sirius couldn't protect her from.

James stares in horror as Sirius crumples the paper, his voice strained as he pleads, "Sirius, she's—"

"She's what, James?" He snaps, grey eyes aflame with anger as he looks at his friend. James winces, hesitating before insisting, "That's Ninnie's."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sirius mutters, quickly shoving the balled up letter into his pocket. He's panicking, desperate to keep Gwen just as she is. Safe and warm and asleep in the Potter's living room.

James' gut twists in disappointment when Sirius walks to the kitchen window that the pelican had somehow managed to fly through, his friend's voice shaking slightly as he demands, "Go."

The pelican glances at James like he's waiting for permission. James tugs anxiously at his hair, watching as the pelican flies to the window.

Sirius curses when the bird bites his hand, waving it out of the window before slamming it shut, the sound drowned out by thunder sounding over head.

He stares out at the raindrops collecting on the window, wondering desperately who would win the race this time.

Him or Gwenyth.

{{ooooooh boy. I hate when I see both sides of an argument. Don't hate Sirius too much! He means well!}}

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