Chapter 81

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"There you are."

Sirius peeks over his shoulder, warmth blooming in his chest faster than he cares to admit as Gwenyth Whitlock clumsily climbs through the portrait hole.

"How'd you get in here," He teases, smiling when she walks over to the chair across from him. As much as he wants her pressed up against him, sat on his lap, seeing her serenity as she sinks into the arm chair is almost better. She puffs out a breath, blowing her pearly hair out of her eyes before she says plainly, "I asked for the password."

"From the fat lady?" Sirius wonders, quirking a brow in surprise. Gwen smiles slightly and nods, shrugging as she replies, "Yes. We've become acquaintances."

"You have lots of those," Sirius notes, smirking slightly before he asks knowingly,

"What have you been up to today?"

Well," Gwen sighs, propping her feet up on the coffee table. "I missed Alchemy, so James and I skipped the rest of classes. Oh, and then I visited with Peeves."

Sirius chuckles quietly. Peeves, another one of her acquaintances. Bloody poltergeist was always out to bother someone. Evidently he and Gwen had reached an agreement.

He watches as her face changes slightly. She's no longer nonchalant. Something is bothering her. Sirius carefully asks, scared to spook her by asking the wrong question,

"What's bothering you, Inferi?"

Gwen shifts uncomfortably, pursing her lips slightly. She's embarrassed before she even begins speaking, flustered by the emotions she now feels whenever she's around him. But the ruling one today is concern.

She fiddles with her fingers before saying uncomfortably, "I...the full moon is tonight."

Sirius nods, blinking confusedly for a moment. Then he spots the faint pink of her cheeks, the way her pale eyes refuse to meet his. His heart swells and his palms tingle, itching to touch her. Gwen barely glances at him. When she sees his growing smile she considers leaving. Especially when he asks slowly,

"Ninnie, are you...worried? About me?"

She feels her face grow warmer and she wants to wipe the grin off his face. She quickly snaps out, "No, I was just mentioning it...because of mooncalves."

Sirius' smile doesn't fade. His grey eyes twinkle with amusement and affection and he leans forward in his seat, propping his elbows on his knees as he watches her grow more and more flustered.

He liked that he was getting to see her this way, flustered and embarrassed. And concerned. She was worried for him. And fuck it felt good. He laughs when she finally bursts,

"Fuck you, Black!!"

She moves to stand, but he does first, leaning over the coffee table and snatching her up by her waist. She winced when her knee bangs harshly against the corner of the wood, another curse flying from her mouth as he settles her down in his lap.

"Sorry," He says sheepishly, basking in her scowl. He'd never tire of this, seeing her go from calm to explosive. It didn't happen often, it was hard to take her by surprise. But it was funny and alarmingly adorable.

Gwen rolls her eyes and swats at his hands when they threaten to slip under the back of her shirt. Sirius smirks, sliding his hands down to shift her thighs so she's straddling him, her knees denting the soft cushion on either side of his hips.

"You're worried about me," He says it as a statement this time, looking up at her with what he hopes isn't a too obvious emotion that he's too chicken to say. Her lips twitch slightly and he knows he's won, a chuckle erupting from his chest as he leans up and peppers kisses along her jaw.

Gwen softens, cursing herself for how easily she yields to his touch now. Her words come out as a sigh, "Of course I'm worried about you. I don't want you to get hurt."

Sirius smiles against her skin and she relishes the feeling, a smile appearing on her lips before she can stop it. She laughs this time when his hands and arms sneak up the back of her shirt, briefly teasing the clasp of her bra before resting his hands on her shoulders. He marvels at how he can hold all of her like this, his arms easily reaching up the length of her torso. It makes his smile grow wider, his fingers gently pressing into her warm skin.

When she brings her mouth down to his for a kiss, it makes his stomach flip. He would never admit it, would never confess that when she initiated things like this it made him feel invincible. Loved. He felt loved.

Gwen let's out a quiet hum of contentment, languidly sliding her lips, her tongue against his. He liked this too, kissing her slow and lazy. He reckons he could do it all day, lose himself in her.

She reluctantly pulls back, smiling at his groan when he opens his eyes and frowns up at her. Her heart beats rapidly against her chest, and she wonders briefly if he can feel it. If he can hear how her heart sings for him.

Gwen sighs and rubs her thumbs over his lips, blushing faintly when he playfully bites the pad of one.


Her voice is strained, far more than she intended. But the gravity of how she feels for this boy and the potential danger he will be in hits her like a tidal wave. She'd seen him hurt before, from protecting her. She can only pray that he won't need to be harmed this time.

"Please be safe," She finally murmurs, her eyes finally sliding up to meet his. Sirius nods, brows furrowing and his hands gently smoothing up and down her back. His lips twitch into a half smile as he teases, "If I get hurt will you dress up as my sexy nurse?"

Gwen blinks at him before shrugging and replying simply, "Sure."

Sirius' eyes practically bug out of his head, a very appealing image of Gwenyth in a sexy outfit flashing in his mind. He frowns when she snorts, "I was kidding."

He pinches her side, pleased to see mirth replacing the worry in her blue eyes. He slips one hand away from her back and brushes back some of her hair, melting further when she turns her head and presses a kiss to his wrist.

"Stay here tonight,"

Sirius feels just as surprised as Gwen looks at his own words flying from his mouth. It shouldn't be surprising, they'd shared a bed before. But this would be her waiting for him. In his bed. Waiting for him to come back to his dorm safely.

Gwen thinks on it for a moment. It was certainly easier to get from Gryffindor tower to the grounds in case there was a problem. And then she could make sure all of the boys were okay, not just Sirius.

She nods once, murmuring, "Okay. I will."

Sirius grins happily, pecking the soft skin of her cheeks as he mumbles, "Good. Then you can get some rest and you'll know when we get back. Safe and sound."

Gwen sighs and shakes her head, smiling ruefully before she used one of his lines,

"You're going to be the death of me, Black."

He laughs at the familiar phrase, pressing his lips to hers briefly before mumbling,

"No way, Inferi. It's the other way around."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now