Chapter 179

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Steam fills the Potters bathroom, warm and dense and a blanket of fog that makes it hard to see Gwen's hand in front of her face.

Not that she minds. She doesn't need to see, her eyes struggling to stay open anyway with the way Sirius is touching her.

She lets out a hum of contentment, her lips twitching when she feels him smile against her shoulder. His lips move higher, caressing her skin so perfectly that her head slowly falls back to rest against his chest. She hadn't been this relaxed in a month, her body jello against his and her skin buzzing with pleasure.

"Sirius," She whispers, her voice barely heard over the roaring water from the shower head. Her hands fly down to grab his wrists, halting his exploring fingers splayed across her thighs.

"I'm not having sex with you."

Sirius chuckles lowly, thumb slowly stroking her wet skin as he retorts playfully, "Who said I wanted to have sex with you?"

Gwen smiles, turning her head to offer her lips to him. She laughs when he quickly pecks them, hot, open mouthed kisses that leave her feeling bubbly and full of air.

"It's painfully obvious that you do," Gwen replies flatly, her eyes lazily opening to stare at him. His own smokey gaze shine with amusement, her cheeks flushing when he mutters, "Fuck, you're cute."

"I know," She sighs, earning a soft laugh from her boyfriend. Sirius groans and hunches slightly against her back, palms sliding lower before smoothing back up her legs. He mumbles as if to convince himself, "I'm not having sex with you."

Gwen's lips twitch, her hands cupping warm water before letting it splash to the ground as she says cheekily, "Good boy."

The hands on her legs suddenly grow firm, turning her and backing her up against the cold wall of the shower. Gwen gasps at the temperature change, her intended scolding words forgotten when his mouth is suddenly on hers.

His lips are rough, deliciously aggressive and demanding as he draws out every noise she'd like to keep hidden from him. His tongue seeks hers, just as wicked and purposeful in pleasuring her. She can't resist following him when he moves to pull back, her teeth sliding against his upper lip and nipping playfully in retribution. He could so easily whittle away at her until he had her in the palm of his hand, ready to do just as he asked. Ready for more.

But he finally pulls away, licking at his swollen lips as he insists, "Don't call me that, Inferi. Not unless you want me to bend you over my knee."

Gwen's lungs stutter at his dark words, his tone promising something more. Her thighs clench at the pretty picture she so easily imagines, one where her throat is raw from saying his name. She groans quietly and whispers, "Rain check?"

Sirius smirks and tangles his fingers in her wet hair, pulling her in for another quick kiss while mumbling, "Get out of here so I can finish washing up without you distracting me."

Gwen laughs and nods, untangling herself from him to grab one of the towels hanging outside of the shower. She presses her lips to his cheek in a far more chaste kiss before climbing out of the steam cloud.

Sirius chuckles to himself, quickly rinsing the sop that lingers on his body. He'd make good on his promise later, eager for the rain check she'd suggested. He turns off the shower and winds a towel around his waist, brows furrowing in confusion when he hears a very loud thunk. His eyes grow wide when he hears a faint voice say a second later,

"Hello, James."

Sirius practically flies from the bathroom, cursing when he slips and smacks his elbow on the door while trying to tear it open. He nearly rips it off the hinges, whipping it open and striding into the hall.

Gwen is sprawled on the ground, wrapped up in her towel while James grins down at her with shining hazel eyes.

"Ninnie!!!" He cries, wrapping his arms around the Veela despite the angry glare he's getting from Sirius. "I've missed you, love!!"

Sirius groans when he hears doors open and thundering footsteps from above, Regulus and Remus appearing in the hallway with Dorcas in tow. The three say in unison, voices full of happiness, "Ninnie!"

"Yes, I do believe that is the unfortunate nickname you've all grown so attached to," Gwen muses, patting James on the back. Sirius looks up and finds Lily standing in the doorway of James' room, a very amused look on her face. Sirius can't help but ask grumpily, "Doesn't it bother you that your fiancé is hugging my naked girlfriend, Evans?"

"Not at all," Lily responds cheekily, "In fact I find it quite funny to watch it bother you, Black,"

Sirius scowls and rolls his eyes, snapping, "Prongs, off. Now."

James scrambles to his feet, saluting Sirius before shooting him a mischievous smile and extending his hands for Gwenyth. She reaches for him, but Sirius quickly pushes him out of the way, grasping her waist and pulling her up to her feet. He grumbles to himself, making sure the Veela's towel is tied tightly to keep herself covered.

"It's not like they haven't all seen it before," Gwen muses, earning a flat look from Sirius that has her explaining hurriedly, "Dorcas and Lily I mean."

Regulus snickers at his brother's irritated expression, Remus elbowing him gently in the side. Dorcas just quirks a brow and teases, "I saw her naked first, Black."

"Yes, Dorcas," Gwen says plainly. "And you didn't speak to me for a week after."

Sirius unsuccessfully hides a smile when Dorcas squawks, "It's not normal for people to walk around naked! It scared me!"

"I hate to break up the morning chat, but some people are trying to sleep,"

The teens freeze at the sleepy voice, all but Gwen refusing to turn. The Veela simply smiles, standing on her toes and peering over Sirius' shoulder while saying boredly,

"Sorry, Monty."

Fleamont Potter's eyes grow wide at the sight of the familiar being, his lips turning up in a disbelieving smile. Though when he realizes that both she and Sirius have just been showering his brows furrow and he balks, "What in Merlin's name are you two—"

"Not sex," Gwen interjects calmly, and Sirius' head falls forward, his hand smacking his forehead as he groans, "Fucking hell."

Fleamont turns a deep shade of pink, flustered and stuttering, "I-I—Gwen, please—"

When James snickers behind his hand, the elder wizard explodes, yelling, "Everyone back to their rooms! Now!"

James quickly grabs Lily and pulls her into his bedroom, the door slamming shut behind them just as Dorcas, Remus, and Regulus race back up the stairs.

Sirius shoots Fleamont a sheepish smile over his shoulder before shoving Gwen into the room they were now sharing and hurriedly closing the door behind them.

Sirius leans up against the door, exhaling slowly. He raises a fist to his mouth, staring at Gwen silently from where she now sits on the edge of the bed. She tilts her head to the side, her brows raising as she wonders, "Was it something I said?"

A few more beats of silence pass between them before Sirius races over and launches himself at the girl. Gwen starts laughing before her back even hits the mattress, loud and contagious as Sirius looks down at her with an exasperated expression.

"I think you're brain cells must have washed down the drain, Inferi," Sirius grunts, tickling her sides just so he can hear more of her laughter.

She was lucky she was cute.

{{love them. Okay, maybe tmi...but I feel like I can share here? And it's a sex health psa!!!! I had a...encounter...with a man...and I now have a uti. And boy does it suck. I think god is punishing me. Just to clarify—a uti is different from an std or sti!! I feel like I shouldn't have to say that if you all read smut...but some of you are children. So—pro sexual health! Drink cranberry juice to keep your urinary tract healthy! Everyone be there happiest, healthiest, sexiest selves!!! That's all :)) thanks for letting me share lol I might delete this later}}

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