Chapter 41

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{{MATURE—next one is steamy too ;)}}

Her lips obliterate him. Ruin him for anyone else.

He groans at the first contact, nipping and sucking at her lower lip aggressively. Punishingly. He's still fuming, pissed that he can fall back into her so easily after all this time. But he's been waiting, every part of him. Even without knowing.

Gwen gives into his wicked kiss willingly, her hands sliding up to hold onto his shoulders. She needed stability, because he made her legs weak. She sighs softly, her heart throbbing when he teasingly slips his tongue past her lips and then darts it away. His husky moan when she runs her tongue along his makes her toes curl in her wet shoes.

She whines when he pulls away from her lips, but nearly cheers in triumph when he latches on to her neck. He sucks at the damps skin, licking up the rolling raindrops that were decorating her throat. He can't get enough. He's starved for her, desperate for her emotionally and physically.

He tenses slightly when her cold hands slide under the sweater that's stuck to his skin. Her fingers tease the rippling skin of his abdomen, her eyes nearly rolling back when she traces the sexy lines that she knows dip into a teasing v below his belt.


Her throat voice saying his name has him hard in seconds, the taste of her rain soaked skin the sweetest delicacy he'd had. He sucks until he knows there will be a bruise, a mark to show that he was here. With her.

She tugs at his sweater, moaning softly when his lips return to hers. She wants to see him. All of him. And feel him. A fire burning in her soul rages for Sirius Black. And she's tired of fighting it, even if it's just this once.

"Ninnie," He mumbles, slanting his mouth on hers. She tugs again, trying her hardest to not grin when he leans back enough to pull the sweater up and over his head. His lips are back on hers instantly, whispering around them, "Like what you see?"

"My eyes are closed."

He swats her backside for the cheeky response and it sends heat straight to her core. A chuckle rumbles deep in his chest when he can feel her smile against his lips.

Her palms tingle from the heat of his skin, melting the ice around her heart. Her mind goes blank when she feels his hands teasing the skin barely showing above her belt, rearing back quickly like she's been burned.

He stares down at her silently, his brows furrowing slightly at the look in her eyes. He reckons it's the best he's ever been able to read her. She looks fearful, apprehensive.

"What?" He whispers, scared that anything louder will break the fragile atmosphere around them. He's scared too, scared that she's going to run.

"I-I don't..." She trails off, her words weak. She knows she has to say it. She has to be brave, something she wasn't very often. Her words come out angrier than she means for them to,

"I can't be just be another snog. Not to you. So let me go, if that's the case. And I won't be sad, I just can't be—"

"Merlin, Ninnie," He murmurs exasperatedly, leaning down to gently brush his lips over hers. He feels a pang of regret, because if he'd known that someday he would be this close to her he never would've wasted time with the other girls. "You have to know by now that you aren't just some snog."

She hesitates, a tiny smile tugging at her lips. He wants to see more, wants to see the tiny gap between her front teeth.

"I haven't snogged anyone since the first day back at Hogwarts. Not even that hufflepuff I went to the sodding tea shop with," He professes, his thumb coming up to trace her slightly swollen lips. "I've been too busy being pissed at you."

"You're cute when you're mad," She whispers, her tongue flicking out to wet her lower lip and in the process his thumb. He groans quietly, luxuriating in the feel of the soft skin of her lip against his finger, cursing lowly when she briefly pulls it into her mouth. She's surprisingly dark, sexy. It made him delirious because he was used to her passiveness.

Their shoes and socks go flying and then he's kissing her again, nipping at her lower lip and letting it go in between them before he calms the tingling sensation with his tongue. He's gentle but sure when he helps her peel her wet sweater from her skin, backing away to soak her in.

"Fuck," He grunts, his eyes tracing the gentle curve of her waist and the goosebumps across her skin. He feels like he's going to bust in his pants when he gazes at the petite swell of her breasts covered only by a pale blue bra. Blue.

He nearly smiles, finding that for someone that isn't very spirited about their house she seems to like it's colors. Gwen grows uncomfortable under his smoldering eyes, her arms moving to cover her chest.

She was small, never gifted in that department. Her mother had been curvy and beautiful like the rest of her distant family, and she was twiggy and flat. Plain. She felt plain. His hands reach out and grab her wrists, forcing them behind her back.

"Don't," He warns quietly, his tiny smile dangerous. He was hot, sinful. Gwen couldn't remember a time where she'd ever considered a boy sexy.

"You're fucking gorgeous, Gwen," He murmurs, lowering his head to press a kiss to her shoulder. She feels like she's glowing, because Sirius Black made her feel like she was anything but plain or boring beneath the blonde hair and blue eyes that she still hated sometimes. That still felt like a mask.

She arches into him when he parts his lips and presses a hot kiss to her chest, their naked torsos making sinful contact. More. She wants more. Again, she decides to take on some of his bravery. She reaches up and unclasps her bra, watching him as she slowly slides it down her arms.

Sirius bites down harshly on his lower lip, desire eating him up from the inside as he takes in her bare breasts. Her rosy nipples are peaked, and a large part of him hopes it's not the cold. But that she wants him too, needs him the way he needs her.

He groans quietly and mutters, "What are you doing to me, Inferi?"

She shrugs a little, looking rather nonplussed about it all now. He smirks slightly, still consumed by the need to challenge her. He slides his hands up from where they were resting on her hips and he gently cups her small breasts, his pants growing painfully tight when her head falls back and a sigh escapes her.

His rough palms drag across her sensitive skin, sending shocks up her spine. She moans quietly when he gently flicks her nipple with his thumb, the sensation shooting straight to her core. She couldn't have admitted it until then. She was turned on for him. Badly. It only gets worse when his lips replace his kneading hands, kissing and sucking and nipping at the tender flesh until he has to taste her sweet lips again. She pushes him back, moving them until his legs hit a bench.

He sits, craning his neck to keep his lips on hers, groaning when she pulls away. He watches in awe as she nonchalantly slips her damp jeans down her legs, leaving her only in a pair of sinful underwear. He gapes at her, his thumb reaching out to run along the lacy waistband of her dark blue knickers. Not at all what he imagined Gwen was wearing beneath her school clothes.

He groans when she smiles slightly and straddles his lap, rocking against his erection painfully slow. His eyes cross when he feels her lips on his chest, sucking and biting and licking.

He briefly wishes they weren't in the bloody quidditch tents, that he could do this properly, but then she's kissing him so slowly that it melts the worry away.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now