Chapter 85

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{{MATURE—if you don't read you won't miss anything important to the plot!}}

Gwen's sigh of contentment sings in his bones, his arms banding around her waist to lift her up.

Sirius begins walking them deeper into the abandoned classroom, goosebumps erupting across his arms when she slides her lips on his. Teasing, faint. He growls and slants his mouth on hers, nipping and sucking at her lower lip until she gasps, giving him the perfect opportunity to delve into her, revel in her sweetness.

He swallows her moans, stumbling slightly until he sits down in an old high back chair behind the large desk, pulling her into his lap.

A whine escapes Gwen, causing her to flush with embarrassment. But she shivers when she sees Sirius' grey eyes shift from silver to charcoal, lust and pure adoration making her want to make any and every noise just to see the look on his face.

She tugs at his robes, sliding them off his shoulders as he reconnects their needy mouths, his heart nearly stopping in his chest when he feels her tongue flirting with his. Sirius groans softly, unable to help how good this feels. How good she feels. To know that she wants him, craves him the way he constantly craves her, makes it that much better.

Gwen pulls away from his lips, dizzy from the taste of him. She presses her lips to his jaw, exhaling softly and feeling a tingle up her spine when she sees goosebumps appear on his skin. She grins slightly and glides her teeth down the side of his throat, testing his skin with her tongue before latching on and sucking gently.

She can feel him growing hard against the backs of her thighs and it makes her want to rip his clothes off unceremoniously. But she couldn't resist the temptation to tease, already enjoying the way his head is gently lolling to the side to give her more access to the tempting skin below his ear.

She bites gently, sucking and licking until her lips feel puffier and his neck has a collection of small bruises. She can't help but feel a little smug, eyes soaking in the way his forehead is creased and his lips are parted, his clenched eyes opening up to her slowly.

Gwen reckons it can't be natural for anyone to look as good as Sirius Black does now, with unruly hair and smoldering grey eyes. It's not fair, it has to be sin to look this kissable, this heart wrenchingly handsome. She has to remind herself to breath when his eyes meet hers, and this time it's him that has the knowing smile.

She moans quietly when he leans forward and nips at the skin above her pulse. He returns the favor, paints her neck with a pretty purple bruise while she slides off his tie and throws it aside. Her fingers deftly undo the buttons of his school shirt and the first touch of her palms against his bare chest has him sucking in air harshly.

Gwen smiles slightly, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to his muscular chest. Sirius groans, muttering, "Fucking hell, Inferi."

She can't help but laugh, leaning up to gently kiss his cheek before starting on the buttons of her own shirt. Sirius swats at her hands, replacing them with his own. He wants to do it, wants to be in control. Because otherwise he may just drown in her. Willingly.

He slowly pushed her shirt off her shoulders, heart thumping against his chest at the sight of her bra. Blue. He smiles slightly, deciding that he definitely likes her in blue. But he likes her better naked. He quickly discards the blue fabric and he leans down, presses a chaste kiss to her shoulder while mumbling, "I miss being able to shag in a bed, Ninnie."

She smiles slightly, leaning in to him and whispering, "I'll sneak you into my dorm next time."

Sirius grins, pressing another kiss to her shoulder before moving to connect their lips again. He loves when she smiles against him, loves when she laughs and her eyes twinkle with mischief. He loves her. He loves her.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now