Chapter 138

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{{I didn't edit so sorry if there are any mistakes! Also—thank you for being so kind and patient. I've been traveling and getting settled at my new job. It's away from my home so I'm a little homesick/down but writing helps! I'll try to update Monday's, Tuesday's, and Fridays, but I also might update in between. Thanks again and I love you!!!!}}

Gwen stares in horror at the words before her, feeling sick to her stomach.

She jumps when Sirius settles into his seat next to her. He instantly sees her face and quirks a brow, asking, "What's wrong, love?"

She grimaced and hands him her magazine, saying regretfully, "Look at this story. Why would she write in to WW and ask this?! When everyone will see it?"

Sirius' brows furrow and he begins to read. He visibly pales at the intimacy of the question and shoves the magazine back in her direction, squawking, "Why would you make me read that?!"

Gwen can't help the laugh that escapes her at his disgusted expression. Sirius scowls and shakes his head at her, his one hand coming up to sneak under her hair and squeeze the back of her neck punishingly. Gwen smirks and lets out a quiet moan, snickering when his look of disgust morphs into something far different.

Sirius shakes his head to clear the lust that instantly formed at the sound of her breathy noise, a look of exasperation quirking his brows instead as he asks, "Are you bored?"

"How can you tell?" Gwen asks, smiling when he squeezes her neck again. Sirius' lips twitch into a knowing smile as he teases, "Because you're being crazy."

Gwen grins, leaning up to peck his cheek. Sirius just chuckles, her silence and cheeky smile all the confirmation he needed. He scoots his chair closer to hers, playfully tugging at her hair. He looks away when Professor Soots enters the classroom, looking very excited.

"Everybody stand!" She cries happily. Gwen sighs and does what she says, standing next to Sirius as their desks go flying to the sides of the room.

"Today we will be dueling in pairs," The older witch crows, earning excited claps and hoots. Sirius instantly looks down at Gwen, finding her already looking at him. He grins and asks playfully, "Care to be my partner, Whitlock?"

"But of course, Black," She replies cheekily, gently elbowing him. They look away Professor Soots speaks, saying happily, "pair up and find another two people to duel. Do remember the proper etiquette!"

"Still bored?" Sirius asks his veela, smiling when she rapidly shakes her head. Gwen is practically vibrating with excitement when she and Sirius face Remus and Peter. Remus looks rather confident, composed. Peter looks like he's ready to piss his pants.

Sirius winks at Gwen before they both bow to their friends, being sure to properly follow the dueling rules.

"Ready?" Remus asks, looking at Gwen. He would face her while Peter tried to fend of Sirius. The Veela smiles plainly at her friend and nods, blinking as he readies himself. Remus hesitates before saying loudly, "Locomotor Mortis!"

He stares as Gwen merely raises her wand and waves it mindlessly, the curse easily deflected by her magic. Sirius chuckles from beside her and girls a curse towards Peter. He narrowly dodges, looking terrified as Sirius laughs.

Gwen glances at her boyfriend, smiling slightly when he nods her way. She sends a wordless curse to Remus, taking him by surprise and successfully stunning him. Only his eyes move as he stares in horror at Gwen, Sirius quickly stunning Peter as well.

Gwen smiles apologetically and undoes the curse, her eyes flickering to where Professor Soots is keeping tally of who wins. She feels a twinge of pride, seeing the tally next to her and Sirius names.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now