Chapter 160

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{{at laaaaaaast. WARNING: MATURE. Read at your own discretion. And enjoy ;) }}

It's embarrassing, how easily she falls back into him.

Though the anger, the frustration, it was still palpable between them, especially with the way he was kissing her. His hand slides down from her chin to hold her throat, his thumb stroking the side of her neck as he roughly tugs at her lower lip with his teeth.

Gwen pulls him in closer, her skin burning everywhere he touched, her mouth craving his desperately. She can't resist teasing his tongue with her own, her heart going wild when a throaty groan sounds from him. He grows more insistent, more impatient, his lips demanding and claiming every part of her. She gasps when he slips his free hand lower, pushes her shirt up around the bottom of her bra.

Gwen tries to stifle the moan that flies from her lips when his mouth moves to her neck, her mind still very clear on the fact that he had not used muffliato to conceal the fact that this train bathroom was in use for very unholy reasons.

She whimpers quietly when he sucks roughly on the skin between his fingers, biting and tugging with his teeth until a delicious ache spreads through her. She can feel his smirk, feel his gloating aura. She can't resist whispering shakily, "You're such a dick."

"You're such a dick, you infuriating being," He counters gruffly, smiling reluctantly when she laughs airily. When he lifts his head, Gwen grows dizzy from his lust blown pupils, the pure want in his eyes. He keeps his gaze locked on her, his hands busy with the button and zipper of her shorts. Gwen sucks in air greedily, uncomfortably breathless from the way he was looking at her. Only he could turn her into a mess of arousal just by looking at her.

"Please," He murmurs, leaning in to nuzzle her jaw before playfully biting her earlobe. She'd rather be angry with him than at him, so Gwen doesn't think twice, just breathes out, "Yes."

Her head falls back when his hands shove down her shorts, eagerly peeling them away before his fingers graze over her blue knickers. Her hips buck involuntarily into his hand, his warning look a promise of what's to come. She seeks his lips, eager to taste his wicked words that she knows he's holding back. She wanted him to be raw, filthy. She wanted him to be pure, just as he was.

He moans quietly at the contact, his thumb grazing over her heat so gently that it makes her legs shake. Gwen busies herself with marking his neck, pulling at his collar to reveal the spot above his pulse that she knows drives him crazy. She traces the spot with her tongue, a shiver running up her spine when his head falls back and he whispers her name.

He suddenly leans back, pinning her hips to the wall with his own. She can feel his arousal and moans quietly at the sensation of him grinding against her. Her eyes have trouble opening, her head full of lusty fog that makes her delirious. She can't help her slight confusion when he lifts his one hand between them, her eyes catching his rings again.

Her mouth grows dry when he pulls off the one he has that matches hers and pockets it. She expects him to do the same with the other, but then his smile turns dangerous and he slowly pulls it off of his pointer finger, his hand snatching up her own and sliding the ring onto her thumb.

"For safe keeping," He mumbles, half-lidded eyes staring at her calmly. But she feels anything but calm, not with his ring on her finger and his now bare fingers coming to rest on her lips. She knows what he wants. And fuck, she wants it too.

His breathing hitches when she parts her lips and slides her mouth over his two fingers, his erection painfully hard as he whispers, "Good girl."

He nearly moans when he pulls his fingers from her sinful mouth, her body arching into his touch when he pulls her panties to the side and teases her opening with the fingers she'd just wet with her tongue. She cries out when he thrusts into her without warning, his fingers curling deep inside of her.

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now