Chapter 164

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When Sirius wakes, he isn't surprised to find that the sheets are cold in the absence of Gwen.

He is slightly disappointed. He liked waking up before her, snuggling into her warmth and breathing in the smell of jasmine. He even liked waking her up, watching her sweet face grow grumpy as she stirs.

He stretches his arms over his head before sitting upright, his eyes instantly finding her trunk open at the foot of the bed. He bites back a grin at the messily packed clothes, wondering how someone could be so neat in some aspects and a complete tornado in others.

He searches for his pajama pants from the night before, his brows furrowed when he finds that they aren't on the ground where he'd kicked them off. Gwen was like a furnace at night, and Sirius often resulted to sleeping as close to naked as possible, his feet poking out from under the blankets to try and cool off. He wouldn't trade it though. He'd slept cold far too many nights.

He digs through his own trunk, quickly pulling on a shirt and sweatpants before quietly tiptoeing from the guest room. He pads down the stairs, frowning when he sees that the kitchen is empty. He comes up empty in the family room and Fleamont's library. He wanders back to the kitchen, his ears perking when he hears quiet voices.

Sirius walks to the back door and pulls it open, face smiling and lips poised to say something cheeky. But the sight before him causes him to stop short.

Mia sits comfortably on the edge of her rocking chair, facing away from Sirius and out toward the garden. Gwenyth perches on a stool by her feet, the older witch gently brushing out the birds nest that the Veela's hair had tangled in while sleeping.

Fleamont sits a few feet away in his own chair, a Witch Weekly magazine clasped between his fingers while he listens to Gwen quietly read out,

"Defense Against the Dark Arts—Outstanding."

Sirius' is almost certain that his heart is going to leap from his chest because the Veela that was so convinced she was not meant for academics, the one that had refused to study, and refused to place any importance on her N.E.W.Ts was reading out her scores to the Potters.

"Brilliant," Mia says gently, her hands taking great care to unwind the pearly strands between her fingers. Fleamont smiles, peering over his glasses and encouraging, "What else, Gwen?"

The Veela let's out a hesitant noise, slowly muttering, "I got an Acceptable in potions."

"That's more than okay," Fleamont reminds her, flipping to the next page of the magazine. Mia smiles and says warmly, "What about divination? You liked that one, yeah?"

Sirius can practically see the pride rolling off the Veela when her head lifts from her scores and she replies, "Yes. I got an Exceeds Expectations."

"That's a rather difficult one!" Mia admonishes, one hand coming down to squeeze the girl's shoulder. Gwen laughs and replies, "I suppose it is."

Fleamont chuckles, leaning forward in his chair to wonder, "And Astronomy?"

Sirius holds his breath, his lips turned up in a smile when the Veela admits begrudgingly, "Outstanding."

He brings his hand up to his face, pressing to try and physically force his smile away. This girl. He shakes his head to himself, stifling his laughter when Mia and Monty share a pointed look, matching grins on their faces.

"What?!" Gwen finally cries, throwing her hands into the air. Sirius backs away, hiding just behind the door when he sees Gwen begin to turn. Mia sighs and turns her back around so she can continue to work through her tangled hair, her voice dripping with amusement as she says, "Nothing, dear."

One Step Ahead part I | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now